OUR ANCESTOR-GENETICISTS HAD A 13 TO 18 MONTH WINDOW TO ROCKET BETWEEN EARTH AND THE PLANET NIBIRU by Sasha Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, U.C.L.A.) Excerpt from “Anunnaki, Gods No More–Techno-Savvy ET s From the Planet Nibiru Who Came For Gold, Created Us From Their Genome to Work the Mines, Posed As Gods, Decided to Let Us Drown, But Then Decided to Breed Us to Work for Them.” Around 200,000 years ago, extraterrestrial Homo Sapien goldminers–the Anunnaki--from the planet Nibiru ruled Earth and supervised the slave species they created here from their genome (they added clay, copper, and proto-Bigfoot genes). The slave race’s us--part Neanderthal, part superhuman from Nibiru. During its halcion days of on Earth, when the Goldmining Expedition from the planet Nibiru to Earth made regular rocket-runs between Nibiru and Earth. Every 3,600 years, rockets could move between Nibiru and Earth. Nibirans had a window to send people, medicines, seeds, adapted animal gametes and technological devices, as well as replacement personnel to Earth. The rockets brought gold and personnel back to the homeplanet. Rockets had shot at Earth window as Nibiru approached it, and a shot to catch up with Nibiru as it moved away from Earth. Rockets from Nibiru reached Earth best when Nibiru neared the Sun, at perigee. But at perigee also, Nibiru’s gravity perturbed planets and Nibiru’s atmosphere. Nibirans shuttled to and from Earth to match the best launch times, a span of 13 to 18 Earth months before Nibiru gets closest and, leaving, before it gets to far from Earth. While Nibiru “continued its vast elliptical orbit, the spaceship followed a shorter course and reaches Earth far ahead of Nibiru or, for a shorter stay on Earth, the rocket launched “when Nibiru was midway back from apogee,” a few years ahead of Nibiru. When the rocket neared Earth, “it went into orbit around the planet without landing and released a shuttlecraft to land. “Some of the earlier arrivals ascended to an Earth module and rejoined the spaceship for a trip home. To return, the shuttle had to rejoin the mother ship, which had to fire up and accelerate to extremly high speeds to catch up with Nibiru.” Shuttles took gold Earthlings mined to and from the base on Mars. To hear radio show on the evidence for and peruse illustrations of ancient ROCKETS, click the link below: enkispeaks/2014/03/22/13-18-month-window-for-earth-nibiru-rockets/
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 22:38:07 +0000

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