ORIGINALLY WRITTEN BY LOUIS K BONAI INDONESIA ILLEGALY OCCUPIED WEST PAPUA Reasons why West Papuan people fighting for Independence (Self Determination). West New Guinea during colonial days which was now West Papuan today with Indonesia together under Dutch colony for more than three hundred and fifty years. During three hundred and fifty years, Indonesia was struggling and fighting for independence against Dutch colony but they never succeed (similar with West Papuan Struggling for Independence today). Indonesia success and proclaim their independence on 17th August 1945 under the leadership of SUKARNO and HATTA which was later they become the president and vice president of Indonesia. This happens eight days later after the atomic bomb blew-up Hiroshima in Japan on 9th August 1945 result in the surrender of Japan to ALLIANS. As this happened, the Indonesia took this as an opportunity to proclaimed their independence because at this period of time there had been no permanent governments for Indonesia. According to this document, Indonesia’s 1969 Takeover of West Papua Not by “Free Choice” supported by THE NATIONAL SECURITY ARCHIVE, which was attached “West New Guinea ( Later Known as West Irian or West Papua), rightfully belonged with Indonesia” which was stated in the second paragraph line two. As a former leader of West Papua struggling for independence (with my background information) I opposed this. Because this is only a colonial history which was pronounced as Netherlands East Indies just because both Indonesia and West New Guinea together under Netherlands colonization; • Why Australia doesn’t claimed Papua as part of them because they are under Australia administration during Australian colonial day but they respect the right of people in New Guinea and Papua and granted them independence today Papua New Guinea. • Why don’t Philippine’s claimed Palau as part of them when they are together under United State of America colony? Yet Palau became an independent State today. • Why doesn’t India claimed Malaysia as part of them because they are together under the British Colony? Yet India and Malaysia gain independence without claiming each other as part of them. • West Papuan today is not in the Indonesia’s declaration of Independence on 17th August 1945. • In 17th August 1945, United Nation (UN) did NOT recognize the Independence of Indonesia, but in 1949, United Nation recognized their independence, that was 4 years later, and also the Netherland’s government. My first question is, if Indonesia claims West New Guinea (later known as West Irian or West Papua today) why don’t they come across and takeover from Netherlands Government during proclamation of Independence in 17th August 1945. They declared their Independence only from Sumatra to Maluku and not over West New Guinea. We were still West New Guinea that time under Netherlands colony and after UN recognized of Indonesia’s independence in 1949, Netherlands declared West New Guinea become Netherlands New Guinea, which was Netherlands 13th province in 1950. Some of our Papua New Guinean leaders said, West Papua is part of Indonesia, and one of our former Prime Ministers said that West Papua is in the puzzle of Indonesia. Here are my questions regarding these two separate words PART and PUZZLE. In which history and who wrote it as, West Papua was part of Indonesia? Before or after Christ? What do you mean that West Papuans is the Puzzle of Indonesia. Is West Papua part of Java Island or any Island in Indonesia. By looking at the geographical picture of New Guinea Island including West Papua together with Papua New Guinea from Samarai to Sorong, the shape is like a sleeping camel on a desert. So if you say West Papua is in the Puzzle of Indonesia well that means that the head is in the puzzle, what about the tail? Therefore, I opposed these words PART and PUZZLE because we are ONE island from Samarai to Sorong. West Papuan people are Melanesians and we are not similar as Indonesian people because we did not come from Mongolian race and we also possessed different cultures. If Melanesian brothers in Pacific recognize West Papuan’s as brother of Melanesia then what about Papua New Guinea Government stands today towards West Papua struggle for Independence. I as a former leader of West Papua gratefully say thank you to some of our Papua New Guinean leaders and Melanesian spearhead group for their support towards West Papua struggle for Independence. Finally, with my statements I strongly appeal to the Papua New Guinean Governments through the Parliament leaders to look into our struggle of gaining independence for West Papua. Thank you; LOUIS K BONAI
Posted on: Thu, 17 Apr 2014 23:29:00 +0000

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