ORDER PAPER - TUESDAY 19TH NOVEMBER, 2013 QUESTIONS 1. MR. W. B. MMOLOTSI, MP. (FRANCISTOWN SOUTH): To ask the Minister of Local Government and Rural Development:- (i) whether he is aware of the dilapidated state of the toilets in all primary schools in the Francistown South Constituency; and (ii) what plans are in place to improve this situation. ... 2. MR. K. S. RAMMIDI, MP. (KANYE NORTH): To ask the Minister of Education and Skills Development if she is aware that there is a serious staff accommodation shortage at Boiteko Junior Secondary School in Ranaka; if so, what plans are in place to address this situation. 3. MR. T. G. HABANO, MP. (NGAMI): To ask the Minister of Health whether he is aware that Kareng Clinic is not connected to electricity; if so, to state:- (i) short term plans; if any, to assist the clinic staff especially at night; and (ii) long term solutions to provide the clinic with electricity. 4. MR. O. MOTLHALE, MP. (SOUTH EAST SOUTH): To ask the Minister of Local Government and Rural Development:- (i) if he is aware that the Tribal Offices in Mogobane and Otse do not have fax facilities; (ii) how much it would cost Government to connect the tribal offices of Ramotswa, Otse and Mogobane with internet in line with the E-Government policy; and (iii) when this exercise will be done. 5. MR. B. ARONE, MP. (OKAVANGO): To ask the Minister for Presidential Affairs and Public Administration how Government intends to keep people employed, in view of Government’s decision to downsize the Public Service, given the failed economic diversification drive. 6. MR. W. B. MMOLOTSI, MP. (FRANCISTOWN SOUTH): To ask the Minister of Agriculture whether he is aware that most of the cattle that have been given to residents of Tati East Constituency are still calves and that it will take some years for them to reach the required market age and weight; if so:- (i) how will Government assist the residents to repay the loans they got from banks when they purchased their earlier stock; and (ii) how will he assist farmers to survive while awaiting the calves to grow. 7. MR. T. G. HABANO, MP. (NGAMI): To ask the Minister of Local Government and Rural Development if he is aware that the tents temporarily erected at Legothwana Primary School for use as classrooms for pupils and accommodation for teachers experience leaks during rainy seasons and are also too hot during summer; if so, to state:- (i) short term solutions that could remedy the situation; and if not, (ii) long term plans for the whole school. 8. MR. K. S. RAMMIDI, MP. (KANYE NORTH): To ask the Minister of Finance and Development Planning:- (i) whether Statistics Botswana includes the numbers of people engaged in Ipelegeng as employed when computing the unemployment rate of the country; and (ii) how much an Ipelegeng employee earns per annum from the scheme. 9. MR. O. MOTLHALE, MP. (SOUTH EAST SOUTH): To ask the Minister of Environment, Wildlife and Tourism:- (i) whether the way the Plastic Levy is currently being implemented is in line with the original objective; and (ii) how much money was collected by Government from retailers annually since the inception of the Levy and what this money is being used for. 10. MR. K. S. RAMMIDI, MP. (KANYE NORTH): To ask the Minister of Local Government and Rural Development to state the average wage per month of a Mothugi in a primary school. TABLING OF PAPERS 1. Competition Authority Annual Report, 2012/2013. (Minister of Trade and Industry) 2. Local Enterprise Authority Annual Report, 2012/2013. (Minister of Trade and Industry)
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 09:00:38 +0000

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