#OPINION WE ALL HAVE OUR STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES: WE CAN COMPLEMENT EACH OTHER IN BARINGO By Julius Akeno Baringo County is inhabited by three communities:-Tugen being the majority, followed by the Pokot and Ilchamus in that order. Each community is independent by its right and has its inherent unique strengths and weaknesses that form basis of its survival and bargains. As a County, we can only build on their strengths and look for better ways of turning the weaknesses into strengths, otherwise, whether we like it or not, there is little we can do to a community or wish them away. Looking at the map of Baringo County, East Pokot, an area inhabited by a quarter of the county’s total population is occupying a half of the county’s total landmass. With its sparse population and a general underdevelopment, it seats on abundant natural resources that can generate a lot of revenue to the county if exploited, and create employment opportunities. This contrasts sharply with the other parts of Baringo which are over populated with limited natural resources. In terms of human resource, the Tugen have the largest schooled population with varied and highly specialized technical skills compared to Pokot and Ilchamus. The skills within Tugen community can be used to benefit the Pokot and Ilchamus, while the huge resources in Pokot land can be a panacea to the acute problem of unemployment in Tugen land. This symbiotic relationship will not be achieved in the atmosphere of suspicion and hatred. We are all aware that economies are build through exploitation of resources and trade. Any trader in Baringo can attest to the fact that the Pokot and Ilchamus are luxurious and usually go a spending spree on things they think are good for them. The two communities are spenders and they buy from any trader regardless of where they come from unlike their fellow Tugens who tend to buy mostly from their own. This spending habit of the two communities is advantageous to Tugen traders who dominate much of the businesses in the county. Businesses will not thrive in an atmosphere of suspicion and hatred. Socially, the Pokot and Ilchamus are very proud and abrasive people. They talk straight their minds, show their dislike openly and can readily step on one’s toe, but once they are in agreement, they carry it through. On the other hand, the Tugen are diplomatic, calculative, patient, evasive and bureaucratic. In a competitive world, a leader does not only need diplomacy and calculative moves, but also aggressiveness to make things happen fast. By complementing each other, Baringo can have a hybrid leadership by breeding a lion and a fox. Machiavelli once advised kings to have both qualities of a lion and a fox in order to be more effective. History will help us understand our past so that we avoid mistakes of history and build on its successes to better our lives. It is unfortunate that we are spending much time talking and pointing fingers at each other but no time to take action on the ground as leaders. There is no time all our Mps, Governor, senator and professionals have convene a meeting as Baringo leaders to seriously address the inter-community animosities. We are hypocritical. We are on the top of a tree shouting while the child is being mauled by a hyena under the tree. Usually a loving and caring parent will climb down the tree and fight the hyena. Let us not cheat ourselves that outsiders will solve our internal problems; they also have their hands full with their own. Look not outside, we are the ones to solve it.
Posted on: Mon, 26 May 2014 16:09:11 +0000

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