OPEN the link! Cheri Nocita Berens I just heard the tail end - TopicsExpress


OPEN the link! Cheri Nocita Berens I just heard the tail end of a news report about possible terror attacks in the U.S. & it mentioned that the NYPD at one time had a counter-terrorist department but that it had been dismantled. I was shocked by this info. I witnessed the Muslim Brotherhood takeover in Egypt first hand and the atrocities they committed. Before the takeover they had made themselves out to be peaceful Muslims doing good deeds for the Egyptian people (similar to MB, CAIR & other groups in the U.S.—they declare themselves peaceful & helpful—lies—they just want to gather supporters and fool the general public while they gain a majority). After witnessing the MB attack police almost daily, people tortured, disembowelments & much worse for 3 yrs, I began to wonder about MB in America & mosque building in America in general. What I found was shocking. After 9/11 the NYPD went undercover & infiltrated mosques in NY city & found that mosques teach radicalization. They then did a study & reported more frightening findings. Other studies were then done & found even more frightening findings about what goes on in mosques throughout the U.S., not just NYC. First of all, I know from living in Egypt & studying Islam in Egypt for years, that Islam teaches hatred & violence & that Islam’s goal is to takeover the world (convert or kill all non-Muslims). It is the mainstay of Islamic doctrine. And Islamic doctrine is what is taught in all mosques. So the findings in these studies were a no-brainer for me. But Americans, & the west in general, have been purposefully denied the truth about Islam. And now I hear that NYPD (and probably other major city police depts) have dismantled their counter-terror depts! Hey, maybe that’s why all this hatred towards police has started up—deliberately—so our police departments are weakened during a time when we need them the most! The following are statistics on mosques in America: 84.5% of the mosques have imams who recommend studying violence positive texts and literature; 81% have texts on site advocating violence. Of the mosques that contained severely violent materials: 100% -ALL were led by imams who recommended that worshippers study violent materials and literature--literature that promotes violence on non-Moslems. 100% -ALL of the imams promoted violent jihad; 98% promoted the establishment of a Caliphate in the U.S.; 100% praised terror attacks against the U.S.; 78% invited guest speakers known for promoting violent jihad. The 2007 NYPD report titled “Radicalization in the West” identified the implementation of Islamic Law & the establishment of a global Islamic state (Caliphate) as the driving ideology behind jihadists in the U.S. & that jihad is obligatory for all Moslems. The NYPD report identified “signatures”. Some of these signatures are wearing traditional Islamic clothing & growing a beard. For women, wearing the veil or headscarf in public (by the way, I’ve studied the Quran—in Arabic, and all Hadith, Sunna & Islamic literature: veiling and headscarfs are NOT a religious requirement in Islam--therefore when a Moslem woman wears one in a free society such as the U.S., she is making a statement against democracy and for Islamic Law). For more info about the dangers of mosque building & some statistics, see:…
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 01:09:39 +0000

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