ORDINATION MADNESS IN THE CHURCH Over the years, I have sat down - TopicsExpress


ORDINATION MADNESS IN THE CHURCH Over the years, I have sat down to ponder on the benefit of ordination to us and its usefulness in the service of God. I have also watched those whom I regarded as great men and women in the church stoop low to lobby and offer bribes in order to secure a rank that they are not qualify for. What a shame to them! I was born in this church and I grew up to see the value of ordination and its worth. I grew up to see that it is the Holy Spirit that reveals those that are qualified to move to the next rank. But today the reverse is the case. Today, we have seen small children being elevated to adorable ranks and position in the church. We need to recall what Apostle Paul said in 1Timothy 5:22, “Lay hands suddenly on no man……..” We are all witnesses of those who are not qualified to be in various ranks being elevated to those dignified ranks and offices. Every year I hear about standard in ordination but it is unfortunate that the standard have been scorned. However, I want to highlight some of the irregularities witnessed in our ordination processes: Falsification of ordination Data: One of the common things in the church now is falsification and forgery of ordination data. This is very common and rampant in provinces like Aba, Umuahia, Oyigbo, Owerri, etc. Some provincial chairmen have seen ordination as a means of self-enrichment and aggrandizement. They are very eager to help desperate persons to falsify their ordination data in order to secure the approval from the national headquarters. Is this supposed to be seen in the church of God? In some provinces, some young men are encouraged by their provincial chairmen to jump from one rank to another in a year’s gap or less. I know some persons who took Evangelist this year and they were ordained Apostles in the just concluded ordination. I equally know some persons that were ordained Apostles during last year’s ordination but just last week, they were ordained Supervising Apostles. The unfortunate thing is that most of these persons are youths that are less than thirty years (30years). Where are these people rushing to? Bribe taking by some Provincial Administrators: The most alarming of all these are the way and manner with which some provincial chairmen encourage ordination malpractices. Ordination is a spiritual thing but the sacrosanctity has been disdained. Some provincial chairmen and secretaries have reduced themselves to measly men because of bribery and corruption regarding ordination matters. They collect bribes with all impunity and recommend unqualified candidates to various exalted ranks. In the just concluded ordination, I know a woman who confessed that a provincial secretary (name withheld) took a bribe of fifty thousand naira for her to secure approval for the rank of Mother in Israel. Also, during this year’s supplementary ordination in one of the eastern provinces, a certain provincial chairman (name withheld) collected a bribe of fifty thousand naira (#50, 000) and thirty five thousand naira (#35, 000) and ordained two persons (names withheld) Apostles respectively. This is height of ungodliness and irresponsibility in the church. Sometimes, I wonder whether the church will get better someday. Victimization of Innocent people: This is one aspect that troubles my spirit. I have seen some qualified persons in the church being victimized and forgotten during ordination. Many who have the boldness and courage to challenge the administrators when they go wrong are sometimes victimized during ordination. Most times, their names are not even recommended not to talk about securing approval for them. And the most painful of all this is that some of them will remain in one rank until there is a change in the administration. I know a brother (name withheld) from North Northern Province who suffered this kind of ordeal resulting from injustice and partiality in the church. This is evil in the sight of God! But I want to encourage such persons not to succumb to evil no matter the extent of maltreatment. As long as you are not rude to the administration, don’t be discouraged if you are victimized for saying the truth because one day God of Justice will speak for on your behalf. Our reward on earth is not ordination but the ultimate goal and hallmark of every Christian is to inherit the kingdom of God. Jesus says, “Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven”. Un-harmonized Standard: I don’t even know the church standard regarding ordination matters anymore. It seems as if there is different ordination standard for the children of the high and mighty in the church. It also appears as if the standard that is being meted out for the lowly placed in the church is different. When I talk about lowly placed, I am referring to those whose fathers are nobody in the church leadership and administration. The second group of the lowly placed are the poor amongst us who cannot afford to offer bribes to the church administrators. For example, certain names get immediate and timely approval for ordinations without delay because of the family name and background. This ought not to be so! Unhealthy Lobby for Positions/Offices: A lot of persons in the church have seen that the easiest way to secure speedy and sporadic ordination is through appointment in the church. As a result of this, lots of people have resorted to unhealthy lobbying and bribing for positions and offices in the church. Also, certain persons get special recommendation because they are in CMC administration, Provincial administration, District administration or Branch administration. This has created quest and selfish desires for positions and offices in the church. The reason why we have inefficient leaders and administrators is that some of them lobbied themselves into the position because of the selfish ambition of getting to the pinnacle before others. Having stated all these anomalies in the system, I would love to conclude this with some useful recommendations that would restore confidence and lucidity in the church. 1. Ordination record of Evangelists and Apostles: The ordination record of Evangelist and Apostles must be demanded and archived in the database by the National Headquarters. The reason is that most of the malpractices in the provinces are witnessed on those moving from the rank of Evangelist and Apostles upward because there is no record in the National Headquarters; hence, the provincial administrations take advantage of this to falsify data. 2. Appoint faithful and godly men into offices: One of the most reliable means of restoring sanity in the church is to appoint faithful and godly people into various administrative positions and offices. Apostle Paul asked Timothy to ensure faithful men are appointed into offices (2 Tim 2:2). When faithful and godly people are in offices, bribery and corruption will be reduced drastically. When the righteous are in offices, victimization, falsification, etc. will stop and the people will rejoice (Proverb 29:2). 3. Uniform Standard for everyone: As we know, our God is never a respecter of persons (Acts 10:34). He makes His rain to fall both on the righteous and the unrighteous (Matt 5:45). Hence, there should not be special consideration for the children of the highly placed in the church else it becomes partiality and unjust favouritism. 4. Suspension of Ordination for another three or four year: I suggest that all ordination should be suspended for another three or four years in order to restore stability in the church. I could remember several years ago when ordination was suspended by the Holy Spirit for three years, it brought peace, love and sanity in the church. But immediately the ban was lifted, a lot person became infected with the ordination madness.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 15:21:39 +0000

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