OSHO VISION Man is not man just because of his physical - TopicsExpress


OSHO VISION Man is not man just because of his physical shape and form. It has to be earned; one has to become human. Man is born only as a potentiality to be man; it is not already the fact, it is still to happen. So all men are not human beings yet, only very few, very rarely. And to be human is far more difficult than to be a saint. To be a saint is really the least difficult thing in the world, because it is a choice. One can be a sinner – that is not difficult; or one can be a saint – that too is not difficult. The sinner has chosen the dark side of life, and the saint has chosen the light side of life, but both have chosen halves. To be human means to be both together – light and darkness, summer and winter, love and hate, pain and pleasure. To be a man means to be a harmony between this polarity, this extreme tension between the opposites, and still to be non-tense. To be in this tension and still to be non-tense, that is the meaning of being a human being. Sinners certainly fall short, and saints too fall short. Both are inhuman; both are half, lopsided. To be human means to be total. And thats my effort here: through sannyas, making you capable of being the polar opposites together, without any discord. And when one can be happy and unhappy too, and when one can allow both to happen, one is free, one is no more tethered, not in any bondage. It is difficult to allow yourself to be sad; but unless you allow yourself to be sad sometimes, your happiness will never have depth, it will be shallow. It is difficult to allow yourself to cry and weep; but if you dont allow that, your laughter will be false, pseudo. A man can be a man only when tears and laughter are both allowed, given total freedom, and one is ready to move to any extreme. One does not become attached to any extreme, one remains available to the polar opposite. This availability, this vulnerability, is what I mean by being a human being. *OSHO VISION excerpted from: Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (Osho) * Wont You Join the Dance? ( a 40th darshan diary) * Chapter 11 * Osho talked to Ma Anand Lotte, a three-years-old daughter of Swami Nico and Ma Liesbeth * Page 97 & 98 * First Edition: December 1983 * Sunday, February 11th 1979 7-00.p.m. * Chuang Tzu Auditorium, Shree Rajneesh Ashram, Poona, Maharashtra, India.
Posted on: Thu, 17 Oct 2013 10:56:13 +0000

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