ORAL REVIEW (WEEK STARTING JUNE 24, 2013) 1. Like the copper - TopicsExpress


ORAL REVIEW (WEEK STARTING JUNE 24, 2013) 1. Like the copper serpent that Moses placed on a pole in the wilderness, the Son of God was impaled or fastened on a stake, thus appearing to many as an evildoer and a sinner, like a snake, being in the position of one cursed. (De 21:22, 23; Ga 3:13; 1Pe 2:24) In the wilderness a person who had been bitten by one of the poisonous serpents that Jehovah sent among the Israelites evidently had to gaze at the copper serpent in faith. Similarly, to gain everlasting life through Christ, it is necessary to exercise faith in him. 2. When do Christ’s followers receive life in themselves, or enter into the fullness of life? For the anointed Kingdom heirs, this happens at their resurrection to heavenly life as immortal spirit creatures. (1 Corinthians 15:52, 53; 1 John 3:2) Jesus’ “other sheep” experience entry into the fullness of life after the end of his Thousand Year Reign. By then, they will have been tested, found faithful, and declared righteous for everlasting life in the Paradise earth.—John 10:16; Revelation 20:5, 7-10. 3 Revealing the personality of Jehovah God When it comes to teaching others about Jehovah, no one is more qualified than God’s own Son, the one who became known as Jesus Christ. As “the firstborn of all creation,” Jesus lived alongside Jehovah in heaven longer than any other spirit creature. (Colossians 1:15) Think about the opportunities he had to absorb his Father’s thinking and learn His will, standards, and ways. What Jesus did in revealing his Father might be illustrated by what an electric transformer does. Such a device can take in electricity of high voltage and change it into lower voltage, thus making it suitable for use by the average consumer. When on earth, Jesus took what he had learned in the heavens about his Father and transmitted it in ways that lowly humans on earth could readily grasp and easily apply. Consider two important ways in which Jesus revealed his Father. ▪ In his teaching, Jesus made known the truth about Jehovah—His name, his purpose, and his ways.—JOHN 3:16; 17:6, 26. ▪ By his actions, Jesus revealed many beautiful facets of Jehovah’s personality. Jesus reflected his Father’s personality so perfectly that he could, in effect, say: ‘If you want to know what my Father is like, just look at me.’—JOHN 5:19; 14:9. We marvel at the way Jesus lived. We can benefit immeasurably if we examine why he died and if we act in harmony with what we learn. 4. Look again at the above-quoted words. Notice that when Jesus saw Mary and those with her weeping, he “groaned” and “became troubled.” The original-language words used here indicate intense emotions. Jesus was deeply moved by what he saw. The surge of strong emotions within him was evident as his eyes brimmed with tears. Clearly, Jesus’ heart was touched by the pain of others 5. By washing the feet of his disciples, Jesus provided a powerful lesson in humility. Yes, followers of Jesus should be willing to perform the humblest services for one another. 6 How will that active force help us? Jesus explained to his disciples: “The helper, the holy spirit, which the Father will send in my name that one will teach you all things and bring back to your minds all the things I told you.” (John 14:26) As we regularly and prayerfully study God’s Word, including all the sayings of Christ, holy spirit will increase our comprehension of Jehovah’s deep wisdom, so that we can follow his will closely. (1 Cor. 2:10) Additionally, at any unexpected turn in the road to life, the spirit will show us the way to go. It will bring to mind Bible principles that we have already learned and help us to grasp how they apply in directing our next step. 7. Peter was asked if he loved Jesus more than “these,” that is, the fish that were before them. Jesus thus stressed the need for Peter to choose to follow him full-time instead of pursuing a fishing career. After considering the Gospel accounts, may we be strengthened in our resolve to love Jesus more than any other things that might attract us. Yes, let us wholeheartedly continue following him. 8. GENEROSITY 9 Was Stephen praying to Jesus? No, he was not. One’s worship—and therefore one’s prayers—should go only to Jehovah God. (Luke 4:8; 6:12) Under normal circumstances, Stephen would have appealed to Jehovah in the name of Jesus. (John 15:16) In this instance, though, Stephen had a vision of “the Son of man standing at God’s right hand.” (Acts 7:56) Fully aware that Jesus had been given the power to resurrect the dead, Stephen spoke, but did not pray, directly to Jesus, asking Him to safeguard his spirit. 10 Notice that Barnabas took the initiative to assist Saul. No doubt this kind act helped to foster the warm friendship that developed between these zealous servants of Jehovah. Do you, like Barnabas, willingly assist new ones in the congregation, working with them in the field service and helping them to progress spiritually? You will be richly rewarded if you do. If you are a new publisher of the good news, do you, like Saul, accept the help that is offered to you? By working along with more experienced publishers, you will improve in your skill in the ministry, your joy will increase, and you will form bonds of friendship that can last a lifetime. ENJOY THE ORAL REVIEW
Posted on: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 08:43:20 +0000

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