ORTHODOX STUDY… ‘HOLY TRINITY’ In the Christian faith - TopicsExpress


ORTHODOX STUDY… ‘HOLY TRINITY’ In the Christian faith God is a Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). Trinity simply means triunity. God is not a simple unity; there is plurality in His unity. The Trinity is one of the great mysteries of the Christian faith. Unlike an antinomy or paradox, which is logical contradiction, the Trinity goes beyond reason but not against reason. It is known only by divine revelation, so the Trinity is not the subject of natural theology but of revelation. While the word Trinity does not occur there, the concept is clearly taught in the Bible. The logic of the doctrine of the Trinity is very simple. Two biblical truths are evident in Scripture, the logical conclusion of which is the Trinity. The Ontological Trinity has the one and the many. You have the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost/Spirit. You have the diversity and yet they are the one true God at the exact same time. The three are equally ultimate. The oneness and the diversity are equally ultimate. And, this is key. There are no particulars that arent related to the universal. And, there arent any universals that are related to the particulars. Now, somebody might grant that I believe in a Trinity, but what does that have to do with the temporal order? Because we have a Creator that is both one and many at the same time equally ultimate in both. And, Hes created the world in such a fashion that it to some degree reflects and exemplifies His one and many nature. If we say that nature will exemplify the metaphysical (whats beyond, or outside of this). If we say that and if we believe that whats beyond this and whats in the heavenly is one in three and three in one we would have not problem with the one and the many here because we have the concrete universal by which these make sense. This is absolutely central to knowledge because it is at this level where we are able to generalize and where we are able to look at something as particular.
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 22:58:18 +0000

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