OUR ACTIONS TOWARD THOSE SATANICALLY SNARED And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil, correcting his opponents with gentleness. God may perhaps grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth, and they may come to their senses and escape from the snare of the devil, after being captured by him to do his will. ---II Timothy 2:24-26 His father sought to encourage and correct his son, but his son believed he knew better than his dad. Day after day the gentle correction was ignored and finally the son pack up what belongings he had and left home to search out a life apart from his family. At first his funds attracted new friends, but as his funds ebbed away so did his new found friends. Now he had to find a job and the only one was a service job of the least kind that he disliked immensely, but needed in order to eat. One day, as he was wallowing in the sin muck of his own making, he remembered the words of his father as he left home, “Now, if you need to come home for any reason, we are here for you.” He looked around at who he had become and then came to his senses. I will go back home. There are many in this world who are snared by the devil, captured to do his will. But they don’t even know this and even deny this. These prisoners of Satan are deceived into thinking they are OK, but they are in a satanic trap. Lost people are blind to this fact, but we who know the Lord Jesus know otherwise. The way we treat the unsaved can have a great impact on them, even when we have to patiently endure evil. We have the responsibility and capability through Jesus and by the Holy Spirit’s power to correct those opposing us and we need to do this with gentleness. In doing so God just may bring them to repentance and so they can escape the snare hold of the devil. Are you the Lord’s servant? Then you are called not to be quarrelsome, but to be kind to EVERYONE. The Lord’s servant is able to teach, but this can only happen if we have allowed the Lord to teach us first. We must be instructed by Him, apply what He instructs and then we can relay that to others. The Lord’s servant must also endure evil patiently. This can only be done through the Holy Spirit’s enabling and we must trust Him for this. The Lord’s servant is not only able to see error, but also knows how to gently correct those in opposition. As we interact with the lost this way, God may bring them to repentance, but we must be faithful in the part He has called us to. Dear Father, help me to be the type of servant You desire of me. Be pleased to work through me to help the lost escape the snare of Satan and turn to You. My I have Your wisdom as I seek to serve You and reach out to others with the Good News of my Lord Jesus Christ. Yes, may this be so!
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 09:50:02 +0000

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