~~ OUR CREATIONS ~~ PART 12 ~ November 26, 2014 ~ MOVING - TopicsExpress


~~ OUR CREATIONS ~~ PART 12 ~ November 26, 2014 ~ MOVING FORWARD ~ I think in life we each have that one soul or possibly more who just will not leave us alone or stop harassing us on some level. They are the one who for years has been there to brutally remind us of the darker side of human nature; that no matter what we do, how far away we live, they simply feel it is their job to remind us of how deeply someone can hate, lash out in anger, and try to tear you down at any opportunity they may get. Short of going to court and getting a restraining order, how do we accomplish for this soul to be free and to not make it their sworn duty to harass us in life? For me, I feel it is a place of loving and forgiving more deeply. I also spoke on this a few chapters ago about learning not to engage in the conflict and drama. This I see is about the need for forgiveness and clearing our own conflict. I know in the past I have had to change my email address and change my phone number more than one time to stop all the hate, anger and abuse from this one soul and others at times. People seem to feel in life that they have the right to vent their anger on other people, to force their harsh energy on you or me. We have to come to this deep place of compassion and humility, so that no matter what someone does, we will not return this anger and hate in any way. This is a great key to bringing this kind of energy to a closure. I feel for me in several cases, it is just to not respond back to this attacking in any way and to never answer with any response except silence and love. I daily pray for and send love to so many people. Some I love dearly, but they have dropped me completely from their lives. Friends will always tell me, “Do not worry. They will come back around.” I do feel this, but it may take ten to fifteen years or more for these souls to wake up and shift with the energy of the heart, for they simply got lost in the desire of the mind, greed, lust for pleasure, for money, and material objects. So what do you do when people say such hateful, mean, and foul things about us, that when we are truly honest with ourselves, there is simply no truth to the things being said? I have gone through this for years now. People talk; Good and Bad! The thing I have come to see is I must work on my heart each day to live with complete integrity, honor and compassion, so that when I go to sleep each night, I know I have done no harm to any living soul! Then, with this in mind, I have peace that those who speak unkind of me, those who hate me and refuse to forgive me for something I did wrong in the past or with what they feel I did wrong, this is not for me to carry!! If I have truly worked to make amends for any wrong action, thoughts, or words spoken on my part, then it is not my karma to carry their unforgiveness and their anger! It takes us truly being a mature soul not to take all this personal simply because people try to make it very personal. I can only work within the realms of my own heart and then in turn try to share this with those in my life, but I cannot carry anyone, nor can I do the work for them. If people want to live with integrity, honor and compassion, then they will make the deep effort to accomplish this on their own. If we will work to clear all this conflict from our lives, which is created when people will not walk with compassion and love, then in time we will be able to truly accomplish this complete balance in our daily life. At the same time, we have to be able to truly let people go if they will not honor our hearts! When they refuse to respect us and refuse to simply just be kind in how they react with us, if we want to heal and we want peace, then we have to move forward in life and let them work out their own karma! This is a great deal as well about uncompromised integrity. When we give our word and make a promise, we need to keep it. When we make an agreement with someone, we need to keep the agreement. We cannot create a life of love, compassion and balance if we do not live with complete integrity. This means we live far beyond the mind and material desires. I read a quote today that was stated like this! “He who dies with the least toys wins, because the more you know, the less you need.” It seems in life, so many disagreements are simply about someone wanting money or something material. If you stand in their way or disagree with them, you get the brunt of their hate and anger! These types of people simply boil down to a fact of being a bully to get what they want. If you or I will not compromise what we believe to be true and right of the heart, then in one way or another, they proceed to try to beat us into submission! Honestly, I know no one likes to get beat up or bullied, but I would rather stand alone with truth, integrity, honor and compassion than to be surrounded by those who live with no Honor and fight over what they want to take from other people! I also had a deep awakening in my heart the last few days and saw something very clearly. If we will let go of the people who choose not to respect us and treat us with compassion, then we will make room for the people to come into our lives that will Honor us and treat us with Respect. It is a continual growing each day to stand up against such dark and abusive energy, but we must stand up with Honor and integrity or things will never get better. We must do so with love, forgiveness and compassion, otherwise our energy is the same and we are just being another bully! With much love and hope for a positive change! Aaron --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contact Information: Website: spiritualhealing-enlightenment.us Email: aaronpierson777888@yahoo Videos: youtube/channel/UC1VPWru_32BIoPPBAKBgXxA?feature=watch Facebook: https://facebook/aaronwaynepierson You are also welcome to join my group “The Heart of Healing Maui” at facebook/groups/Muaihealing/ https://facebook/aaronpiersonhealingmaui ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 23:09:35 +0000

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