ORGANIZED FRAUD AND PERJURY; CRIME-PROFITS The following is amiss, requiring urgent court order to overturn as of 26 May, 2011 illegally practiced what is known legal/spy FICTION and acknowledged ILLEGAL ACTION (referenced to Stella Rimington of MI5 and Elizabeth Buller), and by perjury, through UNNECESSARY AND ILLEGAL AND PREMEDITATED FOR DEBLITATING AND KILLER EFFECT BY AN ORGANIZED CRIME, THEFT AND TERROR GROUP OPERATED AS INTERTWINED WITH GOVERNMENT INCLUDING AS SUBSTITUTE DECISION MAKERS AT THE ONTARIO PUBLC GUARDIAN AND TRUSTEE (TUTEUR IN FRENCH), Ministry of the Attorney General through illegal police/un-necessary family fraud and personal malice+property gain motivated effective stranger as a recent graduate, and willing to perjure, nurse and RSW action over diplomatic immunity, in most perverse manner, typical of premeditated armed robbery, of socially-climbing classes, robbing upper’s assets, with Second World War guilt theirs, but not mine, and continued, after WWII, and as of 1819 fraud of person substitution as the network recently announced they had substituted a Jewish foundling-grade baby for who was to be a German-British monarch instead of Victoria and more (in connection with actions of certain Frances Braham, of whose genealogy, similar, Victoria also comes clearly, part-Jew; and they are acting in LEZE MAJESTE, treasonously, criminally under British and Canadian Criminal Justice Acts; Official Secrets Acts since 1911 and against my person as a truly authentic British Dynast sans such impediment and any other and not trying to take over the state at that but suing the network away into submission as guilty Crown, ad interim, and until a more normal family is found by marriage and abdication started in 1936 but which did not go far enough for imminent war in which American assistance was to be needed and got handled through gay Churchill to FDR network; private wealth, as thieving organized criminal social network per sociologist concept and one which remains largely gay as a crime group. This includes Angela Merkel of Germany and also Pres. Barak Obama, past Faculty of Law, Chicago, Illinois; Mrs. M. Obama now known with their Lincoln theatre murder bible in hand as Mr. BOB AMA and Mrs. MOB AMA, they have no sense of dignity, and in the UK/GBNI pair of actor-lawyers Tony Blair and Cheri Blair known by various such as Posh Scream, [Russianist coded to be “dear/expensive” in French, and “damage”] U’Cherb+Lair). Damage clearly is intended at the state level and the CIA has admitted to doing some of them coding and also profit motive in publishing increasingly obfuscating commentary on the topic such as Dan Brown’s Da Vinci Code (2004) and it commentaries. They have not bothered to hide their sadism and also adjacent profit motive at all and it is lazy, intellectually, and also in terms of expert acting and performing as respectable statesmen at all, with nearly no moral persons in the scheme, all killed likely for said’s monies, and stolen from, highly incompetent, in scheme, and acting also, as if they do not wish to be anything but saying “how am I doing as post-Modern history has ended type of sneering profit motivated impermissible mischief member at summit” seeking revenue from fomenting civil war and also crime. The network is largely Catholic and also reactionary and violent for being intellectually retrograde and also irrational in the mass movements it foments form the summit and relies on for brute force and also mass vote to try to crowd out superiors. They dumb down and do damage more than anything else thinking the way that they do and also invite mass retaliation as in terrorism in the way that they seek to distribute responsibility collectively for fiendish across-the-board populist campaigns and decisions to have COINTELPRO and COIN systems abused against innocent parties for terror effect and as a part of their organized crime network mentality for profit to selves/spouses/abusers of children and inspirers of them to assist in criminal schemes as additional battering rams, silly, badly educated, impertinent pseudo-elite in terms of any objective capacity for higher moral order, human abstraction, decency, matrimonial values, and properly based sense of humor if any. Canada is in civil war through pacified while in need of being addressed by a politically rectifying, righting the wrong type, lawsuit, or else is expected in future, rather than not, in historical experience. The network is reactionary, noxious to any upper class European educated to manners and OAC 13 intellectual basics overseas; also evil. I need not stay and will not stay involved in any criminal case; use this statement. It should be possible to immediately rectify the current teamster style illegal lockout characteristic of Canadian political infighting of juvenile corporate and working class organizers and also unions at the federal and provincial and also othertrade union level and student/staff included; an illegal and damaging while extremely idiotic as indicative of a mentality thieving civil service stalemate; doing away with it, upon reading the following, as my legal and rightful prosecution of the scheme, with economic and other impact assessment, and victim impact statement, as of 1940, as if my great grandfather was alive and undertook to prosecute the scheme on behalf of my maternal lineage also, self non-staff, and quitting with our and his private assets from any service, as untenable, as at, since, with no permission to continue as of 1940 as the organization was shaping up as a private fiefdom of war-guilty and also administrative infighting guilty by evil means such as bomb-drop guidance onto our homes not theirs by mens of reading ENIGMA traffic and signaling to German planes as to where to drop the bombs in England which is a cirmnally punishable enterprise known as Koventrieren [to “Coventry-bomb”], internationalized gays, without him to operate any MI5, through my family member network of European aristocrat family. I have the right to argue his wrongful dismissal, by palace coup, still operative, totally illegal and immoral 1947+, designed to stonewall/damage, anyone/rob further, and debilitate and kill by enemy and also Homeland Security type Home Office and illegally oeparated Veterans Affairs impact (the network is illegally researched and totally wrongfully acting and also with wrong conclusions and results masquerading as objective while criminally wrongful and sneering shirking proper procedure and mentality, that it is a danger to itself and most decent normal human beings anywhere, upper class; guilty: MI5) international, human and family relations incompetent, malevolent, semaring in throght process and hence best not to be permitted to filter information as they have been (their mentality which processes through to dirty/spoil all it thinks about as if paint thinned improperly through a filter ending up colour-tinged for new hue, not thinned, through it), further by “debilitate and kill” methods of windfall profit type serial killing fundraisers to MI5-based FBI and other crime network staff operating illegally in Canada through scholarship funds, universities, and private family tree type groupings, but also through first-dibs type looting for resale to museums and asset grabs form talked-down items for pittance in the way that a firm interested in ruining another to take over, buy stock up cheap, acts in the syndicated media and perhaps even through illegal eavesdropping and vandalism to drive up costs. They are over-estimating their own abilities/selves and it shows in collective political culture in UK, Canada. They are engaged in Total War not Cold War and while engaged in illegal continuation wars fight new also. I might add that staff colleges in the said context are illegally used to abuse illegitimately guaranteed as inviolable targets as persons, high net worth, and potentially much more, and valuable spouses personally while they are talked down illegally behind their back by illicit competitive selves engaged in such vile wars. They need to understand and fats we did not participate in any East-European of Russian wars of Cold War ever and were but kidnapped children awaiting with parents and grandparents, some also kidnapped, our family assistance without further ado and also surrendering any of our assets to said swindlers or colluding, and their mentality does nto match mine at all which has no conflict of interest and understanding, 1939+ and indeed 1919+ and 1900+. My comprehension of the past 2000 years of history matches my ancestrys’ and I was always warned against any Stockholm syndrome on part of my mother in particular since 1950. The net is clearly so operating in UK/GBNI and USA and Europe (on the continent, East and West, also Hollywood via U.N., diplomats, Office of the Governor General and Lieutenant Governor, and spectacularly when appointed, as Adrienne Clarkson, Michaëlle Jean and Hilary Weston, latter in particular and all others involved in merry/gay or “marry gay!” promoter and flasher action (every perverse privilege has been campaigned for not proper values, any, in the past 15 years nearly and indeed 35 and since 1952 coronation in UK/GBNI) and noxious politics, also various photo opportunities in which they were seen guilty of method-acting groupthink), now permeating state theory also: literary/with Oxford law dictionaries rewritten and thespians hired to obfuscate on topics v. any sensible discourse, all proud of being idiotically and incompetently, not to mention ham-fistedly, evil-clumsy, and so deliberately, for injustice to occur for profit, windfall, and, literally, laughs while looting homes, stealing careers, hitting and hitting up persons (there will be humorous moments in testimony which I warn against laughing at in that it is a tactic with them, a strategic method, developed to acting-grade, some it slapstick, fraud, in which they are not above attempting damage to any normal person for real, that they are not very good at it is our only defence not, their sense of fun for a very long time and presumably since their scam with operatic “political hostesses” started is seriously off-key as largely gay humor, in how it works in puns and entendres, and more or less follows (lots of it documented to incriminate) e.g. a ham also, as dry bacon bits in the pantry, in quantity, and artifice, a product through not a person or any live decision maker substitute, has gone missing from my home and house (Ph.D. sessional home in London, Ontario, 2006-2012) also and now missing likely in the possession of falsely charitable (sold, donated or thrown out as when they loot they make arbitrary decisons and argue no return of owners, intending to debilitate and kill; they need to be punished for such action as attempted murder after serially killing already as of centuries ago in the Waldegrave lineage and also libeling, politically fearful of own fraud, my legitimacy, and also desire top perpetuate rather than end their war and post-war crimes), among $200,000 worth of chattels and heirlooms to be charged at tort law rate, triple in Canada and quadruple in UK/GBNI. We understand various forms ‘ham’ takes and how ‘ham’ is crime is at times modelled on nature and others artifice, e.g Jane Jacobs on urban systems in planning, architecture. I note the city government level is involved, also members of the military as urban planners of Prof. James Der Derian’s anti-diplomacy such as running systems backwards to also cause denial of service in the way one does as literary figure Mr. Bean say a power drill. He, as Rowan Atkinson, also Judy & Punch and the James Bond series have been run at Olympic Games even in 2012 and also the notion they can continue child molesting and battering through thespians. This is (in tort law charges as usual and case-customary) for the sheer fiendishness of the circumstances created, also for stolen marital real estate titles, to homes, more ancestral, also systematic identity theft, also genetic assets theft, to birth illegals while preventing me form forming a normal and sophisticated nice family which would also be legitimate, and now immediately from the Bank of Canada paid up to the formula recommended within 30 days by the Ministry of the Attorney General and the illegally cancelled mortgage guarantee in mortgage as per said spousal guarantee, Ontario, upon spousal death (killed: financially interrogating and battering for our wealth to take over from us both in an illegal child sponsorship they had started to inflict on him as of 1951, again 1982+ and 1985, arguable grandchildren who “were not his grandchildren,” and vehemently hated with a smile, I am not one of them and not at all legal to enmesh in such systems, ever, not ever, and any such, over two months which is the requisite time it takes to starve a healthy average non-old and frail person to death of normal vital signs at outset of his illegal confinement after being removed from home in a pre-meditated six-week Scots-Canadian murder planned, this through Veterans Affairs and Canadian-Estonian illegal child-breeder net/family class participants and most of them now illegally acting against me also and in Scotland as well: not needed; and most others congregating around Estonian Foreign Service and also Russia/Canadian/German/Swedish also. Damages are owed under tort law arising from three years of most recent nonsense: perjury, total abuse of me since 26 May, 2011, after blatant lies, with much research needed and completed by me, under duress, I have completed and hereby competently report. The network is thereby admitting to being incompetent and advantaged illegally on church/police/military badges, also illegally against me particularly: also thereby and otherwise in breach of prosecution immunity (mine, they have not, I have cause v. them) and 100% health they are trying to ruin and also diplomatic sovereign immunities and social contract, historical/new, to counter said by necessary corrective-action at the state level and personally. It needs to be ordered as instructed below and will be obvious as needed to any normal person, all rational while not guilty of the scheme and most guilty of the scheme wanting to be out of it and non-guilty of it also enmeshed in it currently as a function of their bureaucracies and spousal cheating, also financial lying, theft, and spousal targeting of in-laws to murder and also universities seeking to fundraise by bequest and hearse, not even hearse in some cases, but Latin American personal disappearance orchestrators, 1970s, e.g. Chile, Peru, Nicaragua, via Spain. The report at hand is a synopsis of the open and close case upon which a court order can be issued and a list of subpoenas for further information and criminal case started against the network of offending parties including politicians in Canada controlled by corrupt post-1940 MI5 and also Second World War and First World War enemy as alliances and entire military units and platoons still in formation, some and others having attacked through consumer credit agencies and also schools, universities, cottager associations and various pamphleteers, even bankers and journalism students, nurses, soldiers posing as police, with latter having no rights as mentioned in my life at all and least of all to trespass against my person; also they are worse educated than I am and lack essential intellectual and correct articulate ability), so in our political tradition, through the academe, but mostly by engaging in total war and illegal action such as riding rough-shod over diplomatic immunity and organizing intervention without cause to vandalize private property as part of a comprehensive premeditated plan since 1976, to serially kill heiresses to substantial heritage assets and five generations in one 60 year lifetime period to steal capital and real estate including for universities and foundations of studies and some of them illicit/perverse in focus, also desirable marriage partners such as entire male lineage and acquaintances of my family lines, and self, with the network seeking to libel me to potential high quality marriage partners having battered me out of marriage and second husband to death which makes me a marriageable very young widow, while most idiotically advertising themselves to try to take my place in all even at university as scholars, libeling in worst possible thinkable and unthinkable black propaganda fashion globally, to rob and kill. The network links to the idea which Stella Rimington has expressed in her memoir of 2001: police envy of diplomatic privilege and also her sense she/they are able to keep up with us by mere bluster, force. Her notion was many diplomats gained lofty appointments as provosts upon retirement but not staff of MI5 (post-1940) which now appear to have joined a rapacious fundraiser or sorts having joined the ranks described in Iriye, Saunier, ITransnational…[see: IRIYE, Bibliography] “EUROPEAN CIVIL SERVANTS” all of whom are financially interested ...TBc
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 03:40:59 +0000

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