ORIENTATION # 759 : A NEW INTELLIGENCE OUT OF THE ACTION OF IMITATING OUR YESTERDAYS MIND WITHIN EACH ONE OF OUR FUTURES TODAY ________________________________________ If one mind really want an awakening of his or her own intelligence such mind doesnt have to ask : there is no awakening out of conditionings as long a psyche clings to outside sources.. It has been like that for millennia: it never worked. By cutting immediately all the rhetorical nonsenses such us search within and so on, one must to self-extract what the fulcrum of his own psychology is.. If you call yourself christian, or spiritual, or nationalistic, or believer in this and that, then you will never find out what, psycho-existentially, is all about cause each condition of belonging to a belief whatsoever is nothing but a distraction to the psyche therefore all taken inquiries and willingness to understand wholly will be merely the results of such distractions... Its futile to investigate about life through a belief, whether faith, hope, or adopted illusion.. Mind is thinking, thinking generates thought and thought is psychological action Rather then manufacturing fool methodologies aimed to give divine and spiritual connotations to the human existence, which is absent-mindedly totally idiotic, as well producer of violence and separation, ...a mind must see its own limitations, and the very act of seeing its own limitations is already, even if shy, awakening of such minds intelligence. A different kind of intelligence is indeed, and especially nowadays, dramatically needed.. an intelligence the responsibility of which is that supreme act to deny all existential searching , all gods and divine, all spiritual attitudes, all hopes, all acts of clinging, all weird existential stratagems & confabulations and all idiocies in general, as well: all beliefs... There cannot be awakening of intelligence as long belief ties up the mind to the platform of historical human psychological petrification... One should investigate in that psychological space, pervaded by psychological time, which is between the very origin of thought.. and all mental creations that thought develops around itself.. the very substance of which is entirely made by the conditioned known one nourishes every single day .. I am depressed: look: I wake up and I develop such thought right the way.. So: today again I am and I remain depressed because of that so fast ramification that thought created at its very dawn the moment I woke up.. There is not awareness of the thought : just its result which is depression.. therefore there cannot be awakening of oneselfs intelligence: just the misery of reproducing and imitating my conditioned yesterdays mind within each one of my future today... Thought is action because thought fabricates the subsequential thought through which it expands itself as a networking system of roots .. The observation that the thinker/observer should undertake must be entirely calibrated in the awareness of this process of fabrication of the network.. otherwise : its done deal: the ramification encompasses and engulfs the whole architecture of our psychology : depression is a network, belief is a network, sadeness as well, so it is the aggressiveness of man, his stupidity and the whole apparatus of pettiness: all conditionings are networks.. If the mind gets willing and able to inquire in this whole act of fabricating psychological networks, the mind gets also able to stop the industry of human confusion .. substituting it with a spring of that rising awaken intelligence man never came across before.. A new intelligence gives birth to itself only when the whole skeleton of psychological authority and illusions of all kind collapses, disintegrating the whole dirty conditionings-thing. As like the little blade of grass who rises as a tree from the asphalt .. byt breaking it into pieces.. so it is the mind at the sunrise of its intelligence : the intelligent mind is a destroyer , not a stupid devotee of abusive think positive or letting go petty belief systems.. beliefs that have no chance to meet any sort of intelligent evolution whatsoever at all : just a falsely golden and painted by superficial okeyness and goodness encapsulation into a bubble of everlasting hebetude ... Think about these things, think about an absolutely new mind, not a new belief ______________________________________ endoffear.weebly/ jessicamystic
Posted on: Sat, 19 Apr 2014 02:44:16 +0000

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