OPEN LETTER to "Rabbi Avi Billet - Mohel in South Florida" and - TopicsExpress


OPEN LETTER to "Rabbi Avi Billet - Mohel in South Florida" and every other person who destroys Mother ~ Father Creator´s creation. Sucking on a child´s genital and cutting the healthy prepuce from a child is CHILD ABUSE! ... is an ANTI-CREATOR ACT! ... is an ANTI-HUMAN ACT! ... you only do this because you have been blinded in heart and mind from childhood on. Here I help you SEE. Avi ahavati. (Avi my love). The truth - sometimes - is not easy to be heard. "In times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes an evolutionary act". So while I do knoe, that the truth I tell you, is the inconvenient truth in your ears, listen carefully, because I speak it to your heart. Yes, I speak the truth to the imposed psychopathic blinded in heart and mind from childhood on. Dogmatized, indoctrinated, brainwashed - abused - misused. Yes, you are imposed psychopathic blinded in heart and mind from childhood on. Dogmatized, indoctrinated, brainwashed - abused - misused. And for what reason? And all this for the sake of - for the protection of - for the continuation of a religion calling itself "Judaism", while being estranged from TRUE JUDAISM, just the same as is TRUE COMMON SENSE from the perverted act of removing a healthy body part, e.g.: from cutting the healthy prepuce from a child, and the no less perverted act of sucking on a child´s genital. Only FAKE JUDAISM ((which of course is no Judaism at all, but the opposit of the value of True Humanism (True Judaism)), only the deeply blinded heart and mind is able to do such an act. True Judaism is the same as True Humanism, which in its intrinsic nature has nothing to do with, but firmly opposes any form of "religion" and certainly also any act of infliction of preventable injury to any human or other form of creation. So it is clear that True Judaism is not based on "make-believe", on "rituals", on "tradition" and certainly has nothing to do with destroying any form of creation; but is based upon KNOWLEDGE of Mother ~ Father Creator (Elokim) and TRUE HUMAN IDENTITY, its ability, its possibility and its limitation! The TRUE JEW, and for that matter a TRUE HUMAN, and for that matter a REAL MOTHER ~ a REAL FATHER would NEVER be ready to destroy GOD´s CREATION ... would NEVER be ready to cut a healthy body part from a child ... would NEVER be ready to inflict preventable injury on any human or any other creature. REAL MEN and REAL WOMEN know to protect every child equally! REAL MEN and REAL WOMEN DO NOT MUTILATE CHILDREN! ... so you can say and think you were a "Jew", but since you are ready to mutilate the child, and since you are ready to suck on a child´s genital, you are NOT a JEW, but you are a very very sick, perverted human, who has been psychopathically blinded in heart and mind from childhood on. You not only are NO TRUE JEW, but you are also NOT A REAL MEN. You know what REAL MEN DO if someone intents to mutilate the child? I tell you what REAL MEN, REAL WOMEN, TRUE MOTHERS and FATHERS DO: They do all to PREVENT THIS CRIME with all their mental and physical ability! They will NEVER allow anyone to mutilate the child and certainly also not to suck on the child´s genital! Yes, this may be the inconvenient truth for you and everyone who does / think wrong as you, but it is true: An upright human ~ a true parent ... and in this also a TRUE JEW would NEVER think and do as you do. And one more thing: Mother ~ Father Creator (naturally also the creator of the healthy foreskin), is in full agreement with me, but not at all with you. I love all creation, and in this so naturally, I love every human too, and so I of course love also you, but I certainly do not love every deed you do. Amen. Prof. Amen Ronald Oberhollenzer- Paternoster Jerusalem, Friday 21st June 2013
Posted on: Fri, 21 Jun 2013 16:44:52 +0000

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