ORDER OF SAINT AUGUSTINE Iisang Samahan ng mga - TopicsExpress


ORDER OF SAINT AUGUSTINE Iisang Samahan ng mga Augustinians Constitution PREAMBLE We, the formandees of the Order of St. Augustine (OSA), imploring the aid of the Almighty God, in order to establish an organization that provides opportunities to promote the general welfare of the formandees, encourage cooperation, camaraderie, connectedness and foster unity among its formandees, do hereby promulgate this constitution. ARTICLE I: NAME AND DOCILE Section 1: The organization shall be known as Iisang Samahan ng mga Augustinians (ISA). Section 2: The organization has sovereignty among all the formandees of the Order of St. Augustine from the Province of Sto. Niño de Cebu, Augustinian Sisters of Our Lady of Consolation, Province of the Most Holy Name of Jesus of the Philippines-Vicariate of the Orient, and the Contemplative Nuns of the Mother of Good Counsel. Section 3: The office and residence of the Iisang Samahan ng mga Augustinians (ISA) shall be at the following Augustinian Formation Houses: San Agustin Center of Studies (SACS), Quezon City; San Agustin Seminary (SAS), Makati City; La Consolacion Convent (ASOLC-Mother House), San Juan City; Seminario San Agustin (SSA), Manila City and Contemplative Nuns (CN) of the Mother of Good Counsel, San Jose del Monte-Bulacan. ARTICLE II: GUIDING PRINCIPLES Section 1: The guiding principles of the Iisang Samahan ng mga Augustinians (ISA) are as follows: 1.1. To promote friendship, camaraderie and connectedness among the formandees; 1.2. To know more about their Augustinian spirituality; 1.3. To deepen bonds among formandees through the sharing of their respective apostolate and other thrusts; 1.4. To provide a forum for discussions on relevant issues and their implications to our Christian faith in relation to our specific role as formandees in formation today; 1.5. To organize and implement if necessary concrete activities as responses to the Church’s mission and the challenges of the new millennium; and 1.6. The Iisang Samahan ng mga Augustinians (ISA) commits itself to the following Augustinian Core Values (Esmeralda OSA, "Being Church in an Academic Setting I" in Communitas, Jan-Mar 1996, p. 7; Esmeralda OSA, "Augustinian or Agustin yan?" in Communitas, June - July 1995, p. 4, col. 1; Esmeralda, "Being Church in an Academic Setting II", Communitas, July-Sept. 1996. p. 7.): 1.6.1 Love and the Order of Love – The primacy of love, or charity, in the thought of St. Augustine described by John Paul II in these words: Augustine located the essence and the norm of Christian perfection in charity, because it is the gift of the Holy Spirit and the reality which prevents one from being wicked. It is the good with which one possesses all goods and without which the other goods are of no avail. “Have charity, and you will have them all; because without charity, whatever you have will be of no benefit.” 1.6.2. Interiority – Formation in rightly ordered love involves formation in authenticity based on a deep knowledge of self and of one’s place in the design of God. This is what scholars have come to call Augustinian interiority (or inwardness). It is enshrined in the Augustinian imperative: “Redi in te ipsum” – “Transcende te ipsum” (Return into yourself -- Transcend/Go beyond yourself). It involves, then, two movements, one negative and the other positive it should make the person be ‘at home’ with his/her true nature as imago Dei, an image of God. Negatively, it involves a movement away from a mode of existence that is overly preoccupied with ‘having’ and ‘doing.’ Positively, it is attachment to Being itself, God, who is discovered in the depths of ‘one’ own being. 1.6.3. Humility – The present time’s emphasis on the dignity of the human person has made talk on humility as a value somewhat problematic; it has become ambiguous. Aristotle considered it a vice, while Nietzsche’s doctrine of the "Superman" does not allow a place for it, since humility belongs more to slaves rather than to free men. For Christians, however, ‘humility’ is a value since the founder of Christianity describes himself as ‘meek and humble of heart (Mt. 11:29).’ 1.6.4. Devotion to study and the pursuit to wisdom – The cultivation of the mind is an integral element in Augustinian values formation. But study and learning must not be understood as mere bookishness nor the pursuit for academic excellence. The reading of books, research and study were means by which Augustine, even as a young student at Carthage, deepened his own thirst for life. After his conversion, study and learning became the venue of his on-going formation in the Christian life. The life that he shared with his friends at Cassiciacum was, in the description of a scholar, more like an academic seminar rather than a spiritual retreat. Later, when he became Bishop of Hippo, reading and study became, not only his refreshment after a day of administrative work, but also a form of service to the Church of his times and to his contemporaries. 1.6.5. Freedom - The concept of freedom is perhaps, like "love", one of the ideas most affected by philosophical pluralism. Despite the varied and sometimes even divergent explanations of it, one can trace at least three basic notions: (a) self-possession, or the capacity of the subject to invest oneself in a given project; (b) self-definition, or the power of the subject to realize his/her possibilities, and (c) the capacity to choose among different options towards a goal. 1.6.6. Community – “The Augustinian community is basically a group of persons who live their faith, hope and love (RAS, n. 37)." Thus, the Augustinian concept of community cannot be confused with a mere sociological one. The description of the primitive Christian community in Jerusalem as reported in Acts 2:42-46 and 4:32-35 was Augustine’s inspiration. He presented this ideal not only as an example for religious but for lay Christians as well. 1.6.7. Common Good – Rule 7, 2 of the Augustinian rule states: "The degree to which you are concerned for the common good (rem communem) rather than for your own, is the criterion by which you can judge how much progress you have made." This passage synthesizes Augustine’s conviction regarding personal growth in Christian love. It appears in a context wherein Augustine gives the guidelines for day-to-day life in community, a life characterized by mutual service. We have already pointed out the importance of the social dimension in Augustine’s thought. Since human life is social by nature, the development of a person cannot be separated from its social context. The same applies to the new life of the believer in Christ. The new man that is born from the waters of baptism lives the commandment of love. This life of love is verified in one’s service to the brothers and sisters in the community. Within this context, one’s progress in love is directly proportional to the intensity of one’s concern for the common good. 1.6.8. Generous and Humble Service – Humility and charity characterize the Augustinian value of service. It is humble service because it is done in the spirit of gratefulness (utang na loob) and in recognition that the service is owed to God must be rendered to man. It is generous service because love does not count the cost. Indeed, the measure of love is love without measure. Service is love in its dynamic dimension; it is love that builds up the community by being directed towards persons. Jesus’ command: "Love one another as I have loved you" is given a concrete gesture: the washing of the disciples’ feet. This gesture is the paradigm of Christian servanthood. 1.6.9. Friendship – "Our Augustinian life of fraternity and community leads us to the careful cultivation of the values of friendship. Friendship begets and nourishes loyalty, trust, sincerity and mutual understanding. It joins us together in Christ, for God fastens us in friendship by means of the love poured forth in our hearts by the Holy Spirit." declare the Augustinian seculars (RAS, n. 17). 1.6.10. Prayer – Augustine’s concept of prayer does not substantially differ from the one which Catholic doctrine teaches us. However, Augustine does say certain things about prayer which need to be pointed out. For Augustine, prayer is not an imposed ritual "to be carried out daily from a sense of obligation. Rather, it is the breath of the soul, the spontaneous expression of his faith, hope and love in which he shakes off the limits placed on him by time and duties to enjoy the liberating embrace of the God who dwells in the most intimate core of his being. Prayer, therefore, is not some kind of extra duty imposed upon a person; rather, it is as natural and necessary as breathing. Its necessity derives from the fact that man is indigens Deo, a being-in-need-of-God. Or to put it bluntly: to be human is to pray. ARTICLE III: MEMBERSHIP Section 1: Membership of the organization shall be open to all Augustinian formandees of SACS, SAS, ASOLC, SSA and CN. Section 2: All recognized formandees of the organization shall enjoy the rights and privileges conferred by the organization as stated in Article IV. ARTICLE IV: RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES Section 1: The formandees referred to Article III shall enjoy the following rights: 1.1. The right to be called a formandee of the community that they belong to; 1.2. The right to express their sentiments for the general welfare of the Iisang Samahan ng mga Augustinians (ISA); 1.3. The right to spiritual, holistic, social, cultural, and educational development of the formandees through participation in various activities and events during the ISA gathering; and 1.4. The right to express their sentiments, suggestions and opinions through the representative/core group officers. ARTICLE V: DUTIES AND REPONSIBILITIES Section 1: The rights of all the formandees of the Iisang Samahan ng mga Augustinians (ISA) are as follows: 1.1. To know and be concerned with all the existing regulations, policies and requirements concerning its duties, ISA gathering activities as published in the ISA Updates as the official newsletter of the organization; 1.2. Every formandee must familiarize himself/herself with and be guided by the rules, policies and regulations of the Iisang Samahan ng mga Augustinians (ISA) as provided by the Constitution through ISA Updates or any form of general circulation; 1.3. To abide by the approved resolutions of Iisang Samahan ng mga Augustinians (ISA); 1.4. To participate actively, freely, and fully in the discussions and activities of the organization; 1.5. To be adequately informed and updated to all matters affecting the organization; and 1.6. To critically evaluate and give recommendations of all undertakings of the organization. Section 2: The duties of all the formandees of the Iisang Samahan ng mga Augustinians (ISA) are as follows: 2.1. To uphold and promote the ideals and principles of the organization; 2.2. To preserve the integrity of the organization; 2.3. To perform assigned tasks and responsibilities faithfully; and 2.4. To attend the ISA gathering annually. Section 3: Any controversy or violation of the above duties and responsibilities of the formandees shall be duly resolved in a core group membership meeting and if there is any aggrieved formandee may appeal in writing to the President of the organization for the purpose through the Secretary. Section 4: Membership shall cease in the following grounds: 4.1. If the formandee is no longer a part of the formation; and 4.2. If the formandee commits serious violation to the rules, regulations and policies of the organization. ARTICLE VI: OFFICERS Section 1: The Core Group Officers of Iisang Samahan Ng Mga Augustinians (ISA) shall be composed of the President, Male and Female Vice-Presidents, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer, Auditor, Press Relation Officer (P.R.O), Community Representative/s. Section 2: The organization shall have one (1) Adviser who shall be recommended by the Core Group of Iisang Samahan ng mga Augustinians (ISA) and the criteria for choosing an Adviser; he or she is a former officer, preferably a president of the organization and presently a formator. ARTICLE VII: DUTIES AND FUNCTIONS OF THE OFFICERS Section 1: The duties and functions of the President are as follows: 1.1 To call and to preside over all meetings of the organization; 1.2 To act as liaison officer between the formandees, the core group officers and the members of the formation team; 1.3 To issue a notice of meetings to the core group whenever the need arises; and 1.4 To execute all the policies and resolutions approved in all meetings and to perform such other duties imposed upon him/her in the Constitution. Section 2: The duties and functions of the two (2) Vice-Presidents (Male and Female): 2.1. To perform the duty of the President in case the latter is absent; 2.2. To assist the President in his duties and in all matters affecting the interest and the ISA gathering; and 2.3. To perform other duties assigned to them by the President. Section 3: The duties and functions of the Secretary: 3.1. To keep records of all the minutes and activities of the organization; 3.2. To take charge of the communication pertaining to the organization; 3.3. To keep and account of all official records of the organization; 3.4. To evaluate the ISA gathering and makes a progress report; and 3.5. To perform such other functions assigned to him/her by the President. Section 4: The duties and functions of the Assistant Secretary: 4.1. To assist the Secretary in all his functions and responsibilities; and 4.2. To perform such other functions assigned to him/her by the President. Section 5: The duties and functions of the Treasurer: 5.1. To keep an account of all financial matters and submit to the organization an Accounting Report every end of the ISA gathering. He/She shall submit a copy of all financial statements of which shall be submitted to the President and the Adviser. He/she shall also present the financial report to one of the meetings of the organization. 5.2. To deposit all funds of the organization into account in any reputable bank within the vicinity of Metro Manila, duly authorized by Iisang Samahan ng mga Augustinians (ISA) Core Group, and withdraw such funds with the joint signatures of the President and the Treasurer; 5.3. To monitor the liquidation of the solicited funds; and 5.4. To perform such other functions assigned to him/her by the President. Section 6: The duties and functions of the Auditor: 6.1. To conduct a review of the financial records of the organization as submitted by the Treasurer in order to update the Core Group and the Adviser of its financial duties; 6.2. To prepare a summary report of the assets of the organization based on the audit findings and its present condition right after the ISA gathering; and 6.3. To perform such other functions assigned to him/her by the President. Section 7: The duties and functions of the Press Relations Officer: 7.1. To compile and edit the official and annual reports; 7.2. To take charge of the public relations and information dissemination of the activities and achievements of the organization; 7.3. To be in – charge of the ISA website/blog in maintaining its content, discussion, updating, in coordination with the President and the Secretary; and also accepting new members in the website/blog; 7.4. To be in-charge of the ISA Updates; and 7.5. To perform such other functions assigned to him/her by the President. Section 8: The duties and functions of the Community Representative: 8.1. To coordinate with the President especially during ISA gathering activity; 8.2. To relay the plans and projects made by the ISA Core Group to the community; 8.3. To be the spokesperson of his/her community to the organization. 8.4. To perform such other functions assigned to him/her by the President. ARTICLE VIII: ELECTION OF THE CORE GROUP OFFICERS Section 1: The election of the Core Group Officers shall be done in secret balloting during the first ISA Meeting of the current Formation Year; Section 2.1: A candidate is elected by a simple majority vote, or whoever has obtained the highest vote; if tie happens, lots is casted. Section 2.2: The casting of votes is by community and not by person. The SACS-SNTH has one (1) vote, SACS-STVH one (1) vote, SAS one (1) vote, ASOLC Pre-Novitiate one (1) vote, ASOLC-Novitiate one (1) vote, ASOLC-Juniorate one (1) vote, SSA Postulancy one (1) vote, SSA Novitiate one (1) vote, SSA-Simply Professed one (1) vote; CN one (1) vote; a total of ten (10) votes. Section 2.3: The eligible for the office of the President and Vice-President are those who professed already their simple vows such as the simply professed friars and junior sisters. Section 2.4: The eligible for the office of the Secretary down to the P.R.O are not necessarily a simply professed friar or sister. It is open to all who are legible and present in the meeting. Section 2.5: Each participating communities are allowed to have at least one (1) representative and a maximum of three (3) representatives. The community representative can be elected in any office as long as he/she is legible, present and elected. Thus, he/she can hold two (2) positions, being a representative and an officer at the same time. Section 2.6: The term of Office of the ISA Core Group of Officers is one year. ARTICLE IX: MEETINGS Section 1: The Core Group of Iisang Samahan ng mga Augustinians (ISA) shall hold a monthly meeting every Second Sunday of the month hosted by the different participating communities in rotation. The snacks will be shouldered by the host-community. Section 2: Notices of the meetings shall be sent by the President through the Master of the Formandees at least one week before the scheduled meeting. It shall include the agenda for the meeting and majority of the core group officers/representatives shall constitute a quorum. Section 3: All ISA Core Group Officers/Representatives are required to attend the meeting. Section 4: The ISA Core Group shall hold emergency meetings, if an activity calls for it. The time and the day shall be determined by the President. ARTICLE X: DUES AND FUNDS Section 1: The annual due of this organization shall be Three Thousand Pesos (Php 3,000.00) only per community. Section 2: The annual due shall be payable on the date agreed upon by the core group. Section 3: The Core Group Officers/Representatives may acquire solicitation that must have its proper transparency to the office of the Treasurer. ARTICLE XI: GENERAL PROVISIONS Section 1: It is the duty of the ISA Core Group Officers to spearhead activities during their term. The activity is subject to evaluation after the implementation. Section 2: All ISA Core Group Officers/Representatives are obliged to assist the President on matters concerning the ISA gathering and the general interest of the organization. ARTICLE XII: AMENDMENT AND EFFECTIVITY Section1: The Core Group Officers of Iisang Samahan Ng Mga Augustinians (ISA) may in case of emergency, amend the Constitution by four-fifth (2/3) votes or 7 votes from the Core Group Officers; provided that the notices shall be submitted to the Secretary one week before the meeting, the Secretary will provide copies of the amendments to the communities for their study and deliberation during community meeting. Section 2: The suggested amendment of the Constitution must be presented to the organization Adviser before any changes are to be executed. Section 3: Any revisions/amendments to the Constitution shall be presented in Annual ISA Gathering and shall be posted to the different conspicuous places in the community or published in ISA Updates or memorandum for circulation. Section 4: No amendments shall be done thirty (30) day prior to the end of the term of the Core Group of Officers.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Jul 2013 06:17:58 +0000

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