OTHER REVELATIONS REGARDING THE UNIVERSAL WARNING Message from Our Lady to Pedro Regis, Brazil 12.08.2009 “The day will come that men will attain great graces. A great miracle of God will transform the hardened hearts. Each one will see their errors and will receive the grace of repentance. This will be the great opportunity that our Lord will give His children who have separated from Him”. Message from Our Lady to Pedro Regis, Brazil 07.14.2009 “God will do a great miracle as a favor to men. Humanity will have the great opportunity to return to Our Lord. When the great sign comes, all eyes will see it. Men will have the opportunity to repent. It will be a grand miracle and many will be converted”… Message from Blessed Mother Mary to Amparo Cuevas Spain year 1983 “A Warning will be given to you and your soul shall reveal like in a mirror what you have been during your whole existence”. St. Michael to José Luis M. García Spain on 11.19.1989 “There is something that will occur in the world; something that will make many people see the truth and some will say that it is in the nature of things.” “Something is coming to the world, something very grand. It is not the end of the world; it is the beginning of the conversion of many souls”. The Blessed Virgin Mary to Christina Gallagher Ireland on 07.05.2002 “The great light of God will soon descend upon the world, there will be great weeping and many will flee, trying to hide its shame before God”. The Blessed Virgin Mary to Christina Gallagher Ireland year 1988 “A sign will come for which all of humanity will experience the external knowledge that God exists, and they will know that it comes from God; everyone will see themselves as they really are”. The Blessed Virgin Mary to Felisa Sistiaga Spain 1941 “I will give a Warning, I will perform a miracle, everyone will see it, but humanity, except for a very few, will continue to doubt. I have appeared in many places in the earth, but few believe”. The Blessed Virgin Mary to Felisa Sistiaga Spain 08.15.1969 “Before the chastisement God will send a Warning, and for no one to have any doubt there will be a Miracle”. The Blessed Virgin Mary to Julian Soto Ayala México, 12.14.2004 “When everything seems to be hopeless a Great Miracle will occur, as the final effort from heaven, to save souls”. Jesus to Rosa Quattrini April of 1968 “I will bring a great Light that will illuminate all the souls. But it will be too late for those who do not understand a Mother’s love. Everyone will be in the center of a grand Judgment”. Maria Esperanza Venezuela 1980 “The great moment of the Grand Day of Light is coming. The conscience of this dear people will be shaken violently so they can put their affair in order and offer to Jesus the just reparation for the infidelities committed day by day.” The Blessed Virgin Mary revealed to Father Gobbi October 1992 “Each man will see himself in the blazing fire of the divine truth. It will be like the judgment but in a smaller scale… what will occur will be something so grand that it will surpass every event that has happened since the beginning of the world. It will be like a small judgment and each individual will see their own life and everything that they have done, in the same light of God.”
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 06:40:28 +0000

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