OUR DAILY BREAD(JOHN 4:7-15) Although 70 percent of the world is - TopicsExpress


OUR DAILY BREAD(JOHN 4:7-15) Although 70 percent of the world is covered by water, less than 1 percent of it is drinkable by humans. Water conservation and sanitation are crucial matters in many parts of the world, as all life depends on having sanitary water. we drink and thirst again. Jesus went out of His way to introduce a lost woman to another kind of life-giving water. He deliberately chose to go to a town in Samaria, a place where no respectable rabbi would set foot. There, He told this woman about “living water.” Those who drink of it, He said, “will never thirst.” It will “become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life” (John 4:14). For all who believe in Christ, who delight in the Word, there is no water shortage, no water ration, no parched land but pastures green and trees bearing fruit always in season because His water fails not. The living water is Jesus Himself. Those who receive Him have eternal life (v.14). But the living water He provides also serves another function. Jesus said of those who receive it: “Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water” (7:38). The living water that refreshes us is to refresh others also. As fresh-water distribution is uneven in the world, so too is the distribution of living water. Many people do not know followers of Jesus who really care about them. It is our privilege to share Him. Christ is, after all, the living water for whom people are thirsting. As we live for Him, may His life and love flow through us as we go about our duties today so that others may see Him through us and be drawn to the living water. May we decrease and allow Jesus to increase as we do this evangelism. Amen
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 09:22:57 +0000

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