OPPOSING FORCE Moses ascended to the highest consciousness of - TopicsExpress


OPPOSING FORCE Moses ascended to the highest consciousness of all; he was the most perfect, selfless vessel. Jesus, Buddha and Mohammed, ascended to this level of consciousness that were a high degree of compassion and wisdom. When a righteous person overcomes all his corrections, he spends the rest of his life taking on other people’s corrections and helps them ascend. When a righteous chooses to serve mankind he fulfills his last corrections. The story of Moses reveals the strength of opposing forces in our lives. One day, Moses went away to speak with the creator to conspiracies the end of suffering of mankind. God warned Moses of the false Jews, but Moses refused to listen and took them into his covern. By this time, the Earth had reached the end of an era to give rise to a world of pure harmony and light, but something terrible happened that changed the course of our entire history. As Moses was meant to be at Mt Sinai that day because he came back late by six days, in that time, the false Jews created a Golden calf to worship and contaminated the consciousness of the righteous Jews. As a result of this occurrence, the tablets were no longer in synch with the consciousness of the pure Jews and Moses could not complete the transition. He had to wait until the next era. The false Jews knew of Moses plan, but were filled with greed and power, and coming from their ego-did not want the end of suffering. The morale is, whenever we ascend our consciousness, there is always an opposing force in our life. Like the hero to the villain, there are always people in our lives that force us to reach the greatest depths of our ego, to arise to our greatest compassion, and do so by challenging us and impeding our way. People who inhibit your growth are in actual fact blessings that you are heading in the right direction. The purpose of opposing forces serves as an obstacle that prepares us for the greater good that takes us beyond our limits. A lot of people are in great misery and will inhibit your progression because they are ignorant and it is their intuition to radiate destruction. BUT they all serve as a test to elevate our consciousness and we do so, by not reacting to their intuition; we don’t have to be other people’s darker reflections. Obstacles exist as a divine plan to help us exceed our virtue. Everything we desire will one day be ours but we must love those we cannot forgive, and have faith in consciousness. For the highest consciousness is the greatest wealth, and grows with every opposing force we conquer, and every evil we surpass. Although the righteous may suffer the most, they do inherit the kingdom of God, and succeed victory in the long term endeavours. Be patient, and true to the creator within.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 10:37:29 +0000

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