ORIENTATION # 654 : RADIOACTIVE ABUSES ____________________________________________________ From a private conversation ____________________________________________________ In regard of the dilemma: why do we enter and stay in abusive relationships ? then yes: as you said: consensus is the very industry of abuse: we want consensus and validation so to feel psychologically alive, dynamic , argumentative ...or even proud because of the illusory idea through which we believe that by behaving in this way and staying with the abuser .. we may will change in good that person in a tomorrow that will never come ... but we ignore the fact that whatever the need of validation is .. the whole sum of its psychological energies goes entirely toward the nourishment of identity and thats the very reason why we become so distracted with this mechanism aimed to gain consensus almost daily ...at the point in which our mind even ignores the condition in which we are.. Indeed the abused person is first of all abusing himself or herself.. due to the circumstance in which the whole analysis of the condition in which such mind lives .. is almost irrelevant to that psyche ... covered by the glittered hunger for validation.. In this way (and in all ways) validation becomes psychologically radioactive... corroding and eroding the whole psyche ... and generating psychological damages which in the long term can become really dramatic .. such as the almost full blindness (or total blindness) of the abused to realize, decode, detect and admit his or her abusive status... inwardly and outwardly ... The tragicomic drama in which a person can sink is to be detected, indeed, in the syncopated condition in which the abused/self-abusing mind detects in some ways.. somehow its confusion... but it reacts through the compulsive act of searching even more consensus and validation .. up to a spasmodic point sometimes ... ignoring how this pathological attitude can only bring great discomfort and it can only provide more fertilizer for the abusive architecture of thinking in which such person is sadly drowning ... The fundamental psychological action the (tendentially or tangibly) abused, self-abusing mind should activate is an act of radical attentiveness aimed to disintegrate his or her urge of validation.. cause its from this mental drug that all abusing problems. that mind has, come.. whatever they are... from the act of blaming ourselves to the nonsense in the act of thinking that may we should shot down our emotions... from the absolute existential ignorance regarding the condition in which we live (due to the constant distraction the need for validation requires) up to total dementia... It is obvious, even scientifically attested, that wherever the urge of validation rises... there intelligence decays.. ________________________________________________________ endoffear.weebly/ jessicamystic endoffear.org find us on facebook the end of fear group or for more info on Detox your Mind coaching contact us or help us spread the word share these posts
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 12:49:08 +0000

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