ORIENTATION # 360: A GURU IS MERELY A PAINTER OF ILLUSIONS ____________________________________ From a private conversation ____________________________________ Why do you need a guru? First al all it must be said, very clearly said, that a person becomes a guru when other people, the so called followers, forget he is only a human being in the act of talking about something that seems to match what the followers intend as a sort of path toward the liberation from their psychological and existential ignorance.... also known as the truth whatsoever: thats what makes a person a guru... right ? So; look at that: the guru is there, preaching this and that, permeated by that invisible dress you call wisdom, awareness, consciousness.. up to the illusory enlightenment... right ? Isnt it true ? Why do you follow that person ? Because of what he preaches ? Are you sure you are totally able to understand what he preaches ? Or do you follow that person cause that person in some way, somehow, represent the personification of your need to escape your mental misery ? Your paychological desolation in life ? You see ? A guru becomes a guru when you give power and fuel to the values, the archetypes, the labels you attached to him... I remember an almost shocking interview made in the Oshos ahram in Pune during the late 70s is which the majority of the western people that were there ...when asked -why do you follow Osho?- they simply answered ... -I do not really know why ... I just like it ... I feel the spiritual energy all around him- ... And then another question: -Do you fully understand what he preaches ?- and the common answer was: -hmm, not fully ... but whats is important is the vibe I feel-... It reminds me a bit a personal experience I had during a conversation with a man that was eating some (supposed) organic soya in Indonesia: I asked him: are you aware that the 100% of soja in Indonesia is Monsanto (gmo) ? Are you really believing that you are eating organic food ? And the guy answered: It doesnt matter: I just believe that this soja is organic therefore the soja become organic! (wow ! I thought ! What a convenient super-power !!! You can go to Fukushima and just eat the soja there with no problems at all !!) In truth, if someone has something to say... not because it has to say something.. but because it has something to say... something that can lead to a profound observation, inquiry and understanding of our daily miseries ... well : if someone has something to say that can lead to a mutual c--working and co-understanding... then a follower is a curse! If you think Im special, if you think that person is an ascended master whatsoever ... then you are a curse for the whole mankind ! ... you are a curse because you seek for consultations... hopes... transcendental truths... but real understanding cannot come from consultations... it can come only from a mutual co-working and understanding ... Mind that if I say something and you really understand what Im saying ... then please, please realize that that understanding doesnt take place because of me (as the speaker) ... but rather becauseof you (as the inward speaker who is speaking with yourself). Im not a guru: Im a destroyer of layers, idiocy and psychological ignorance... and so the listener must be : a destroyer .. not a silent follower waiting for the next motivational tip ... or for the most unbelievable lies and false hopes typical of the new age scenario of nothingness ... Think carefully: If you seek for consultations... and you think that someone can give you existential consultations.. tips to get out of pettiness in the mind... and if you find someone who claims that he or she can give you a consultation regarding life so to make you able to elevate yourself from your confusions and fears... if you come to believe in these things ...then you are shaping yourself, dangerously, into a followers of that person and the value that that person represent for you... : you are following a value: a psychological picture of expectations... and that value is giving you consultations... But to give consultations do not necessarily mean to give understanding... (almost never) and so often mean merely to give opium.. new illusions for the mind... new labels ... He who gives you consultations, gives you a belief system... Anyone who gives you a belief system is a killer of your possibility to fully comprehend your psyche and your self liberation from the misery of our existential ignorance ... So why do you need a guru ? What you need is perhaps someone who indicates you where the door is... but then the first step is yours .. A guru can only draw the picture of an illusory door within your tired seeker-mind... giving you a mere yet another conditioning to follow... A gure talks through archetypes... hopes... positive motivations, very often rhetorical : what the follower espects to hear and see... He has no real intensity A guru is merely a painter of illusions... Think about these things ... ______________________________________ endoffear.weebly/ jessicamystic
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 10:08:46 +0000

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