OUR DAILY HOPE THE VOICE OF THE LORD Psalms 29:4-5 The - TopicsExpress


OUR DAILY HOPE THE VOICE OF THE LORD Psalms 29:4-5 The voice of the LORD is powerful; the voice of the LORD is full of majesty. The voice of the LORD breaketh the cedars; yea, the LORD breaketh the cedars of Lebanon. #BELOVED, the #VOICE OF THE #LORD in the ***L*I**F*E *** of the #BELIEVER is ***GOD***s ****WORD****. Wherever the ****WORD**** of the ***LORD*** is there is #Power, #Majesty, #Deliverance, #Success, #Prosperity and #Healing. YOU cannot have the VOICE OF ***GOD*** speaking daily in your ***L*I**F*E *** and YOU will fail. Its impossible to have ***GOD ****WORD**** and fail in ***L*I**F*E *** because HIS ****WORD**** does for YOU what YOU cannot do for yourself when YOU apply the #PRINCIPLE it provides. The POWER in ***GOD ****WORD**** is capable of breaking down any wall of limitations and demonic resistance in your ***L*I**F*E ***. Allow GOD VOICE to take #DOMINION over your SPIRIT, live by it, be led by it and YOU will see great wonders happening in your ***L*I**F*E ***. In fact you have no idea of the #POWER of GOD VOICE in your ***L*I**F*E***, if so YOU would have desire it day and night. The ****WORD**** is all YOU need to break out to any level in ***L*I**F*E***; be it in your #C@reer, #M@rri@ge, #Ministry or whatever #Desire ****GOD**** has placed in your #HEART. Nothing can hold YOU, resist YOU or hinder YOU if the ****WORD**** is burning in your #SPIRIT in daily #OBEDIENCE. Believe what ***GOD*** has said in HIS ****WORD****about your ***L*I**F*E***, speak the ****WORD**** daily, confess it over every negative situation and watch the ****WORD**** break down anything which is not of ***GOD***in your ***L*I**F*E***. PRAYER: FATHER LET THE VOICE OF YOUR SPIRIT BLOW INTO MY LIFE IN JESUS MAJESTIC AND MIGHTY NAME GODS VOICE IS WORKING FOR ME OH YES MAJESTICALLY WORKING THANK YOU JESUS!!! THE LIVING WORD!!! AMEN!!!!!!!!!
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 09:57:37 +0000

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