OREGON COUNTY DEMOCRAT, JULY 26, 1901 BARREN HOLLOW: (By Erastus) Weather still hot and dry. Rev. Ragan filled the pulpit Sunday evening at 3:30. Singing at John Clift’s was a success, all enjoyed it very much. School is now in progress with Miss Gladys Hopkins as teacher. Henry Jenkins will commence school next Monday in Norman district. Wheat threshing is almost done, wheat is much better than expected. Lee White and Bert Clift went to Cox town Saturday to the picnic, they report a good time. The ice cream social was well attended Saturday night. About $25 was the receipts which went to the church. Leonard Rogers lost a fine horse last Saturday while bringing him from the pasture. A snag struck him in the flank and he bled to death. We understand that Leonard Rogers and James Denney will elave for the far west in the near future, we wish them prosperity and health while they journey. JOB: (By Goldenrod) Dr. Harve Candrell is very sick. We are having some very hot and dry weather. Several of our people are going to Black Rock pearling. Mrs. Julia Brown returned to her home in Grandin Sunday. We had a very good shower of rain last week but not enough to do much good. Geo. Frey has gone to Grandin hunting work, he has almost given up going to Texas. The meeting at Cotton Creek closed Sunday night. No conversions, but the Christians were revived. The meeting was conducted by Nath Combs and J.R. Frey. The people of Piney are going to have a pie supper Tuesday night, July 30, for the purpose of getting song books for the children’s day which will be the 2nd Sunday in August. We invite you all to come and help us get the books. CLIMAX: (By Rusty Tom) Hot! Hot! Hot!! Ase Orr went to Alton Wednesday. Charley Orr went to Greer’s mill Monday. Carl Andrews has been at work for Dr. Gum. School will begin the first Monday in August. Everybody is going to the picnic Saturday. Billy Blakely and family spent one day on the river last week. Wellie Burns of Alton was walking the streets of Climax Wednesday. Emery Orr and Wellie Burns made a flying trip to Spring Creek Monday. Oliver and Arthur Campbell and Alfred Schell returned from Kansas Monday. Miss Ruby Acree of Alton attended the ice cream supper at Mr. Sawyer’s Friday night. A surprise party was given at the home of Mr. Sawyer in honor of Mrs. Sawyer’s 33rd birthday. All present report a good time. Mr. and Mrs. Sawyer know how to entertain the young folks. WOODSIDE (By Come Again) Hot and dry in this part. Health is not so very good in this neighborhood. J.M. McGuire has purchased the A.C. Wilson farm. We would for a threshing machine to come this way. Miss Florence Burnett is very low with malarial fever. Judge Nivins and family are going to the log camp for work. Mr. Flora is getting along nicely building his new home. Vest Millsap is hauling ties for G.W. Harrod on the river. Dr. Rhea was called to see the sick at Mr. McGuire’s the first of the week. T.J. Simpson is doing some repairing on the residence of Mr. Ben Gum. Little Cecil McGuire is very low with typhoid fever and inflammation of the brain. The thermometer registered 4 degrees hotter than ever was known in this part last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Williams from the Wilderness were visiting at the widow Perigo’s last week. Mrs. Florence Milsap took a violent hoarseness from the extreme heat Tuesday but is not serious. Messrs. Bishop and Sifford drove their cattle to the river and left them there on account of the days weather. Mrs. J.N. Pierce came out from town the first of the week and had their fish caught out of their fish pond. Corn, hay, oats, and feed in general is the scarcest ever known in this part also pastures and ponds are dried up. OF LOCAL INTEREST: Miss Etta Brewer is quite sick this week. Jesse Stogsdill and family are visiting at Job. Our street commissioner is doing effective work. John Gall is contemplating moving to Oklahoma soon. Mrs. Will Booker of Pine called in to see us Wednesday. Simp’s Ice cream parlor is the place to enjoy your life. Try it. Dr. C. Rhea is still working on his residence in north part of town. Simp delivers ice cream to any part of town. Give him an order. Everything in order at Simp’s ice cream parlor. Give him a call. Will some kind delinquent bring us load of pumpkins on subscription? Deputy Sheriff, H.C. Mauldin, transacted business in Highland Saturday. F.B. Cole moved into his new residence in the north part of town Monday. Lou Gall has now a profitable position as blacksmith at Greenfield, Ark. Alton will soon have a new business. Tickle your palate with some of “Push’s” ice cream soda, only five cents. Rev. I.J. Looney of Myrtle has been attending the Bible meeting here this week. Open air services have been conducted on east side of square the past few evenings. L.G. Rikard, vice president of the Alpha Gold Mining Co., was at Alpha Wednesday. Mrs. Sifford of Woodside is attending at the bedside of her sick brother, Ed Whitten. Jim Juvinall is preparing a coffin for George Anderson who died at this place two miles north of town. Will Cockman of near Couch, has moved into the Jim Norman property. We welcome Mr. C. among us. John F. Sandusky, the cash merchant, will pay you the highest market prices in cash for spring wool. The Alton carding factory is making good rolls this year. They card on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Robt. Jones, the original Bob from Couch town was swopping yarns with the boys here Wednesday. Bob can shore spin ‘em. Miss Edith Howell returned from Thomasville Sunday accompanied by Miss Ethel Huddleston who will remain as her guest until Sunday. Jesse Gum returned from Elreno, Okla., Wednesday. We have not yet had the pleasure of interviewing the gentleman but we learn he filed on a claim. Sheriff Davis took suddenly and violently ill about a mile above Dr. Cantrell’s yesterday. He was so ill he could not move and laid stretched upon the ground. A stranger approached and Davis tried to get him to come to town for help but he refused and road on. He was probably a Levite. After a two hours rest Charley managed to get in home. Geo. Crandell and Finis Pierce are on the river again. These two boys are becoming veritable water dogs. Misses Sallie and Fannie Moseley returned home Wednesday from an extended visit with relatives of Bloomfield. The present dearth has caused such little amount of vegetables to be grown that we are obliged to devour chicken and spit ham gravy the live long day. Mrs. Stella Brewer is now located with Mrs. Harra on north side of square. She has some new racket goods which she invites the public to inspect. Thomas Roberts, a professional miller from West Plains, will take charge of the mill at this place. Mr. R. comes to us highly recommended and acted at home while at the mill. Billy Howell will probably leave for Oklahoma. Rev. Edgar Killough of Montier, who has conducted several services at the Baptist church this week, was the happy recipient of a nice suit of clothes, the compliment of the ladies at the church. H.M. Pool left for Joplin last Sunday. Mr. Pool has been connected with the South Missourian for the last 18 months and has many friends here who would regret to lose such an elegant citizen should he conclude to change locations. Frank Juvinall, deputy sheriff, brought over George Goss from the Ozark store Sunday. Two weeks ago Goss made a rough house and tore up things generally in the company’s store and then fled. Frank is looking for some of the other boys. Dr. J.H. Powell and family who left here last winter for Muldrow, I.T. arrived in Thayer yesterday, and will make their home here. The many friends of Dr. Jim Powell and his estimable family are indeed glad to have them back to Thayer.—Thayer Republican. Jim Juvinall has concluded to not give his little farm, town property and household effects away. A wise conclusion. Jim advertised them for sale but has now taken back every thing. If all the others had done the same they would have been a great deal richer in purse. The culvert at the bottom of the West Broadway on the corner of Sandusky’s store was condemned by the Board and now commissioner Wilkerson is constructing a new one diagonally and a little further up. This lessens the danger during the icy wintry months and making it more convenient all around. The water supply of our little burg is running extremely low. Our citizens have been supplying themselves from the various wells of the neighborhood and they are low and dreggy. The town well was cleaned out but apparently did not improve it much. If this dry hot weather continues, our people will experience a great deal of sickness. Two years ago J.T. Black shot Bill Stanley in the leg and fled the country. He was not heard from until a month or two ago when Sheriff Davis learned he was 12 miles from Pocahontas, Ark. Prosecuting attorney L.P. Norman procured requisition papers and Sheriff Davis brought Black up and landed him in jail here Sunday. He will have his trial at August term of court. Our citizens were treated to rare music Sunday night. Sunday afternoon some movers arrived and camped in the vicinity of the flour mill. They were not there long until a donkey of the gentleman persuasion, owned by the movers, discovered Mr. Hardgrove’s donkey of the same genre. A conversation was immediately struck up and they made the walks ring thereafter with their merriment and harmony. About a year ago Lee Worlds slashed Roy Quay inflicting several wounds. Worlds was indicted by the grand jury last August and gave bond for his appearance. Worlds skipped and the bond … Saturday Sheriff Davis made a futile attempt to capture Worlds three miles north of Thayer. After surrounding his ….narrowly dodging several pistol shots, one by his own statement being within two inches of his face. The sick folks are moderately improving. Ed Whitten while still not much better, is apparently no worse. Doc Brewer is about the same. Ceph Johnson took down last Saturday and had a hard tossle with the grim monster but was able to be in town yesterday. Albert Norman is still confined to his room. Uncle Bill Livingston had another attack and as a result is in bed. Uncle Billy Johnson is completely knocked out and looked worse than a pickled herring when we visited him. Claude Stropp was taken down Wednesday and is no better at this writing. We caution our readers to take great care in what they eat and drink.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 19:37:35 +0000

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