ORIENTATION # 1111 : THE SEVERED GARDEN (NO ANGELIC CONCERN FOR MAN) ________________________________________ Mother; if you and my father do not believe in any of the more or less clever inventions of the priest, then why do you send me to the church ? Why should I spend time in that curious building doing not really much curious things ..and various rituals.. and parroting all of those strange prayers ? ..I asked when I was a child..(I guess 8 or 9 years old).. It is not because of the church, not at all my mother answered.. it is because thats what most of people do in this society.. so if you get the religious confirmation, whatever it means, that represents a sort of more acceptance, more open doors in this society.. Lets take it just like something convenient even if it is boring and basically useless.. And during the 2 hours of catechism on Friday, or Thursday (cant remember).. there was a nun and a catechist lady to perform the lesson.. I remember a conversation, which was mostly a monologue, about angels: they were teaching to the children things about the angels.. how they show up emerging from their invisibility to guide the claudicant souls and this kind of things.. I remember that I asked a silly question, but logical to me : nun, and teacher, this is the time of the questions isnt it so ? Can I ask a question about the angels ? Yes boy, of course .. So if the angels are some sort of ethereal and esoteric beings capable of appearing and disappearing.. able to move through walls and fire and everything.. and able to fly.. then why do they have such big wings ? What happens to an angel if he or she loses the wings ? Does him or she become a normal man or girl just like us ? Are they limited just like us ? If so: do they have their own angels.. I mean: super-angels ? The nun didnt say anything.. The teacher said : I have no idea: they were born with wings, maybe when they lose the wings, new wings appear again.. only god knows.... So teacher, if you do not know about how they function, if they are limited or not, then why are you teaching us about something the existence of which is purely imaginative ? And why the angels have the shape of man and not the body of a bird, or a reptile, or a squirrel or a dog or a cat or a pig ?.. But the teacher said: Calm down boy: you are too much irreverent, disrespectful, almost impertinent : angels are real, sent to us by god, why all of these irrelevant questions ? But teacher (I said) please do not get me wrong, but if you look whats going on in this room, me, you, all the kids, the Mrs. nun... is that we have a condition in which such things you call angels are real to you.. and we have another condition in which such things you call angels are not real to me but they are real for you.. Now: I do not know who is right and who is wrong (Im just a kid).. but surely I know that me and you are real.. and regardless of the veracity of what we both believe or not believe in, you are placing your ideas in a position which is more important than the actual reality and from that position you try to intercept my mind as a kid... along the attempt to assimilate my thinking reality into your manufactured ideas .. which are not even yours, because, I assume, someone else assimilated your former thinking reality, (which is the reality in which one thinks and lives and exists without clinging to any illusions aimed to make he or she feel illusory safe) and that became your so important unreality.. and you call it, this inquiry of mine, impertinent !? Disrespectful !? Why ? Why do you get irritated when I try to intercept your ideas through the reality in which we are thinking (first of all), when I try to intercept your anchors to your beliefs the author of which is not even you.. ? You see teacher ? This is the place where man lives, and where man developed his own confusions and conflicts and escapes: this is the place where man has invented his guides, his angels, his countless iconographic and archetypical pictures to escape reality.. The place where reality constantly tries to intercept illusions.. sometime successfully, sometimes else disastrously.. this is the place where we live.. so it is in this room, so it is in the rest of the world.. a daily race to remain psychologically healthy.. into a jungle of illusions.. a race about which few care.. while the many just sink and get assimilated by this or that.. No angel of any sort can never help human beings to wholly understand and liberate themselves from their confusion.. because only human beings can attempt so.. its a human affair, not an angelic concern whatsoever.. therefore, teacher; as long as we try to escape this fact, which is fact and nothing but a fact, as well its the place where we live.. inwardly and outwardly.. as long as we try to escape this reality by inventing this and that... so long man will remain dazed, stupid, primitive and tribalistic, and then, just like you got irritated, man will fight one with another.. everlastingly .. to protect his and her and their illusions.. This is the place where we live.. and the place we have created.. its a severed garden.. So now: do these questions remain impertinent ? Or can we think about these things ? _____________________________ this is why we set up the EOF Project for more information see our websites. eofproject.org/ jessicamystic/ endoffear.weebly/ find us on facebook the end of fear group or for more info on Detox your Mind coaching contact us or help us spread the word share these posts #EndofFearProject #Psychology #freedom #fear #EOF #Detoxyourmind #understandyourmind #JessicaSchab #Jessicamystic #beliefs #DiegoKricekFontanive #religion #thinking #detox #education #evolution #sociology #mentalhealth #wakeup #insanity #depression #limbo #mind #criticalthinking #mindset #expose #dismantle #exposingspirituality #metacognition
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 11:00:34 +0000

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