OSWALD CHAMBERS NARRATION OF THE DAY JESUS FINALLY POURED THE HOLY SPIRIT ON HIM - SPIRIT BAPTISM AND HE RECEIVED HIM. Oswald chambers Baptism of the Holy Ghost.| Taken From Oswald chambers-His life and work| Sermonindex At a little meeting held during a mission in Dunoon, a well-known lady was asked to take the after meeting. She did not speak, but set us to prayer, and then sang ‘Touch me again, Lord’. I felt nothing, but I knew emphatically my time had come, and I rose to my feet. I had no vision of God, only a sheer dogged determination to take God at His word and to prove this thing for myself, and I stood up and said so. That was bad enough, but what followed was ten times worse. After I had sat down the lady worker, who knew me well, said: ‘That is very good of our brother, he has spoken like that as an example to the rest of you.’ Up I got again and said: ‘I got up for no one’s sake, I got up for my own sake; either Christianity is a downright fraud, or I have not got hold of the right end of the stick.’ And then and there I claimed the gift of the Holy Spirit in dogged committal on Luke 11:13. I had no vision of heaven or of angels, I had nothing, I was as dry and empty as ever, no witness of the Holy Spirit. Then I was asked to speak at a meeting, and forty souls came out to the front. Did I praise God? No, I was terrified and left them to the workers, and went to Mr. MacGregor and told him what had happened, and he said: ‘Don’t you remember claiming the Holy Spirit as a gift on the word of Jesus, and that He said: “Ye shall receive power…”? This is the power from on high. GOOD NIGHT. GOOD DAY. GOD BLESS YOU.
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 04:05:36 +0000

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