~~ OUR CREATION ~~ Chapter 8 ~ November 11, 2014 ~ ENERGY - TopicsExpress


~~ OUR CREATION ~~ Chapter 8 ~ November 11, 2014 ~ ENERGY EXCHANGE ~ Eight is the number for new beginnings, so I have been waiting for more than a year to write this chapter about the Energy exchange we have to follow in life! This is so important to our spiritual growth and the prosperity of our heart and soul! If we do not follow the Karma of Energy exchange, then we find ourselves creating this negative hole that just will not stop taking our energy, life source, and money away from us like this big black dark hole! Here is the point. When we receive something from someone in service, we must always give something in return. There is always a payment of energy of some kind due with a service when we receive the service. If we go buy food, trade for food, get a massage, go for healing work, counseling, if we go to the barber, we pay some kind of energy exchange, yet in this world, so many people just want to take from other people. When we do this and just take from other people, we create this horribly dark Karma for ourselves. We cannot just take from other people what we want without some kind of AGREEABLE exchange of energy! We do not go buy a car at a car dealer, food, clothes at Walmart or a retail store and think the company is going to give this to us for free. If we take merchandise from these stores without payment, it is called stealing and we go to jail! Well, it is truly the same when we take from other people their services and we do not pay them! I have gone through this for years in every company I have had and in the healing work as well. People will come to me and they want everything for free. “Can you paint this room for me for free? Can you build this wall for free? “Can you sell me this cabinet for $200 (when the price is actually $800)?” I have to tell them, “No, I cannot do any of this for free.” People want the service for free when it costs the provider money and time to create the product and/or the service. Some people have gone to school for years to learn their craft and people expect them to give this service for free. Let’s take for example a message therapist. They go to school for a long time and then people want a free massage or for half price! This whole attitude is one of greed and selfishness! Everyone has to pay money to live. Everyone has to pay money for food, clothes, transportation and a house to live in! For anyone to just take from these people what they want for free is no better than a dictator who robs all the people to build a palace, buy fancy cars and live in luxury and wealth while the people around him suffer and are poor with little food! We have to become aware and give people what they are due for the service they give us! We have to become aware, never to TAKE from other people but to always create a healing cycle of karma for us to return to when we are in need of something! Just because you or I may have a gift to share with humanity does not mean other people can just take this gift and not return something in fair exchange! All things are valued differently, but we need to make sure we are contributing back to the creative cycle of life in a positive way! For example, for a farmer in our modern world, it costs a great deal to buy the land to grow the food. It costs a great deal for a tractor, a truck, fencing to keep out animals. If you are farming organic food, it costs more to grow the food simply because you lose more to animals, bugs and fungus that gets on the plants. It takes more time and effort to fertilize and care for the plants so they grow and produce food to sell. A modern day farmer may have well over seven or eight hundred thousand dollars invested into his or her farm to work to produce organic healthy food for you and me! I know this is factual because I developed a twenty-two acre organic farm back in Texas and I know exactly how much money it took to develop this property to share healthy food for people to eat. It also takes thousands of hours of labor to produce this food as well. When we go to the farmers markets to buy food grown with lots of love and care, that is safe for us to eat and naturally grown, most people have no idea how long and hard people work to bring this food to us! We have a responsibility to return a fair energy exchange to these people for all their hard work and labor! This is our karma. We want to be paid for our time, work and effort in life! If we want this, then we need to create this karma by making sure we never take anything from anyone! This is not to say that when someone wants to give you something as a gift that we have to return the energy with payment! This is different. The energy exchange with a gift is gratitude!! This whole subject is not something I have ever heard taught anywhere but it is so important that we learn to share our love with those around us with a beautiful flow of energy! Sometimes when people are in a deep dark place of despair and they do not prosper in the heart, life or income, we have to look at their karma very deeply. If a person is a taker and they do not give back to the cycle of healing Karma, then we can see this in their lives! Let us love with abundance and never take from one living soul, but always give into the wonderful healing cycle of Karma’s deep wells of love, healing and compassion! With much respect of exchange! Aaron --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contact Information: Website: spiritualhealing-enlightenment.us Email: aaronpierson777888@yahoo Videos: youtube/channel/UC1VPWru_32BIoPPBAKBgXxA?feature=watch Facebook: https://facebook/aaronwaynepierson You are also welcome to join my group “The Heart of Healing Maui” at facebook/groups/Muaihealing/ https://facebook/aaronpiersonhealingmaui ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 22:44:34 +0000

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