OTUKPO, BENUE STATE - The President of the Catholic - TopicsExpress


OTUKPO, BENUE STATE - The President of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Nigeria (CBCN), Most Rev. Ignatius Kaigama, the Archbishop of Jos, has warned against clannishness and promotion of ethnocentricism in the Church adding that “harmful ambition which have become a destabilizing phenomenon in the Nigerian society are finding their way into the Church.” Archbishop Kaigama gave this warning in his opening address at the Second Plenary of the Bishops’ Conference, held recently at the Double K Resort, GRA, Otukpo, Benue State. He said: “That the appointment of parish priests or Bishops is being advocated by a few to be limited to the ‘son of the soil’ or determined by ethnic or clannish considerations is an unfortunate development in the history of the Nigerian Catholic Church. It is evidence of the sad emergence of ethnocentricism in Nigeria which can cripple both the ecclesial and social growth.” The CBCN President therefore called on all Catholics to uphold the Church as family of God on mission and remain unconditionally loyal to the decisions of the hierarchy and the Holy Father. He also admonished that only loyal Catholics who are sound in faith and doctrine should be considered for leadership of Church organizations. The Metropolitan of Jos commended the leadership qualities of Pope Francis and his predecessor, Benedict XVI stressing that they both demonstrate what true leadership is namely; sacrifice, selflessness and self-giving. He added: “We see in both Popes, pastors who eloquently project the Church as Teacher and Mother. They teach us that leadership is about service, about others and not about oneself. A leader serves and is concerned with the pains and agonies of all.” The Bishops’ Conference President noted that the inspiring life of Pope Francis motivated the recent interactive session between the Bishops of the country and representatives of the priests of all the 54 dioceses in the country as well as those of religious Congregations in Nigeria. According to him, the meeting reflected on the priestly service of all the bishops and priests in the country and their commitment to evangelical celibacy, poverty and obedience. He continued: “We shared experiences with one another and received input from some lay persons on their vision of the Church and the priesthood in Nigeria today.” He added: “We are convinced that today more than ever we priests and Bishops are called to interior purification/purgation and to renewed commitment to the task of teaching, sanctifying and leading the people of God.”
Posted on: Sun, 22 Sep 2013 22:33:25 +0000

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