ORIENTATION # 1102 : THAT THAT THAT MEANS THIS OR THAT _________________________________________________ People say jesus loves you.. and people say the universe, the divine providence, the angels (or whatever definition one likes to invent) help you if you listen to them.... The whole capitalistic ideal came from the Calvinistic perspective which was not materialistic at all, but rather meant to bring about a stratagem, through the accumulation of richness, aimed to understand if god likes us or not (speculation determined by the eventual success ( = god likes me) or failure ( = god does not like me).. People say that because that that gives them the illusory sense of security they think can substitute the inexplicable in life.. Problem is that that that means something to some, something else to someone else.. and then they fight over illusions: its the paradox inherent in the cultivation and search of psychological security: such search and cultivation brings about exactly the opposite of what its (intellectually) meant to bring about.. Think about these things... ________________________________________ endoffear.weebly/ eofproject.org jessicamystic
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 13:26:29 +0000

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