OT: Dmitry Orlov: Russias Patience Is Wearing Thin Anyone - TopicsExpress


OT: Dmitry Orlov: Russias Patience Is Wearing Thin Anyone wanting a very thorough description of the current US / Ukraine crisis ... should listen to this ... basically along the lines of what I have always been saying. He says that the sanctions are actually having a positive effect on Russians, causing them to stop and rethink on Consumerism ( also IMO a good thing ) . Also, the unfair insults thrown at Putin by the Western MSM are regarded as an insult to Russians and are turning Russians away from the West. The Russians are taking this in their stride .. and realize what is happening. As to Russian Gas .... Russias output has been very stable for 20 years, and now two Gas deals have been signed with China stretching over decades. Orlov thinks that Russia is forecasting that Europes continuing lack of growth will drop demand for Russian Gas ... thus making their contract for fulfillment to China even more secure. The reasoning is that the West has become such a cesspool of financial fraud that real Economic growth is doomed until the Banker class is overthrown. i.e. Europe is no longer a good partner for real trade. One interesting point he made on the EU is that basically all the crazy decisions and statements of bureaucrats that are destroying Europe are simply because most of them are bribed (or blackmailed) .. and will some day expect to be able to retire on their fat and ill gotten gains. Nobody in the West is responding rationally to the Geopolitics being played. .... The Russians dont threaten , they just take action when forced .... garbage emanating from the West : Lies, disinformation and slander Russia will not be told what to do by the US .. and will eventually move away from the USD system. Gold for Oil ... as the last lesson in Economics and Geopolitics to the West. Ukraines Gold was literally stolen. Ukraine always was , and still is , a cesspool of corrupt politicians since Ukraine became independent ( decades ago). Says ... Abbot (Australias PM) is just another Washington puppet. MH17 discussed : after the Western MSM realized their story was BS ... nothing more is heard ... at all.. Putin left Brisbane Conference early because he realized he was wasting his time ... with these amateurs. # relations will stay frosty # you only lose your reputation once # Russia will just remain honest with all partners and hope they see sense one day # USAs approach : you join our Club or youre OUT. # Russia is at peace with all nations # US cant get anything to work at home ... sinking into chaos .. proving its incompetence internationally as well. Very informative and well worth the time | Riddellfool | FNMA
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 00:27:27 +0000

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