OSHO - PUNE SAMADHI IS MY FOREST ! IT IS NOT A PRIVATE GARDEN OF JAYESH (MICHAEL O BYRNE) ! WELCOME ALL PEOPLE IN MY FOREST! In this beautiful talk, Osho is sharing his understanding that, Till he was alive, walking and talking with his disciples. His way was like a big ship. His way was like a big royal highway. All the ways of inner journey discovered by humanity so far, were comfortable each having it’s unique place into his way. All types of people were accepted just the way they were, All types of people, devotees and meditators, all had a place in his way. His way was like a big forest in tune with nature, His way was an invitation into chaos, freedom, beyond logic. His way was guidance by him, An Awakened Master. But since he left his body, his place - Pune Samadhi, His Pune Resort Organisation has taken into its grip, His Pune Resort Organisaton is no longer guided by awakened Master. His Pune Resort Organisation is guided by a nexus of his blind disciples, Businessmen, greedy mediums and therapists. They are cowards who do not have guts to except his forest. They are manipulators who are trying to make a private garden out of his forest. His Pune Samadhi, once a rich forest, has become a private garden of Pune Resort Organisation. His Pune Samadhi has become a safe haven of his greedy mediums and therapists, to exploit innocent sannyasins coming to their master’s place. Pune Resort Organisation has become the new Church, Their interpretation called Osho Guidance has become the new Holy Book, Jayesh has become the new Pope of his religion. They are killing his religion, they are denying and destroying his Pune Samadhi, They do not allow his Devotees and their way, They do not allow his Awakened Disciples to enter. They allow his greedy mediums, therapists, popular DJs. They allow rich and western people who can pay their fat bills, They keep the charges of Resort high to keep away indian seekers! They keep hitting at spiritual sentiments of millions of indian disciples and seekers. They allow cheap raunchy music in his sacred Buddha Hall, but they do not allow his devotees to do Bhajan, Keertan, love songs, (devotional/uplifting music) which He used to love when in body, and they do not do not allow to play his discourses in his sacred Buddha Hall, so many beautiful discourses on saints and Buddhas, of india and whole world. They allow shoes on his sacred Buddha Hall, but they do not allow his photos at the podium of his Buddha Hall. , They allow cheap liquour parties in his sacred Buddhafield, but they do not allow aesthetic aarati and Prasadam in his sacred Buddhafield. Aarati is a beautiful indian ceremony of waving lights around your loved Buddha, Prasadam is offering sweets to your loved Buddha They have forgotten that they are living in India, They are living in jurisdiction of Indian Law, And they are hitting at spiritual sentiments of millions of indian devotees and seekers. They are interfering the rights of his indian disciples, to express their devotion by singing, dancing, listening discourses in his buddha hall, to worship him with their love! They are interfering with rights of Indian Citizen to practice their religion! They are interfering with Indian Law! ******************************************************* Second Question: The way you speak about J Krishnamurti with love and adoration, He does not speak about in that way. Sometimes it appears as if he is going to say otherwise, but then he just holds off. As a result, whereas your disciples go to listen to J Krishnamurti with utmost love, but his followers do not come to you with open heart. Kindly make us understand. Whatever Krishnamurti says, is absolutely true. It is true hundred percent. But Krishnamurti’s way is very narrow. It is totally true, it is like footpath alley. My way is like big royal highway. On my highway, Buddha, Krishna, Christ, Moses, Jarthustra, Bodhidharma, Laotsu, everbody fits in. Hence, I fit Krishnamurti too in my way, It does not create any difficulty for me; my house is very big. Krishnamuti lives in a small room. And the room is very nice, there is nothing wrong with it. So where as Krisnamurti’s room easily fits into my big house, but my big house can not fit into Krishnamurti’s room. Krishnamurti is Hinyani, I am Mahayani. Krishnamurti has canoe (dongi), a very small boat – Canoe you know, in small village, hardly one person is able to sit in that and move it, and catch the fishes – My vessel is big, is a big ship, Mahayaan. In my big ship I welcome people from all directions, people of all types, believers of all scriptures, believers of all concepts, for everybody a place is there. Hence (Mahayaan). Krishnamurti is completely correct, but Krishnamurti has a very narrow way. You can reach by that narrow way too – So those who are walking on it, I do not tell them to leave that way – certainly you will reach, that way reaches you to the destination, but it is like a foot path. Footpath too reaches you to the destination, but this I do want to say that do not think that those who are not walking on that footpath none of them reaches the destination. They too reach. Those walking on royal highway too reach the destination. Just because this is a royal highway, do not think that they do not reach. Hence my situation and Krishnamurti’s situations are different. I can adore him with all my joy, I do not have any problem in that, what he is saying is not opposite of what I am saying, but he can not adore me, because what I am saying is going to be opposite to what he is saying. He has made a clean and clear way, so even once if he says that what I am saying is correct, then all his way is going to be topsy turvy (garbar). As I have declared all the ways to be correct, hence only that person can tell me to be correct who can declare all the ways as correct – just keep this in mind. I do not say any way to be wrong. But Krishnamurti does not have that much guts. In this matter, I am not even saying that some thing is wrong in this. Each persons has his own style and likings. Few people love walking on foot path, i do not object. Let them walk with all joy. But the one who has got tired in his small boat and got tired of walking on footpath, I tell him, if you are tired, do not get worried/panicky, join my big ship, take your small boat too along with you (on my ship), keep your small boat with you too – and whenever you feel like in future, you can take your small boat and get down (into the sea). Hence your footpath too will fit into my big highway, take your footpath too along with you. And some day if you get tired with the crowd, and noise and celebration of big higway, separate from crowd and get down with your footpath. Krishnamurti has a problem. He can not say that what I am saying is true/correct. If he says so, then his whole way is going to be shaken. What I am saying, if that is true, then consequence is going to be ready for all the trouble. Because, what I am saying it includes what Krishna has said, what I am saying it includes what Buddha has said, what I am saying it includes what Mahaveer has said, what I am saying it includes what Mohammed has said. What I am saying, to say yes to that means, all those (prophets, saints) born in this human race, who reached the divine/ultimate source of human consciousness, all of them have to be taken as true/correct. Krishnamurti can not take this much risk. By this, his clean and clear way is going to breakdown. Krishnamurti has made a garden – it is clean and clear cut, clean and clearcut like mathematics – My way of working is like a forest. It is not clean and clear cut – A forest can not ever be clean and clear cut. When you make a garden, you make lawns, you decorate rows of flower, you get every place clean and clear, this is the way of working of Krishnamurti. Hence, who have are sharp in mathematics, those who can walk only through intellect, to them what Krishnamurti is saying will feel absolutely correct. It is like mathematics. It has logic. My way of working is like a forest. My way of working is more in accordance to nature. I have not put much effort in to make forest into much, I have accepted the way it is, my way is simple/natural. Those who have courage to move into forest, only they are welcome to walk with me. Those who have courage to walk on uneven stony treks, only they are welcome to walk with me. Those who have courage to move into logiclessness (Atark) , only they are welcome to walk with me. Logiclessness is not against logic, it is beyond logic. Whereas Logic fits into logiclessness, but logiclessness does not fit into logic. Such problem is there. Hence, do not get upset with Krishnamurti. He has his system/order, he has his own discipline. So he can not say yes to me if wants to take care of his disicipline too. If he says yes to me, then his discipline is going to breakdown – this I too will never want that his discipline is broken; few people are walking by his discipline and they are going to reach by that. Hence he should keep his discipline intact by all his strength. He should not allow the forest to creep into his garden. This is perfectly correct. Because if the forest creeps into your garden, it is going to uproot all your systems you had made with hard labour. What will happen to your lawn? What will happen to footpath walk way you had made? What will happen to walkway which you had cleaned? No the forest should never be allowed to enter into your garden, it has to be stopped at any cost. So, you are saying correct, that sometimes you feel he is going to say otherwise against me, but then he holds that off. He can not say in my favour. This is very certain. But he does not say against me too. Because he knows that whatever I am saying, I am saying the truth/correct. Hence he can not say against me too. Keep this fact in your consideration. He can not say in my favour because that will spoil the system/order he has made. He can not say against me because he knows that what I am saying, is correct. By his own realization/experience he knows that what I am saying is correct. This happened once that I had come to Mumbai – I had come that evening from Kolkata and I had to leave for Delhi the same night – Krishnamurti was in Mumbai. Somebody would have told Krishnamurti that I had arrived too. He said – make arrangements of our meeting just there and then. That friend of mine came running – his name was Parmanand Kaapariya, he was an editor of Gujarati, He was a writer, so he came running to me at once. When I was preparing to leave for Airport, I had just sat in my car, just then he reached there. Then I said, this is very difficult now! Definitely we could have met, but there is a problem right now, I shall be returning after four day – but the next day morning, Krishnamurti was scheduled to return back to London, hence we could not meet. His eagerness to meet – there and then, he said, to make some arrangement so that we could meet each other – it is a proof that what I am saying, what I am doing, He is supporting me privately, but he can not support me openly publicly. He should not support me openly/publicly.. If he supports me publicly, it will be harmful. I have a lot of privilege/convenience. I have a lot of freedom. I have chosen such a type of chaos – that today I am talking for devotee, tomorrow I am talking for a meditator; today I am talking on this way, tomorrow I am talking on that way – I have chosen such a chaos, because of that chaos, the extent of freedom which I have, such freedom had not been available to anybody (saint) till today. Buddha was limited, Krishna was limited, Christ was limited, Krishnamurti is limited, Ramkrishna- Ramanna was limited, all of them had their limits. They say only that much which is allowed by their individual system/order. And what falls outside of their individual system/order, they either evade that, or deny that. But I have lot of privilege/conveniences. Hence, I too say, Krishnamurti is correct; anyone who likes him, he should definitely walk by his way – He will reach. But I do not keep this hope that same should be said by Krishnamurti about me. If he says so, then his way is going to be destroyed. Osho Es Dhammo Sanantano, Discourse No. 99 ( English translation of Hindi Discourse) *******************************************************
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 13:34:56 +0000

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