ORIENTATION # 1226 : THE UNFORTUNATE RISE OF THE GERM OF PROSELYTISM ______________________________________________________ When one actually realises the oceanic amount of incongruences and absurdities in the human world we have created, what usually happens within such a persons mind is so often a response permeated by great intransigence and opposition.. The denial to be a part of our own society, the refusal to contribute to the constant prosecution of abstruseness of various kind, is an understandable thing and reaction of course.. However, one should also realize that intransigent positions lead to intransigent psychological structures and consequential behaviour.. One begins a process of thinking crowned by some sort of personal revolutionary values, intents and aims.. so live first of all a completely different life, a life based on the denial of his or her current living.. And eventually such person even begins to think about means and ideas aimed to bring into being a completely different society as an opposition to the current one.. So then, perhaps, this person creates a certain level of proselytism, which then eventually increases.. Proselytism shapes paradigms which then perhaps lead to the urge to create some community, some autarkic collective sedimented on beliefs and values and catalyzed on the image of the leader.. We have witnessed these dynamics so often in our history, and so often we have witnessed the disasters and the usual insanity, or even dictatorships that have emerged from these tendencies.. These phenomena took place, first subjectively, then collectively, simply because they psychological scaffolding, then psychosocial, have originated from intransigent positions, and not from a clear and rational understanding.. and anything that rises from intransigent thinking, breeds intransigent living.. which then results in conflicts and violences.. both inwardly and outwardly.. The unfortunate dynamic of intransigence and its proselytism always functions conditionally: it rises from sentiments of opposition and rebellion, but its shaped on the psycho-socio-cognitive network of the opposed moral and social constructs : this means that intransigent opposition against a particular network of belief systems.. gives inexorably birth to another apparatus of belief systems the mask of which may appears to be revolutionary, completely different, a sort of awakening whatsoever.. but the machinery and the consequential reproduction of cruelties, insanities, psychological coagulations into sedimented and venomous dogmas of thinking, and all the rest of this human yet another madness.. come into being again.. The appeal and attractiveness of intransigence always clouds the rational thinking, which leads to the impossibility to understand clearly.. and ultimately this position results in irrational ideas, ideals and actions.. Without rational clarity.. men tend to repeat the same irrational history.. especially along intransigent attitudes: then: the opposition against a current belief becomes another belief.. the opposition against a current religious morality.. becomes another religious architecture.. The opposition against cultural or familys values.. becomes the adoption of other values such as becoming a punk, an emo, a drug addicted and whatever.. and so on.. After all: one should completely comprehend the trap in which the many of us seem to follow all the time and all along the history.. which is the substitution of a certain belief with another which then causes the same suffering caused by the former one.. This dynamic takes place both personalistically, psychologically.. and then, with the eventual, unfortunate of the infected germ of conditioned proselytism.. it affects the collective, socially.. The spiritual way is seen by so many people as the only way to possibly undertake.. However such construct of thinking, which has been, as well, entirely made up as a form of escapism, rises again from intransigent positions in which clear understanding has a very very little space.. or its rather totally absent.. Taking shelter in spiritual hopes, whether jesus christ or the new age, has been an action selected by the many all along the history.. Its merely another denial of the human absurdities we ourselves have created.. and such a denial carries no radical observation whatsoever of our mind.. therefore it leads to nothing but and illogical and intransigent desire to escape reality .. by fomenting, adopting and protecting illusions .. illusions because of which, then, we fight with each other again.. over and over and over and over.. both: among intimate processes of thinking.. emotion vs logic, memory vs perception, past vs future and so on.. and collectively, among different forms of syncopated proselytisms.. This is the world we have created.. The more we increase the awareness of the human situation, the more we increase our discontent and frustrations .. thats a fact .. However: to sink into gimmicks of any kind, whether motivational, political, organizational, spiritual and up to the absurdities, nonsenses and mumbo jumbo of the modern new age like other dimension of positivity, an activation of the DNA and the whole sum of such irresponsible junk. . its all an act crowned with complete irrational futility .. because its all about fugitives routes escaping from the understanding of our psychological confusion .. which is the true source of all existential and psychological human problems, as well its the very obstacle against an intelligence with no conditionings .. and the end of the existential fear .. Without psychological clarity, we have nothing.. ____________________________________ jessicamystic/ eofproject.org/ endoffear.weebly/
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 00:43:07 +0000

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