OPEN MESSAGE TO MY HUSBAND (Im already aware of those that have - TopicsExpress


OPEN MESSAGE TO MY HUSBAND (Im already aware of those that have judgments about these kinds of posts from many who often do the same thing, so please scroll by if this irritates you. It actually does need to be said.) -- Just got my answer to the counterpetition. LOL You really should have proof before putting baloney on legal documents. First of all, if you have been paying by yourself all of your numerous bills that accumulated by moving in with a woman and 2 children, that is not my punishment financially. That is your own...and I said IF, because IF she has not been contributing, which can be proven, then she will be by next week given the fact that you got her a job where you work (where you were hired without a high school diploma that I earned for you, for which you lied on your application), the same place where you would never let me work for fear of what people would say about your marrying an older woman for citizenship. Secondly, I do get half the 401K because the other half of the marriage, ME, worked to contribute to marital expenses as well...and IF I had a 401K or any SAVINGS, which I do not, then yes, you would get half as well, but I do not...and I do not make more than you. You stated that you worked very hard for what you have earned the last 6 years with your employer. Guess what?! I worked hard too, and income in a marriage is JOINT ASSETS. I did your homework for you all of the time and worked many more hours for less pay, while you accused me of doing nothing during the day. I work now per diem at 24 given hours a week, sometimes a few more when others are out. This means I have no 401K to contribute to, plus my health insurance is 3 times the cost of yours if not more, and I pay it myself. I have a tiny side job that takes my weekends so that I can LIVE. Somehow, you convinced yourself that I make more than you because I work 2 jobs. YOU are the reason I have to do this, and I earn less. You said I wanted to TAKE the car? No, that car is dirty to me now. I wanted YOU to take responsibility for the loan on the car, which you did not do in your messed up divorce petition. READ my counter. You wanted a BIG car, the same way you wanted a BIG apartment and BIG everything apparently. The loan company wanted my income as well because, at the time, yours was not enough. Hence, my name on the loan. No, you cannot ask the loan company to take someones name off, but you should know this by now. It has to be a new loan. LOL Mistake...huge mistake in your wording on the answer. You could have negotiated. You did NOT GIVE me everything when you walked out. YOU ABANDONED OUR MARRIAGE, WHICH IN THE U.S. IS A REAL CONTRACT. You will not make it appear that you did all and I did nothing. I worked many more hours than you, made less than you (but did support you when you arrived, paid several times the very expensive steps of your residency status BEFORE you got here AND after, and supported you as well when you were laid off. I made more than you when you had to take a temp job but did I rub that in your face like you did every chance you could when you made more than me? NO!). You said you paid all the bills for March when you left and can prove it. You paid more than your usual on February 2 for the month of February, and by February 22, you had an apartment to park your car at during the week, while you went gallivanting to St. Cloud and Kissimmee to seduce others, coming home once or twice a week to make sure I was still buying your need for the remaining savings and telling me that youre still in love with me, hoping to get me to continue to help you with your homework. The end of May you stopped your pretense with me because you applied for a newer, more expensive apartment to house your easy target. Not my fault that your expenses suddenly grew. Thats yours Mister. You did not pay March bills. I ASKED you to cosign on the new lease because you walked out AFTER the required 60 days notice, and I felt you owed it to me. Lucky for you, I signed for 8 months instead of a year at only $2 more a month than the year lease. WE paid BILLS TOGETHER because our MONEY in the MARRIAGE is joint. Mine arrived late...your justification for walking out. That month was the ONE month you did that, to justify the plans you had ALREADY made for yourself. WE saved $100 of your pay every week because you said you were going home to see your sick mother. You contributed a chunk of your pay to a 401K, which I was unable to do because all of my income went to US, nothing to ME. You convinced me when you left that I could only take 2K because you needed the rest to go home and see your mom, but BLEW IT ALL IN THE SHORT MONTHS AFTER ON YOUR FUN LIFE. If I had known then what I discovered too late, that our joint savings would have been spent trying to impress others, I would have been within my rights to take that money as well. Oh and you said in your answer, Every week, I bring home $--- to $---, which adds up to approximately $----- a month. I believe by doing the math, there is no way I can make the payments she is asking for, in my opinion she is the one who should have to pay me $(same amount I asked for in counter) because she makes more money than I do. Hilarious. I bring home a little more than 1/3 of what you state you bring home. I think I failed big time when I taught you math, plus you gave up your right to request alimony in your petition. I make A LOT less than you, have proof of that and WILL GET PROOF OF YOUR LIES REGARDING BILLS, WHO PAYS EXPENSES WHERE YOU ARE, AND EVERYTHING I NEED IF YOU WANT TO FORCE THIS. I have to live in a lower rent apartment because of what you did to our marriage. I did not move in with another man with children and claim them as the reason why I cant afford responsibility toward our marriage. You left our marriage WITH more than what you came to the US with...a JOB THAT YOU GOT BECAUSE YOU MARRIED ME, AN EDUCATION THAT I WORKED HARD FOR YOU DOING YOUR HOMEWORK, ETC., AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, YOU HAD A WIFE WHO WOULD HAVE DONE ANYTHING IN THE WORLD FOR YOU WITHOUT COMPLAINT BECAUSE SHE LOVED YOU MORE THAN YOU WILL EVER KNOW FROM ANOTHER HUMAN BEING THE REST OF YOUR LIFE. THE LIFE YOU HAVE NOW? THATS THANKS TO ME TOO, AND YOURE WELCOME. To clear up the petty BS you tried well after you left me...that exercise bike you claimed as yours after you said you wanted nothing from our apartment...yes, you won that via your work but asked me to pick out what I wanted because you had a free membership at the gym from work, so I considered it one of the few gifts that you never bought all by yourself. You would even come home and accuse me of doing nothing all day, not even using your bike, as you called it. So, you made it mine. Just because you wanted her butt on it after you saw that it needed it as much does not mean that I re-gift. The clothes you arrived with were mostly clothes that I bought for you and you brought with you in a leather backpack that I even bought for you. I am MORE your loss than YOU are my lesson, dude. Need more? Ive got it. See you in court.
Posted on: Thu, 05 Jun 2014 15:56:22 +0000

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