OSHO ON WOMEN: while you are making love with the man on top of - TopicsExpress


OSHO ON WOMEN: while you are making love with the man on top of the woman... it is known as the missionary posture. The East became aware of this ugliness that the man was heavier, taller and more muscularand was crushing a delicate being.In the East, the way has always been just the opposite: the woman on top. Crushed under the weight of the man, the woman has no mobility. Only the man moves, so he comes to orgasm within seconds and the woman is simply in tears. She has been a partner, but she was not involved in it –she has been used. When the woman is on top she has more mobility, the man has less mobility, and that will bring their orgasms closer to each other. And when both go into orgasmic experience, it is something of the other world. It is the first glimpse of samadhi; it is the first glimpse that man is not the body. He forgets the body, he forgets the world. Both the man and the woman move into a new dimension they have never explored.The woman has the capacity for multiple orgasms, so the man has to be as slow as possible. But the reality is, he is in such a hurry in everything that he destroys the whole relationship. He should be very relaxed so that the woman can have multiple orgasms. His orgasm should come at the end when the woman’s orgasm has reached to the peak. It is a simple question of understanding. There are natural differences –they have nothing to do with conditioning. There are other differences. For example, a woman is more centered than a man; it starts happening even in the womb of the mother. An experienced mother who has given birth to two or three children can tell you after a few months of pregnancy whether the newcomer is going to be a girl or a boy, because the boy starts making a fuss, kicking in her womb, moving –he is on the way. But the girl remains absolutely silent.So that is not a question of conditioning. The female is more serene, more silent, more patient, is capable of waiting. Perhaps because of these qualities she has more resistance to diseases and she lives longer than a man. Because of her serenity, her delicateness, she can fulfill a man’s life immensely. She can surround man’s life in a very soothing, cozy atmosphere. But the man is afraid –he does not want to be surrounded by the woman, he does not want to let her create a cozy warmth around him. He is afraid because that way he will become dependent. So for centuries he has been keeping her at a distance. And he is afraid because he knows deep down that the woman is more than he is. She can give birth to life.Nature has chosen her to reproduce, not man. Man’s function in reproduction is almost nil. This inferiority has created the greatest problem –man started cutting the woman’s wings. He started in every way reducing her, condemning her, so that he could at least believe that he is superior. He has treated women as cattle –even worse. In China, for thousands of years, the woman was not thought to have a soul, so the husband could kill her and the law would not interfere –she was his possession. If he wanted to destroy his furniture it was not illegal. If he wanted to destroy his woman it was not illegal. This is the ultimate insult –that the woman has no soul. Man has deprived woman of education, of financial independence. He has deprived her of social mobility because he is afraid. He knows she is superior, he knows she is beautiful, he knows that giving her independence will create danger. So down the centuries there has been no independence for women. The Mohammedan woman even has to keep her face covered, so that except her husband, nobody can see the beauty of her face, the depth of her eyes.In Hinduism, the woman has to die when the husband dies –what a great jealousy. You possessed her your whole life, and even after death you want to possess her. You are afraid. She is beautiful,and when you are gone, who knows? She may find another partner, perhaps better than you. So the system of sati has prevailed for thousands of years –the most ugly phenomenon you can imagine.The husband dies. Maybe the woman is still young and at the prime of her youth so she has to be forced to jump on the funeral pyre. To make it possible, a special arrangement was made. Purified butter was poured in large quantities on the funeral pyre. It creates so much smoke that you cannot see what is happening. Almost like a dark cloud it covers the whole funeral pyre. Then surrounding it –and it is so hot that the musicians had to stand far away –great trumpets, drums, and all kinds of musical instruments are used with the excuse that this is a celebration, but they are just used to drown the screaming of the living woman who is being burned. She would like to come out, and around the funeral pyre there are priests with burning torches in their hands so that if the woman tries to run out they will push her back into the funeral pyre. Behind the musicians there are a great number of priests shouting loudly and chanting mantras from the ancient Vedas. This whole scene is arranged just to kill a woman and so that nobody should know that she was killed against her will. And the whole crowd outside is joyous and cheering because it is a great event –a woman has proven her love to the last moment of her husband’s life. How many millions of women have been burned this way for the simple reason that the man is jealous that after he is gone, what guarantee is there...? It was the British government’s rule in India that stopped it, because it was simply murder and nothing else. But then Hindus prevented the widow from marrying again. They shaved her head –that beautiful hair that was part of her personality. They took away all her ornaments and said that she could not use any color in her clothes, she had to wear only white. They tried in every way to make her ugly. She cannot join in any ceremony... she is abandoned. Even in her own house she cannot enter the kitchen, but has to sit outside. And she cannot ask for what she likes. Whatever is given to her, the leftovers, she has to live on. She cannot sleep on a bed, she has to just lie down on the floor. This is worse than death. This way she may live fifty years, has to do all the menial work of the household, and she has to keep herself hidden from people’s eyes. (via ashok chaitanya, thank you)
Posted on: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 23:15:08 +0000

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