ORPHAN UPDATE Good evening, Ive just received a heartbreaking - TopicsExpress


ORPHAN UPDATE Good evening, Ive just received a heartbreaking email from Hilton Kamara, weve been supporting Hilton and his school Love of God Primary since the charity was founded. Hiltons school is situated in the east end of Freetown, its one of the poorest areas and is densely populated. The email describes what is actually happening in the area. Thanks Andrew. Dear Sir, Sierra Leone today is at bitter memories as the out break as left so many people economically deplorable and high number of less fortunate.One of the most sympathetic issue here is about the children who lost their parents due to this current out break. Since the out break I was unable to make a visit to this families due to fear.Also these areas were the Ebola victims are were quarantine for twenty one days only government official or humanitarian organizations allowed to go to these places. The Ebola response committees organized by the government collectively with Non-governmental organizations like UNICEF,M.S.F( Medicines SansFrontiers), Red Cross, Local communities, Chiefdom authorities The Military forces Cuban and British medics are currently engaged on the fight against this deadly diseases. The issue of the children whose parents died out of this out break is strictly monitored by the ministry of social welfare gender and children affairs.Some philanthropic organizations also intervened but it is not quite enough as the number of children who lost their parent out this out break is very high.on the 11th November UNICEF identifies 3,483 children who affected by Ebola. A Report on Wellington. Last week on the 17 th November I made a visit to Wellington Area the Eastern part of Freetown. This area in Freetown is one of the hot sport wherein so many people lost their lives out this out break. Wellington Started from and area called Portee in Eastern part and ends at P.M.B at the extreme end of the city called Korombo lane. Areas in Wellington much affected are Philip street,Mellon street, Bondo Water and Beckle street Congo water.although you have areas that were affected but this main areas have more sad incidents. I went to Mellon street I discovered two children lost all their family members.Sadly I saw an eight and eleven years old girls playing a local game here called kick seed. This children are taking care of by neighbors. Another sad incident here again there is a house wherein twelve people died out of Ebola the house almost left abandon.The sad moment I experience in my life here is that when I understood that there were two children only survive in this house and this children got food from neighbors, tears runs my eyes here when I got the true story of these children. According to neighbors the two children were abandon, neighbors provide food for them by giving food to them by placing the bowl with a long stick push the food to these children, nobody goes closer to them for fear of contact of the virus.according to the neighbors later the Social Welfare Ministry picked them up and take them to DON BOSCO one the philanthropic organizations who takes care of children. The other area called Philip street a father and his two children died, Beckle street four members in a family died, Bondo water also neighbors said to me that many died only the Ebola response committee will give real figures if contacted.To be honest it is quite difficult now as when you work in the city you will see sadness of Sierra Leoneans. This diseases is horrible. The number of children left without parents in this areas is high.Some children came form other areas in the country to settle with relatives for fear of stickma.Others cannot stay within the ares were their parents died with Ebola because no body is willing to accept them. You have other children who recovers from the diseases but people are afraid of them they dont accept them. Any further assignment giving to me with your permission am going to make a fact finding with the Ministry of Social welfare so that I can locate this children.The Ministry of Social Welfare has all the details of this children whose parents died out of Ebola( orphan) Let me explain to you again one of my sad moment. I meet with one of the Ebola survilance official, He narrated a sad story about a baby whose parents (father and mother died at the treatment center at Hastings). This baby survive at the treatment center and is been taking care of by an Ebola patience lady who is admitted at the center. according to this survilance official he said the lady takes care of this baby by providing her food which is supply by the medical team and also changes the babys dress as well. Sierra Leone has sad moment. Our country is completely down.Many people a losing hopes as things going more difficult and the number of cases is still high.The only problem here again for the DON BOSCO is that the place is full,unless some children are integrated with family members. Am going to make a second visit but I want to hear from you.I can only take up the move with your instructions.Any details needed please email me.Honestly if you meet with Ebola affected people tears will likely running your eyes. I ensure to follow all the rules and regulations to prevent myself. Thank you for your kind consideration. GOD BLESS YOU,GOD BLESS SCOTAAID SIERRA LEOEN. LONG LIVE TO YOU. I HOPE TO HEAR FROM YOU. Hilton
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 19:42:04 +0000

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