OUR AWAKENING...AND ACTIVATIONS FROM THE SUN: Again, just to add - TopicsExpress


OUR AWAKENING...AND ACTIVATIONS FROM THE SUN: Again, just to add to the conversation......the third CLASS M SOLAR FLAIRE IN 48 HOURS......so just keeping ya in the loop my friends.........that is a major activation. It emits those very basic photon packages of light that are received through the telomeres and in fact also on receptor sites on the outside of your cells. Why would it be necessary to receive messages from the sun? Well, because they contain information about who we are as life forms, and continue to remind us to get back to our powerful nature...the purity of the light of who we are. Maybe you can share how this is all affecting you How I see it coming up in my life is: 1. moving energy on financial stuff that I had always abdicated to my former husband.....and owning it fully 2. Not letting myself be less than on top of some outstanding items, and really standing up for myself in ways I had not realized that I wasnt .....fascinating.....just about fairness, nothing else 3. putting some infrastructure around some things that I had held a little too loosely, as I felt I didnt know what I was doing and waited a little long to ask for help......because in those areas, I had never had to before...........sigh....... Solar Flares are the greatest gift, if you listen to what comes up. Remember to use your Innate Abilities.........cant wait for the next class......love and hugs everyone! xoxoxoxoxo https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/1899950_807144395994016_1455567436003403857_n.jpg?oh=be6c107aaadf14aa3e59282cf52c1248&oe=54B203A1&__gda__=1420821404_3dc853100603b1b7a50ef5cdc846c19f
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 13:30:54 +0000

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