ORDER OUT OF CHAOS - USELESS GROUP MEMBERS TURNING SPONTANEOUSLY TO USEFUL - I heard Ilya Prigogine, Nobel laureate, talk in early 1980s at a conference in Geneva about his experiment with ants, which I have the impression is what we are witnessing nowadays with people waking up. he said that at any given time an ant colony appeared to have about 1/3 of ants maintaining their nest, 1/3 foraging and guarding the safety of their colony, and 1/3 apparently mucking around or just lazing about pretty useless. However, when the researchers removed all 1/3 of working ants, the remaining ants immediately restructured their functions EXACTLY as before: 1/3 maintaining, 1/3 foraging and patrolling, 1/3 mucking around. It means that even if only tree ants would be left, just before the extinction of the whole colony, they would still be able to sustain themselves in the exact same type of organization. Dynosauruses must have not quite known that BUT they made place for MORE evolved species. It is consistent with what Ilya Prigogine also researched and wrote about as the above ant colony principle being the basic principle of evolution: COMPLETELY NEW CHARACTERISTICS APPEAR IN LIVING SYSTEMS AS THEY REACH EXTREME NON-EQUILIBRIUM STATE like what all life is reaching nowadays on the planet. So, even from quantum physics and according to top scientists, WE, HUMANS, AND THE WHOLE PLANET IS AT A MAJOR BREAKTHROUGH TO SPONTANEOUSLY EVOLVING INTO COMPLETELY NEW LIVING SYSTEMS. STAY OPEN MINDED ABOUT WHAT IS COMING UP AND ENJOY YOUR OWN AND HUMAN RACE NEW EVOLUTIONARY STEP BY LETTING GO OF TRYING TO PREDICT THE FUTURE BY EXTRAPOLATING THE PAST, AND OF GETTING DISHEARTENED BY WHOEVER YOU MIGHT PERCEIVE AS SHEEPLE (which we ALL have been at some stage). Thanks to my beautiful friend who triggered me to write this in response to his sadness about some nasty people. Pls feel free to share the above comment (with my name because I am the only one responsible for what I wrote) and the link. mountainman.au/chaos_02.htm
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 01:11:50 +0000

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