ORIENTATION # 910 : AN INDIAN MAN, A BRITISH GIRL, AN AUDIENCE AND ANSWERS WITH NO QUESTION ____________________________________ From a private conversation ____________________________________ Illusions, urge of inspiring experiences, needs to be this and that .. all come from desire.. Nothing is wrong with desire when desire is healthy.. but is there a complete awareness of the desire ? When I was in India there was a sannyasi, the sannyasis in India use to wear a saffron tunic.. He used to come to the same little restaurant eating masala food.. He used to be always together with a girl, an english girl around 30 or maybe 35.. The girls was looking like a well educated person, polite, behaviorally gentle, reserved.. It was not very easy to understand what was going on.. The girl seemed to care a lot about the guy (he was most likely the same age.. or maybe a little bit older).. She used to cut his food with the knife and serving him.. The guy, who used to be silent most of the time, seemed to suffer of some sort of psychological problems such as attitudes to nervous tics consisting in touching repetitively and with fixed frequency particular points on the forehead and so on.. This condition seemed to be like a situation in which the girl was logically supposed to be a sort of psychotherapists or psychologist there to help that person.. or maybe just a person voluntarily animated to help that guy ..for some compassionate reasons.. Sometimes she used to cry.. politely, silently.. Most of the time she was serious.. Rarely some smiles.. One day something curious happened: there was a spot on the cliff, a simple but cozy lounge where people used to go to drink natural ayurvedic tea.. An open space, some pillows, some incenses around, pictures of not really well known gurus on the wall and the typical packaging one expects to see in India.. The sannyasi came with the british girl, they reached the end of the lounge.. They had a stereo and a little microphone.. The behaviour of the girl was pretty weird cause she was moving and acting exactly like a servant.. I mean: the behaviour of the person that doesnt question.. nor inwardly nor outwardly .. but simply executes a script of some kind.. Well, the guy surprisingly begun his speech, sitting in a yoga position and with closed eyes.. His speech was merely based on the act of promoting the 3 ways to achieve the truth and the enlightenment .. just like one of the many gurus which grow like mushrooms all over India.. The 3 ways to achieve the truth were consisting in 1) meditation.. 2) yoga.. 3) music.. (they played a bunch of mantras the CD of which actually was not working most of the time due to probable scratches on its surface) Regardless of these descriptions, what was interesting to point out is that after few minutes people begun to come.. Western people I mean.. They came, they sat, they listened and most of them were basically following the speech in a yoga position with closed eyes.. I remember a lady sitting in the first row with her arms raised to the heaven and united to symbolize a prayer.. And so on.. It took 20, or 30 minutes, or maybe a little bit more to collect at least 20 people.. willing to listen the confabulating speech .. willing to capture themselves in that occasional moment of self-and-collective-manufactured-sacredness whatsoever.. At the end of that speech, which took maybe bit more than one hour, the guy asked the audience if they had some questions.. But no one formulated a question.. not even a banal, simple, superficial, rhetorical question.. and the guru just suddenly left .. This is to point out the condition in which those people, the audience, the listeners had simply no questions.. just answers, I mean: nor necessarily linguistic/intellectual answers, but rather ideological pre-manufactured answers.. Ideological means : coming from ideas, pre-packaged ideas, no matter if misty or defined.. pre-packaged by the culture or confabulated by the foggy search of spiritual paths .. You see ? There are answers even before the questions.. answers without questions .. the truth , the enlightenment, the sacredness, the act of rising the arms to the sky and all of these things .. We pretend to answer.. this is work of jesus, that is the gift of god, this is divine and that resonates with my heart and so on.. but there is no question.. and even when the sentence has a question mark at the end.. for example do you love.. love ? then the question mark doesnt necessarily mean that thats a question.. indeed the answer, the yes, is already there: there is no investigation, just answer.. Is there a psychological possibility to place in the psyche, then collectively, a question without thinking automatically about an answer ? Please : see it: you are already ready, already thinking about the how to answer.. isnt it so ? Can we place a question with no needs to sink into an answer ? Because the answer is within the question.. Think about these things ____________________________________ endoffear.weebly/ eofproject.org jessicamystic
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 09:56:50 +0000

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