ORIGIN OF WHITE PEOPLE OF NORTH AFRICA Kem Infos _________________________________________________________ In the European and North African imagination, North Africa is part of the East (Near or Middle) as evidenced not only the name of the Institute of Egyptology in Cairo (French Institute of Oriental Archaeology), but also common sense that wants Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt and Sudan are even spontaneously classified as Arab territory. And never as African, although these areas are well in Africa. When asked Muslim Arab Maghreb on the origin of the whiteness of their skin compared to black southern Maghreb, they claim to be direct descendants of early modern humans. This would mean they believe that the first inhabitants of North Africa were already white skin. All this is obviously wrong. The truth appears when one goes back in history to -3000 years, the historical evidence confirming the presence of white people in this region do not exist. Berber Moroccans from Algerians and whites are not the original inhabitants of North Africa. The first elements that confirm their presence only appear to 2000 BC, when the ancient Egyptians fight infiltration and colonization of Semites and white populations belonging to the Sea Peoples. Beforehand, it must be said that natural phenotype in all of Africa was Negroid. All scientific studies on the genetic diversity of white populations clearly show that European whites arrived from Central Asia there are about 6000 years old. All whites in the world including Moroccans from Algerians shared genetic characteristics specific to Caucasoid. Therefore by any White who lives in Africa, Indo-European origins so Caucasoid. So we will see how and when did the white element (leucoderma) arrived on our continent, to become the majority in the north. ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● VIDEO: ANCIENT EGYPT, A BLACK CIVILIZATION Video: youtube/watch?v=6Kpf92pI4K4 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ORIGIN OF BERBER Concerning the Berbers, some Algerian and North African archaeologists promote a fantastical story of Berber population to establish their legitimacy in relation to black Africans. Berber word is derived from Greek barbaroi, which becomes barbarus by the Romans and then recovered by the Arabs in barbaric and finally by the French with Berber. The term designated primarily people that we do not understand the language, that is to say foreigners. By extension, the word meant wild or uncivilized. The origin of the Berber is a case of attempted falsification. When asked Berber-Arab-Muslim on the origin of the whiteness of their skin compared to the rest of the black continent, they claim to have always lived there and be the direct descendants of early modern humans. This would mean they believe that the first inhabitants of North Africa were already white skin from the outset. Unfortunately for them, this is an assumption without any scientific value. No data from Prehistory does not retain the idea that a North African Caucasian would magically appeared in North America as at the time of the Upper Paleolithic. Unfortunately for them, all African races Neolithic are black African. This is up to about 1800 BC. AD Under the Sixth Dynasty of Egypt, when the first performances of a skinned populations appear in the writings and paintings in Africa. In the General History of Africa (Unesco, vol. 2, chap. 17 Proto-Berber), only around 2000 BC appears a new ethnic group in clearer skin and eyes blue with a significant percentage of blond (p. 461). ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● TRIBES Eurasian Nomads The fight between sedentary people of the Nile Valley and the nomadic tribes existed white, it seems to come down in history so vague domination of pastors. Civilization, which promptly settled in the Nile valley could hardly develop among the nomads. The nomads, having mostly or agriculture or industry of any kind were always attracted to the valley by the lure of a productive plunder. The fertility of the Nile was proverbial in all the surrounding countries; in years of bad harvest, Asias inhabitants arrived by the Isthmus of Suez to find the grain in a country most favored, as we see in the story of the children of Jacob. But often these strangers, instead of a simple traffic mingled with the tribes of the desert, hoping to have their share of the spoils. Also, they were generally hated by the Egyptians, who mingled in a common hatred all people living outside their Nile Valley. ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● THE HYKSOS Hyksos is the name given by the Egyptian historian Manetho (third century. BC. BC) to Asian invaders annexed the northern Egypt around 1633 to 1560 BC Josephus, Jewish historian 1st century AD, has preserved the passages where Manetho mention the invasion of the Hyksos: In the blue, men of unknown race from the East had the audacity to invade our country [Egypt] and without difficulty or struggle took it by force. We called all Hyksos people, which means pastors kings. For hyk in the sacred language means king and SOS in the vernacular means shepherd. The meeting of these two words gives Hyksos. This etymology is only partially accurate. If hyk comes right heka chief prince sôsne not transcribed Shasu nomads is an abbreviation of the word khasout foreigners and hekakhasout expression that gave Hyksos appears in Egypt as early as 1800 BC -C. it applies to the heads of the tribes of nomads who roamed the white Syrian-Iraqi desert. If Kamits Ancient Egyptians they are the introduction of the horse, chariot and armor, it does not have enough offensive epithets to describe the Hyksos Asian shepherds Semites, Indo-European. They treated vile Asians (from Manetho.), Or cursed, with plague, leprosy, looters, thieves ... The Hyksos retained some of their traditions, but also adopted Egyptian customs. Their names will be, for example, written in hieroglyphics and placed in cartridges. They worship the god Baal they assimilated to Seth as the Sutekh. The main Hyksos kings are called Salitis, Yaqub-Har, Khyan Apophis and I. It was at the end of the reign of the Hyksos ruler Apophis I a national movement born in Thebes from which Kamits princes (black) will regain Kemet (Egypt) in 1580 BC. Ahmose managed to take their capital Avaris and pursues the Hyksos to Palestine. He besieged them before the stronghold of Charouhen and then headed north into the territory of Zahi (Phoenicia) and that was the end of the Hyksos power. ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● AND THE Temehou AMOU This is the time of the pharaoh Suti Mery-n-Ptah to -1300, only white people are regularly cited in Libya under the name Tamehou. Moreover, under Ramessu Hekayounou (Ramses III), towards -1200, many people white invaders were repelled by Egypt to Libya, which are accentuated the white input. It is very important to understand the following fact: The ancient Egyptians knew two Libyans People: Tehenou and Temehou. The Tehenou were indigenous black Libyans, as represented in the same way as the Egyptians and Temehou are white nomads from Europe and Asia. The Temehou arrived in North Africa around 1700 BC (invasions boat people) and are most likely the ancestors of modern Berbers. The Temehou appear to have been very belligerent and pharaohs of the Middle Kingdom often last fight. These peuplâtes will be defeated by Kemet (ancient Egypt), and fail in Cyrenaica (Libya) to then gradually scattered tribes on the coast of North Africa to the Atlantic Ocean. To the ancient Egyptians, the Semites (Amu) and Indo-Europeans (Temehou) were among the foreigners designated by the most abusive adjectives: those who walk on all fours like animals, lepers probably because of their clear complexion, plague, cursed, looters, thieves, vile Asian» In European and Arab-Muslim publications, paintings Egyptians are deliberately misinterpreted or completely hidden when it comes to representing the human races. Arab falsifiers and white refuse to recognize it as Egyptians. The aim is to exclude from the Egyptian black African world. However, human representations shown as Nubio Sudanese are actually Egyptians. The photographs below show the races in painting (Tomb of Ramses III) egypte-antique.info/imag.../type-humain-egypte2.jpg https://fbcdn-sphotos-fa.akamaihd.net/.../983604_10151570900... imagizer.imageshack.us/.../63.../hornungdistortiongz4.jpg i1113.photobucket/.../tlxlo.../RamsesIII-Rmt-KV11.jpg A group of people labeled Asians (Semitic) entering Egypt 1900 - Fresco of the tomb at Beni Hasan, of Khnumhotep II, an official of Dynasty. Here is the picture: antikforever/.../Im.../Dynastie%2011-17/hyksos06b.jpg ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● VIDEOS: THE PHENOTYPE OF ANCIENT EGYPTIAN 1 dailymotion/.../xczss5_le-phenotype-of-ancien... THE PHENOTYPE OF ANCIENT EGYPTIAN 2 dailymotion/.../xczt86_le-phenotype-of-ancien... ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Finally, all the writings attest that the Semitic and European, even living in Egypt, were not necessarily always seen and desired. They were considered foreigners. For proof just read the texts of the tombs of Sethi 1 of Merneptah and Ramses III (Book of Gates) where the goddess Sekhmet insists the souls of Temehou (Europeans) and Amu (Semites). By Horus, in favor of the governors of the cities that are in the Duat: Egypt, distant countries were glorious for you. The rulers were transformed as greatness. He-Who-chairs-the-sky and blast your nose, was lenient. He has written for the correct measurement of your clothes. You are tears (my eye). My eye (divine) in your name Remetou (Egyptians) is your greatness. I created for you by name. The Amu (Semites), Sekhmet turned them, she insists that their souls. You are those (Remetou) hitting me against them (Amu). I am satisfied with the multitude that came out in me, from your name (that of Remetou). Intended for Nehesiou (Nubio Sudan) they were born in favor of Horus. It was he who protects their souls. I searched my eye and you came to existence under your name. For Temehou (Indo-European), Sekhmet turned them, she insists that their souls. You are those (Remetou) hitting me against them (Temehou) Note: Nehésiou etymologically means Those who mumble incantations. Then Horus protects the souls of the Nubians. Ask yourself why the souls of the Nubians (like those of the Egyptians) are protected ... For those who did not understand: simply because the Nubians were black ... like the Egyptians (which of Moreover also descended from peoples from Nubia) Book of Gates: achoris.free.fr/.../livre%20.../livre%20des%20portes.html ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ANCIENT EGYPT Scientists have shown that blacks lived in the Sahara -3500 BC, near rivers that no longer exist. These blacks were probably invented sophisticated technique of mummification since it does not yet exist in Egypt at that time. These populations have migrated to the Nile because of desertification and thus brought to indigenous know-how (in terms of mummification and artistic terms among others, and their religious culture (human representations jackal-headed etc.) . for Aboriginal already present in Egypt where do they come from? a very serious genetic study (2009) found that the majority of indigenous people are the ancestors of the African This explains that a massive migration of blacks North to the South has occurred (because of the Semitic invasions, white Libyans, etc ... Hyksos North Africa) And do not forget that for many experts, the great Lakes region corresponds to the country Punt that the ancient Egyptians called it the Land of Punt Ta-Netjru (which means the land of the gods), and considered it their homeland. this is also why they turned to the South to pray to their gods. The ancient Egyptians called themselves by the word Kemet which means The Black Country alluding to the color of the skin of the Egyptians or literally translated as The Land of those blacks that is to say, The Land of the Blacks. This is the Kemmiou graphy. The discoveries in pre-dynastic villages south of Egypt confirm the origins Negroes from Egypt. These excavations in the cemetery at Qostul Nubia and excavations of the site of El-Kadaba located between the 5th and 6th cataract south of Meroe. This is fun to see the docu-dramas represent, for example Narmer (who unified Upper and Lower Egypt) in the North African type individual while the sculptures of his face show Negroid traits evident and all historians know that it was so coming from a Nubian African tribe. Just as the aristocracy is always presented as the type traits Semitic or Berber magrébin even in Western European emissions (and servants are black, coincidentally ...) while the majority of the Pharaohs (up the 19th dynasty) were Negroid types before the invasions. Yes there has been miscegenation, a melting pot but probably the same as what is happening in Europe today: the white majority. In Ancient Egypt, Blacks were the majority and the ruling classes comprised (until the 19th Dynasty) ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● INVASION AND MONEY MAGHREB It is more important to return to the black African character of the Egyptian civilization. This has been sufficiently demonstrated. When the final fall of Egypt and its capture by the Greeks, Aristotle kept saying Egyptian they were excessively black. Obviously there were white elements in Egypt. But in small numbers, represented as prisoners of war or servants to -1300, during the reign of Mery-n-Ptah (Merenptah) Egypt will succumb to white Assyrian invasions, and Persian (Iranian), Greek, and Roman. These successive invasions grow indigenous blacks to flee to other parts of Africa. Those who remained métisseront - these are the Copts. Finally, taking the country by the Arabs in 639, then Ottoman rule of the three centuries (Turkish) will complete bleaching of Egypt and North Africa. Before Pharaoh Psammetichus I (XXVI Dynasty), Egypt was inaccessible to the Nordic foreign (Semitic and Indo-European). And those who were able to enter, the Egyptian priests did not attend them. Access to the shrines were forbidden as the unwashed people with crazy and bearded. After death, the souls of these foreigners, Egyptians, were doomed to hammering. (In the Book of Gates, the souls of Semitic and Indo-Europeans are hit, while the Sudanese Nubia souls are protected by Horus. The formidable lioness goddess Sekhmet, the supplicière impure souls transformed Semitic and Indo -European and she insists the souls of the Semites and Europeans). One reason was circumcision. Indeed, the ancient Egyptians despised uncircumcised foreigners. (For Herodotus, the Egyptians and Ethiopians, ie the nubio Sudan, practice circumcision since the beginning. They are part of the first two people to have practiced. The Hebrews and Arabs practiced circumcision long after them. So Abraham mythical figure in the religion of whites and Arabs, was almost century-old when he was circumcised) For the Egyptians, the Nordic foreigners were barbarians. An additional reason was that they did not know the Egyptian language. The foreign Kings Births names (Pharaohs thieves) have no meaning in the Egyptian language (eg Cleopatra has no meaning in the Egyptian language), while the name of Birth (Son of Ra) Sudanese Pharaohs has meaning in the Egyptian language (eg Piankhi means the Living). ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● VIDEO: ANCIENT EGYPT, A BLACK CIVILIZATION youtube/watch?v=MoT6DlZJkRw ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● GENETIC STUDIES Under the reign of Ramses III Fari, that is to say around 1180 before the EE This fresco immortalized by Richard Lepsius, German Egyptologist and philologist of the 19th century, from a bas-relief from the tomb of the last great New Kingdom Sovereign. This fresco gives Remetou see man par excellence identified the Egyptian that leads the way. Then come the Temehou (white Libyan), the Nehesiou (indigenous black Nubian) and the Amu (Semitic, Asian). Except the triple band of the belt Remetou, nothing distinguishes the Nehesiou indicating an identity of the phenotype. Lepsius, acquired Egyptological theories that applied to distinguish Egyptian and Negro is surprising himself this fact by saying, Where is expected to see an Egyptian, one represents us authentic Negro (Richard Lepsius, Denkmäler aus Ägypten und Äthiopien, p. 203). Painting in the tomb of Ramses III copied by Richard Lepsius: egypte-antique.info/imag.../type-humain-egypte1.jpg i1113.photobucket/.../tlxlo.../RamsesIII-Rmt-KV11.jpg °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° The sudden popularity of this fresco, acquired thanks to Prof. research work. Cheikh Anta Diop, and held up as irrefutable proof of genuine phenotype of Ancient Egyptian has justified the unprecedented examination of the mummy of Ramses III Pharaoh whose tomb had the fresco, as the paradigm established in Egyptology, still recovering from a mismatch. The study was commissioned by the Cairo Museum, where still reigned Zahi Hawass, Minister of Egyptian Antiquities. The examinations conducted on the mummy of the New Kingdom pharaoh established that it was part of a genetic line belonging to the Y chromosome haplogroup E1b1a, haplogroup that is mainly found among Bantu peoples of Central Africa, with a prevalence 70 to 100%. Science had therefore confirm what the ancient Egyptians clearly expressed in the tomb of the king by painting different phenotypes they knew in their time. DNA tribes confirms that Ramses III is black dnatribes/dnatribes-digest-2013-02-01.pdf DNA Tribes also confirmed that Tutankhamun and Akhenaten was the line of Black African dnatribes/dnatribes-digest-2012-01-01.pdf https://killeenisd.org/.../EarlyAfricanSocieties-108686.p... °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Furthermore the researcher Philippe Charlier reminder that Tutankhamun was indeed a black African youtube/watch?v=JlEHGZmpt2s Even pro-Israeli websites admit that the line of Akhenaton was Black African origin. moiseetramses.tumblr/.../les-8-pharaohs-Jews-he y... The ancient Egyptians have always differentiated white noelshack/2013-27-1372937343-egyptenoire.png noelshack/2013-35-1377710523-ramses-libyens.... noelshack/2013-35-1377710410-5789836.jpg °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° The genetic study commissioned by the Cairo Museum attest Bantu origins of Pharaoh Ramses III, as well as those of his paternal lineage. The attributes of royalty, Diodorus of Sicily insists recall the identity of traditions and customs between Ethiopians and Egyptians. He writes: ---- They say (Ethiopians), moreover, that most Egyptian customs are of Ethiopian origin as colonies retain the traditions of the metropolis; that respect for kings, regarded as gods, funeral rites, and many other uses, are Ethiopian institutions; Finally, the types of sculpture and writing characters are borrowed from the Ethiopians (...). The order of priests is among the two nations established on the same basis. Those who are dedicated to the worship of the gods are the same purifications; they shave and dress in the same way, and they all carry a scepter shaped plow. The kings of the two nations also carry a similar scepter; they have more on the head a long bonnet, ombiliqué at the top, and surrounded by serpents which are called asps (...). Ethiopians still allege many other proofs of their antiquity and their Egyptian colony; but we can dispense to report (Diodorus Siculus, Historical Library, Book III, para. 3). egyptsearch/forums/ultimatebb.cgi... ankhonline/.../nubie_egypte_contexte_negro_afr... ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● VIDEO: ANTA DIOP SHEIKH: CONFERENCE NIAMEY (1984) https://youtube/watch?v=TzIEn60nGbU ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● THE MIDDLE AGES The Romans took the Maghreb after war won against the Carthaginian Hannibal, they found so many blacks in Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco that the Moors called Mauretania and named the place. Mauros / Moors in Greek as in Latin means strictly Black. Mauretania therefore means land of blacks. The same Morocco word is derived from the Moorish roots. The testimonies of European suggest that blacks were always there in the Maghreb. Libya in turn, due to the robbery which was engaged nomadic white population, was called by the Romans Barbari. Also in Libya, the Greeks and the Romans will describe the presence of people who wear braids and had obviously matriarchal organization. The same period documents will describe the presence of a small nation Ethiopian living from Tripoli to Tunis. The word Ethiopian derives from the Greek Aethiopus which means burnt faces, so black; the word was originally applied to blacks Sudan, west and south of the continent. When the Arabs came into Barbari and Mauretania, they transformed the word Barbari in Berber to refer to all the peoples of the Maghreb and Libya without distinction of color. Berber word therefore initially referred to black people globally. These indigenous peoples constituted the overwhelming majority of troops who entered Spain in 711 to begin the 781 years of Muslim occupation of the Iberian Peninsula. The testimonies of Europeans are formal Epoque. The Spanish king Alfonso X says all Moorish soldiers were dressed in black silk and wool ... their black faces were like pitch and the most beautiful of them were (black) as a pan Photo: Moorish dignitaries playing chess in 1283 africanhistory-histoireafricaine/.../.../maure-3.jpeg Source: The Golden Age of the Moors, Ivan van Sertima page 29. ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● WHITE SLAVERY BY MUSLIMS The Encyclopedia of Ukraine in 2002 estimated 2 to 2.5 million the number of deported from Ukraine, Belarus and the Moscow region, this between the 15th and the 18th century only. Knowing that the trafficking of whites by Muslims began in the 8th century and covered a wider area, we are led to believe that the results are much heavier than those 2.5 million. This is a bill which Arabs and Moroccans from Algerians do want to talk. The enslavement of European white - Germanic and Slavic in particular (where slave). White men were castrated by Jews in Verdun in France and deported from Venice. Europeans and Arabs have some sort of tacit agreement to pass this story in silence and make the world believe that only the Black was a slave. All these whites, especially women, were in bondage throughout the Muslim world, including North Africa, probably more than Blacks. So those whites who métisseront with the Berber Métis to give those we continue to call Berbers until today. The Ottoman presence will also intensify the Maghreb laundering. This tends to explain why there are black African elements, European and Semitic (Arab) in the Berber languages. ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● VIDEO RELATIONS BETWEEN BLACK PEOPLE AND SEMITES youtube/watch?v=P-ThASNdWX8 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● CONCLUSION To all those who let themselves be deceived by the images published on North African. First, we must keep in mind that the first inhabitants settling in North Africa and Egypt from the south and so were black Africans. Let us remember that before the arrival of the first Eurasian tribes, no falls Asian or European was discovered in Egypt in the pre-dynastic or protodynastic. All are black African. Its a fact. If the fantasy of a white settlement relieves the suffering of Moroccans from Algerians falsifiers and Europeans, more power to them. In summary if the steps of Egypt laundering are known. The Maghreb and Libya for their originally black, would bleached white with the first pushed back to Libya, and the Assyrian, Persian, Greek, Roman, Arab, Turkish, and especially the trafficking of whites. We suspect that the Berber Moroccans from Algerians and other Arabs will never accept what they are. Of hekakhasout (nomads). Finally, be aware that the strictly archaeological, material evidence Berber presence Semitic or white do not go back beyond 2000 BC All the rest is speculation and free falsification of history. ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● sources: culture-kamite/les-populations-blanches-aux-tem.../ kamitewoman/article-the-barbarian invasions-e... fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peuples_de_la_mer africanhistory-histoireafricaine/.../comment-lafr.../ afrikhepri.org/cheikh-anta-diop-les-jactanides-et-l.../ africanhistory-histoireafricaine/.../les-arabes-e.../ renelouis-etile.blogspot.fr/2007_04_01_archive.html afrikhepri.org/le-dieu-noir-le-serpent-et-linstrume.../ uhem-mesut/medu/fr0010.php fulele.unblog.fr/ce-as-you-must-learn-a-your-...
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 22:37:20 +0000

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