ORIENTATION # 838 : INTELLIGENCE EMERGES WHEN MASTERS CEASE TO EXIST _______________________________________________________ Wherever one needs a master, a certificate of understanding, a source of inspiration and so on .. wherever a mastering in life and motivational thinking is the goal and need of the psyche.. such psyche remains very very poor.. stuck in a rut.. As long as mind is caught up in the desire to master itself, there is no psychological understanding, there cannot be any flare of freedom. Whether religious, spiritual, political, ideological, or silly ascended masters whatsoever, their existence is absolutely irrelevant: to understand a person must stand alone, and by so such person must be able to explore what lies below the place where the mind psychologically stands: under the standing: understanding .. and to understand a mind must be stripped of all urge for psychological security. Wherever and whenever the urge to find out comfort is technical and practical, then the mind flows as oil.. Wherever and whenever the urge to gain comfort if psychological... striving for psychological security .. the mind is stupid, harassing itself with philosophies, gurus, intellectual stratagems or egotistic self-disciplines. The mind who believes to be empowered by its masters may thinks to be cunning, smart.. but in truth its subtle.. trapped into the imitation of the master ..then when the master goes away, such mind seeks for another.. or merely it sinks into the rhetorical swamp again ... There are no masters that can teach us anything new... we can only co-work to find our what we always knew.. because wherever there is a master, there there is a follower..and wherever there are followers .. there cannot be free intelligence .. Intelligence emerges when masters cease to exist within the psyche.. but beware of the person who says I have no masters at all: Im free .. because most likely that person ignores that masters are not just people.. but also beliefs, ideas, thoughts, conditionings.. ________________________________________- this is why we set up the end of fear project for more info WWW.EOFPROJECT.ORG jessicamystic endoffear.weebly/ find us on facebook the end of fear group or for more info on Detox your Mind coaching contact us or help us spread the word share these posts
Posted on: Sat, 24 May 2014 10:16:58 +0000

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