OPEN leTTer to MY LIVEssssssssss and openINg of The - TopicsExpress


OPEN leTTer to MY LIVEssssssssss and openINg of The A.P.O.C.A.L.Y.P.S.E: It comes to ONE point when A WOMAN needs to say the TRUTH aboVe HER ALL... The REAL deal is that there is no ME without YOU ALL, even though and beyond MY SO CALLED DOG’s LIFE and WAY beyond my SOUNDING MIND UNI.VERSE… The possibility of having YOU ALL gone is out of queSTion for ME: it’s ALL or nothing… And I confess that I am so afraid to lOOse, because I know I can’t bear LIFE without this LOVE OF MINE… There is REALly no sense IN being alive in a UNI.VERSE that YOU ALL don’t exiST so, if YOU go, it will ALL go along with YOU, just like the TIME it takes fOr a blink of AN EYE… Just like ROMEO AND JULIET, and I HOPE WE HAVE A beTTer ending, or beTTer sayINg, a different BEginning, I have no reaSON to keep on going with nothing else if MY HEART is no longer with ME, for I need it’s beating to feel alive, not to be alive, but to feel alive, wich ends up being the same thing for ME: yeAp, it’s ALL or nothing… It’s ALL or nothing, I have nothing to lOOse and, STill, I’m so afraid to get hurt along THE WAY but, above ALL, I am afraid to lOOse YOU ALL for this complete madness that you all created and that is no longer LIFE anymore, but a bad cancer tumor that if not transformed in TIME, will have to disappear in order for the rest of the UNI.VERSE’s body to keep being alive: but THE EARTH IS MY HEART… so how can I live without MY HEART? I simply can’t so, for ME, it’s ALL or nothing: for ME there is no REASON without YOU, there is no reaSON for a whOle UNI.VERSE to live if the HEART is gone, if the HEART vanishes from it’s LOVER… Simple like that: no HEART, no BEATING, no YOU, no ME, no UNI.VERSE, no nothing: it’s ALL or nothing… It’s ALL OR NOTHING for ME. ALL this said, HERE IS MY CALLING AND PLEAD to YOU ALL… and when I say YOU ALL, I REALly mean every single being aroUNd the planet: every artist, politician, religious peOple, worker and civils of every single kINd, mother, father, grandparents, son, daughter, child, lover and everyONE… I need the HELP of ALL OF YOU in every single WAY possible from now on so, pleAse, STAND BY ME and CALL ME mayBEE, OOk: I=ÃM waiting for Y.O.U ... .-) facebook/l.php?
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 00:38:19 +0000

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