ORIENTATION # 1211 : THE GAME WE PLAYED FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS ____________________________________________ To separate the so called positive thoughts from the so called negative ones is to engage the game of a shallow psyche; ones mind does not really go that far with its own self understanding as long as such mind divides itself in two major blocks along the attempt, the effort, the craving to become better.. It sounds like logical to cultivate only the so called positive thoughts, however this activity, indisputably, turns the mind into a superficial mind.. and even (so often) fearful to lose such cultivation.. because there is psychological, then social separation, a sort of psychological cold war going on within oneselfs psychology.. due to the denial of the possible understanding of the so many psychological clouds that come into being within the minds atmosphere.. not to mention that whats positive thoughts here.. is not necessarily positive thoughts there.. isnt it so ? There is this almost constant battlefield going on in us and among us between whats good and whats bad.. and a process of thinking is constantly superseding the other, or trying to control it and itself.. The act of separating different movements of the psyche is the act of creating walls within our psychology and this action creates great discomfort and eventual falsity.. Just like the idea aimed to separate a so called higher self and lower self shapes an inappropriate mental hierarchy which prevents a radical comprehension of the various ways through which our psyche actually functions.. The conflict of the opposites creates only antagonisms, not understanding, and in antagonism there is not clarity.. It is obvious, (at least to the mind which is not encapsulated in certain beliefs, ideals or personal convinctions or merely into a platform of superficiality), that all forms of effort invested in the desire to become better human beings.. all efforts that come into being and spring out from the psyche who lives in inward cold wars.. can only and logically result into outcomes that carry no understanding, not maturation of intelligence .. and this produces inexorably ulterior future conflicts.. After all this is not really that difficult to be understood.. cause thats the game we all have been playing for thousands of years.. When separation among processes of thinking comes to an end.. then intelligent understanding and clear, rational thinking can begin.. ____________________________________ endoffear.weebly/ eofproject.org jessicamystic
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 11:05:01 +0000

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