ORIENTATION # 1150 : THE ACTION BEFORE THE ACTIONS ________________________________________________ Action is not the result of clarity: clarity in the mind is in itself action; one of the most precious actions we can have .. action of living and thinking: clarity is the action that must be present before all other actions.. Clarity in the brain is when serenity comes first, and not results or goals.. because exclusively clarity can bring into being the quality of self-observation before any dynamic, whether psychological, social, behavioural, aimed to accomplish a aim whatsoever.. Regardless of the problems, the turmoils, the possible (and so frequent) pain, the eventual (and so frequent) chaos around and inwardly, the spinning and pressurizing activity of thoughts most of us are facing almost daily.. and so on.. ; serenity, which is such a hard psychological position to sustain today, is indisputably the lymph one necessarily requires as a fuel for the clarity an individual needs to think through a healthy mind.. Most of us are concerned with what we should do, what we should achieve, what we should become, bites from the past and so numerous ghosts of regrets, desolation, fear and so on .. It is a modern frantic agitation, an almost daily movement that cannot possibly bring into being clarity.. Wherever the I should takes place along the existential process of thinking.. that means that I should has received more importance than serenity and clarity.. If the I should acquires more relevance that calmness, then whatever action will take form will be an action piloted by frenzy confusion.. The I should, existentially, seems to be an expression of determination, and action it becomes.. but in truth, in this overwhelming modernity, this perennial upload and download.. its merely confusion... cause there can be sane action only when the psyche is clear : not through meditation, nor through a practice, neither through the act of jumping in some pre-manufacture prototypes of thinking or by following a certain guru, stratagems or spiritual tips whatsoever.. but rather through serene and calm understanding there can be sane action.. Understanding the mind at work is indeed action itself.. and this action must be starting point and the reference point of all other actions.. In this globalized world we became almost obsessed with so many processes of becoming, so many I should, up to a deleterious point in which we are really losing contact with calmness... generating something profoundly destructive.. We maybe strive for some ideal action we believe as the key for something, for our life.. whether socially, spiritually, religiously and so on.. but this spasmodic tension can only bring conflict and confusion up to a level in which one is no longer capable of looking at what is actually taking place in the psyche. What is... is not what should I be: the first is reality, the second is hypothesis, and, obviously, hypothesis with no understanding of reality, can only becomes a speculative chaotic engagement.. a distorted pattern. Whatever choice has maturated in a machinery of planning and counter-planning without that clarity a brain requires to study and comprehend factuality, both practically and psychologically.. is a state of confusion that can only lead to further confusion. Clarity is not sitting and doing nothing, its rather complete action.. because its seeing without distortion.. _______________________________________ endoffear.weebly/ eofproject.org jessicamystic
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 10:03:44 +0000

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