OSHO: Love is a garden: much care has to be taken of it. It is - TopicsExpress


OSHO: Love is a garden: much care has to be taken of it. It is not just weeds that grow on their own – if you want rose bushes and lotuses, then much care and attention is needed. A garden has to be created. It is an art, and the greatest art about it is that it should not know that it has been created, that the hands of man should remain hidden, that the hands of man should only be instruments in the hands of God. They should not interfere; they should only bring the message of the divine. They should in no way hinder; they should only be silent, co-operative, empty vehicles. A tree has to be helped, watered, taken care of, but allowed to be its own. It is not to be tampered with; it has to be allowed to grow in its own natural way. The most beautiful garden is that which looks like a forest. It is not a forest, it is a garden; it has been created with great tenderness. It is poetry composed of trees, but composed in such a way that the poet is invisible. If the poet is too visible, he has destroyed the whole thing. The garden has to be made but it should not be -- at least not on the surface – man-made. It should be natural, not artificial. Love is a garden. It has to be spontaneous, natural – and yet one has to be very artful. It is a paradox: to be artful and to be spontaneous. In Zen they say that one should learn painting for at least twelve years and then throw away all the brushes and the paintings and forget all about it. For twelve years one should not touch the brush, should not paint. And then after twelve years one should start painting again. Now the art has been learned and forgotten; now one can paint naturally. The art will be there but it will not be visible; it will be something like a hidden current, something invisible. Great art is always invisible; and love is the greatest of arts. No music, no poetry, no painting, can be compared to it.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Jun 2013 04:40:31 +0000

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