OPINION:UHARI FAR FROM WHAT NIGERIA NEEDS, GEJ STILL THE RIGHT MAN FOR THE JOB(Part 1) Its been a while that I have been silent on politics. Im launching my first comeback with an exposition on why Muhammadu Buhari of the famous APC is not a candidate to be reckoned with in the upcoming election. I have kept on wondering what a man like Buhari has to offer Nigeria right from the last election. Though I was not qualified to vote but I was indeed never interested in encouraging anyone to give a trial. Buhari has so many ill why he is not the right leader for the Federal Republic of Nigeria while GEJ has trillions of reason to continue handling the leadership mantle I dont want any member of APC to see this write-up as a stain to their party neither should any member of PDP see this article as a credit to their party. It is just a sample of opinion which can assist any of the aforementioned party in their choice of candidacy in order to be assured of victory. I stand to be corrected though, I am no fan of any political party as far as the Federal Republic of Nigeria is concerned because my research prooved that all of them are all equal. Only some individuals stand out to live up to expectation of the people not because of the orientation from their parties but for the passion they have for the masses. I believe that a political guru should not have difficulty in listing out examples of such people in both political parties I could vividly recall last year after Muhammadu Buhari lost the presidential election to GEJ, he openly declared that he would make the administration ungovernable for GEJ. A brief analysis of this statement shows that Buhari is yet to understand politics as a game in which a winner must emerge. The leader we need in this country must understand this major point. Buharis statement shows that he has no passion for the feelings of every Nigerians. As at 2011, our opinion sampled out GEJ but Buhari thought we were foolish not to have chosen him and made such an implicating public statement. With respect to this statement, I can accuse him of having a contribution to the incessant strike of BOKO HARAM in the North-Eastern part of Nigeria. A leader that does not respect the opinion of his people and give them chance to be convinced is not worthy to lead. Permit me to say GEJ never responded him despite his threat. This is a clear display of great leadership quality. GEJ respected the opinion of one of his follower and never attacked him for such an odd statement. Even when it seems things were getting tough, he carried the cross, accepted insults from the masses (their opinions) and gradually, he is coming out stronger. That is a leader, he faces the challenges of the people and endure with all humility, the pain from the itch it causes. Now back to Buhari, you have forgotten that even when two elephant fights, the grass suffers it. You have gone ahead to wage war against your opponent thinking that you are staining him. You have only punished the masses you intended to lead. Imagine the million of soul that have suffered due to INSURGENCY. Are you now telling us that you are qualified to lead the people that you are punishing? (You have not learnt from the story of Muhammar Gadafi of Libya, Read up on that) Secondly, Muhammadu Buhari, even though he claims to be innocent of the Insurgency in the North-Eastern part of Nigeria through the bombing of his car in a recent planned attack, has not washed his hands off totally because all Nigerians are now intelligent and they know the truth. The same bombing that rocked some other places bigger than your whole entourage team and left thousands lifeless could not even leave you injured. Thank to GEJ, the leader that have the interest of his people at heart. Rather than condemning your act, he praised the Almighty God for saving your lives and gave you security from more trained security personnels. I love the real leader (GEJ). Still on the issue of the Insurgency, what has been your effort to bring an end to it? You felt that it was the duty of the president to do that and you claim that you are passionate about leading Nigeria. GEJ, I will start by praising God for what he has done through you. If you dont know, we are keeping records. During your tenure as the Vice-President, you lead a group of other to the creek to secure the surrendering of the Niger-Delta militant which stood as a threat to the smooth running of the nation as at then. I knew you did this because it was your terrain and you really did a great job to secure them amnesty. They were fighting for their right. But Mr. Buhari, if you had properly trained your loyal to listen to you, why couldnt you secure the surrendering of BOKO HARAM if you had no hand in it. I even learnt that it got to a point that they were requesting for amnesty on behalf of BOKO HARAM, Amnesty for what? For slaughtering your own brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers and relative for an unjust course? Mr. Buhari, as an elder stateman, I expected to see you at the fore-front of this battle and moreso, you were not just a Nigerian elder stateman but a Northern elder stateman. You stood aside waiting for our vote and then tell your people to reinforce themselves and then at the end Islamize the country. You better change your orientation because God is bigger than you. God has given everyone right to make choice and so, depriving them of that right is fighting against God I thin I am tired of typing for now and I need to break this. Watch out for Part 2 but dont be surprise to hear that something has happened before the part 2 even comes out. Listen, Mr. Buhari and hid agents, you are free to come after me. I am not a coward. I dont hide myself because I know I am saying the truth. Let me encourage you and make you more furious, For me to live is Christ, to die is gain. You cant stop me if you are not permitted by the Almighty God. I love Buhari I love GEJ I love Nigeria Forever will remain in the service of my father land ONNI, Joseph Yusuf
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 05:47:47 +0000

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