OUR DAILY PRAYER LIST THREE. Most recent prayer requests are - TopicsExpress


OUR DAILY PRAYER LIST THREE. Most recent prayer requests are listed from the top!!! Regina and everyone in her family... Blessings, healing, comfort, peace, strength, mercy and grace. Regina had a very bad fall hurting her back and she is in a great deal of pain! She also lost a first cousin who was very close to her heart and her soul who went home to be with our Father in Heaven! Please keep her and everyone her precious family and your daily thoughts! Arlene, her husband call everyone and their precious family... Blessings, healing, strength, comfort, peace, mercy and grace. Arlene has a very bad sinus infection and she injured herself so that her she is hurting from her shoulder to her face. Please keep her and everyone in her precious family in your daily thoughts and prayers. Janis, her family, her friends family and all of their friends friends, .. Blessings, comfort, peace, strength, protection, mercy and grace. Another of Janis hunting buddy friends went home to be with our Father in Heaven! Please keep Janis, her family, her friends family and all of his friends in your daily thoughts and prayers! Janis, her family, her friend, Otis MacDonalds family and all of his friends friends... Blessings, comfort, peace, strength, protection, mercy and grace. Janis hunting buddy, Otis went home to be with our Father in Heaven! Please keep everyone touched by this death in your thoughts and prayers! Melissa, her mom Cassandra and everyone in the family... Blessings, peace, comfort, strength, protection, mercy and grace. My neighbor, Melissa lost her Uncle Charlie who went home to be with our Father in Heaven! Please keep them in your daily prayers! Jolynn Garcia and everyone in his family... Blessings, healing, strength, peace, comfort, mercy and grace. Jolynn is only 4 years old when she recently found out that she has a brain tumor. Please keep her and her family in your thoughts and prayers! Derrick and everyone in his family... Blessings, healing, guidance, direction, peace, mercy and grace. Please keep Derrick and his family in your thoughts and prayers asking God to bless them and provide His guidance and Will in their lives. Allison, her family and everyone who lives in Scotland... Blessings, protection, peace, comfort, guidance, mercy and grace. They are experiencing dangerous winds in Scotland and waves high above their normal levels. Please keep everyone who lives in Scotland in your thoughts and prayers! Annette, Anna her daughter and Alan her husband... Blessings, healing, strength, comfort, peace, mercy and grace. Please remember Annettes daughter, Anna in your thoughts and prayers. Annas guinea pig went home to be with our Father in Heaven and everyone in this family is suffering from a cold and related symptoms. Judys grandma, Minnie and everyone in her precious family... Blessings, healing, strength, comfort, peace, mercy and grace. Judys grandmother, Minnie need your loving prayers as she was recently released from the hospital and is now at home. Please keep her and her family in your thoughts and prayers! Dawns daughter and everyone in her family... Blessings, guidance, knowledge, peace, strength, mercy and grace. Dawns daughter will be doing her finals at school the next few days and she desperately need your love and prayers for strength and guidance! Please remember Dawn and everyone in her precious family in your thoughts and prayers! Connie and everyone in her family... Blessings, healing, strength, comfort, peace, mercy and grace. Connie has had a virus for several days and she is suffering with bad migraine headaches. Please keep Connie and everyone in her precious family in your thoughts and prayers! Lois and everyone in her family... Blessings, healing, strength, freedom from oppression, guidance, peace, comfort, mercy and grace. Please remember Louis and everyone in her precious family in your thoughts and prayers! She has requested prayer for freedom from oppression in her life and for Gods protection each and every day of it! Shirley, her husband, her children and everyone in their families... Blessings, healing, strength, peace, mercy and grace. Please remember Shirley and her family in your thoughts and prayers as she goes to have a brain scan done to determine the cause of her constant painful headaches! Please keep everyone in this precious family in your daily thoughts and prayers! Courtneys friend, Rose and everyone in her family... Blessings, healing, strength, peace, comfort, mercy and grace. Please remember Rose and everyone in her precious family in your thoughts and prayers as she is battling lung cancer. Courtneys friend, Tracy and everyone in her family... Blessings, healing, strength, comfort, peace, mercy and grace. Tracy has brain cancer and she and her family need your loving prayers! Annettes father, Hoyt and everyone and their precious family... Blessings, healing, strength, peace, comfort, guidance, mercy and grace. Annettes father had a passing out episode while he was in the car. Fortunately, someone else was driving! Please remember him and everyone in his precious family in your thoughts and prayers. Crystals Pastor Larry Connour, his wife Patti, their son Mark, his wife, Courtney and Larry & Pattis eldest son, Greggs family... Blessings, healing, strength, peace, comfort, guidance, protection, mercy and grace. Gregg went home to be with our Father in Heaven and his precious family need your loving players each and every day! Reginas prayer request for a precious five year old girl who was being moved from home to home but does not have a place to be loved.... Blessings, healing, guidance, comfort, peace, strength, love, mercy and grace. Please remember this precious child who does not have a home where she can be loved that she can stay for all time. Please pray for everyone who is displaced and does not live in a loving home! Reginas family friends whose husband has pancreatic cancer that has spread to his liver and his son, who has spina bifida who is unresponsive to treatment because of a UTI and because he is septic... Blessings, healing, comfort, peace, strength, guidance, mercy and grace. Please remember everyone in this precious family, especially the father who has pancreatic cancer that has spread to his liver and his son who has spina bifida and is unresponsive to his treatment. Please keep everyone in this precious family in your daily thoughts and prayers! Praise the Lord! Our young brother in class with spina bifida is doing better :-). His blood pressure is up, his blood gases are better and he is showing signs of improvement! Please continue to pray for him, his father and everyone in their family. Regina, her husband, Randy and her son, Patrick... Blessings, healing, strength, peace, comfort, mercy and grace. Patrick is having complications from a surgery, her husband, Randy is having to wait until February to have his neck repaired and Regina has pancreatitis again. Please keep everyone in this precious family in your thoughts and prayers each and every day! Cleos daughter, Linda and everyone in her family... Blessings, healing, Gods favor, help in finding a man of God, financial blessings, peace, guidance, mercy and grace. Please remember Linda in your thoughts and prayers! Her mother has requested prayers for her to find Gods Will in her life, helped her to find a man of God and provide a financial blessing for her and her family. Christines friend, Debby and her family... Blessings, comfort, peace, strength, mercy and grace. Please remember Debbie and everyone in your family in your thoughts and prayers! Debbies son, Billy, 23 years old, was found dead and they desperately need your loving prayers! Taras friend, Nikki Stills father, Walter Lawhorn and everyone in his family.. Blessings, healing, strength, comfort, peace, guidance, mercy and grace. Walter has been very sick and he and his family desperately need your love and prayers! Please keep Walter and everyone in his family in your thoughts and prayers each and every day. Judys friend, Heather Traylor and everyone in host family... Blessings, healing, strength, peace, comfort, mercy and grace. Please remember Heather and everyone and how precious family in your thoughts and prayers! Heather has been very sick and she need your loving prayers. Val, children and everyone and her family... Blessings, healing, strength, financial blessings, peace, mercy and grace. Val and her family are in dire financial condition and they are going through trial after trial in their lives. Please remember our dear sister in Christ, her children and everyone in her family in your daily thoughts and prayers! Alexander and everyone in his family... Blessings, guidance, help finding a job, peace, mercy and grace. Alexander does not have a job and he has requested prayer that God help him find one. Please keep him and everyone in his family in your thoughts and prayers! The family of Douglas Archer and all of his friends... Blessings, comfort, peace, strength, mercy and grace. Douglas was killed in a head-on automobile accident and his family and friends need your loving prayers! Jimmy, Melinda and everyone in their family... Blessings, healing, strength, comfort, peace, mercy and grace. Both Jimmy and Melinda have the flu and they need your loving prayers! Mallapudis friend at church, Nageswarao and his family... Blessings, healing, strength, peace, comfort, mercy and grace. Our dear brother in Christ is paralyzed and has lost one leg. Please keep him and everyone in his family in your thoughts and prayers! Sofia and everyone in this family... Blessings, healing, strength, peace, protection, mercy and grace. Sofia is in NICU and will be there for about a week. Everyone in this precious family need your loving prayers! Kasirye Ronald, his family and his ministry... Blessing, guidance, financial support, helping him to find a church and land, helping the underprivileged children where he lives, peace, mercy and grace. Please remember my dear brother in Christ, his family and his ministry in your thoughts and prayers! He has requested prayer for God to provide a place for him to have a church and the land to build it on. Please remember Sandy, her children, her brother in law and his place of employment in your thoughts and prayers. Her brother in law and everyone he works with do not have any heat so please pray that God will provide this need! Brantley Christian Gunder, Kimberley, Chase and everyone in their family. .. Blessings, healing, strength, protection, guidance, peace, mercy and grace. Brantley is my new nephew! Please keep him and everyone in this precious family in your thoughts and prayers! Thank You, Lord Jesus for bringing this young man into our family! We love You so very much! Sharon, Danny Jeter and everyone in their family... Blessings, healing, strength, comfort, peace, mercy and grace. Sharon had a laparoscopic procedure done on the 23rd of December and was readmitted to the hospital recently with an abscess and infection. She had a CT scan and found out that her gallbladder was full of gallstones. Her lungs are also collapsing from her current condition. Please keep Sharon, Danny and everyone and their precious family in your thoughts and prayers each and every day! A very dear friend of mines son is in the hospital right now on suicide watch. Please pray that God will place a hedge of angels around him to protect him and provide people who will be able to touch his heart and help him! Please keep my friend, their son and everyone and their precious family in your thoughts and prayers! Song is on Lois friend, Elizabeth and everyone in her family... Blessings, healing, strength, comfort, peace, mercy and grace. Elizabeth has lupus and has a 102 fever. She has a yellow tongue and she may have to be hospitalized with bleeding internal organs. Please keep Elizabeth in your thoughts and prayers! Please say a special prayer for all of those who are homeless, those who do not have a place to stay and those who are dealing with difficult situations in their lives. We are so very blessed in so many ways! Keep those who are dealing with hard times and are less fortunate in your thoughts and prayers. Johns wife, Jaya and everyone and their family... Blessings, healing, strength, comfort peace, comfort, mercy and grace. Our dear sister in Christ is having digestive problems and she need your loving prayers! Elaine and everyone in her family... Blessings, healing, peace, strength, comfort, mercy and grace. Elaine is dealing with some depression and she need your loving prayers each and every day! Sulema and her children... Blessings, healing, strength, peace, guidance, mercy and grace. Please remember my dear sister in Christ and her children in your thoughts and prayers! She has several unspoken prayer requests and she need your loving prayers. Stuart Scott family and all of their friends... Blessings, peace, comfort, strength, mercy and grace. Stuart Scott was an amazing human being an awesome announcer on ESPN. He recently died of stomach cancer and his family and all of his friends need your loving prayers! Christine and everyone in her family... Blessings, healing, strength, peace, comfort, mercy and grace. Christine has a very bad infection and she is on antibiotics and she need your loving prayers! Barbaras friend, Myles. and everyone in his family... Blessings, healing, strength, comfort, peace, mercy and grace. Myles has a bad back and he need your loving prayers! Please keep him and everyone in his family in your thoughts and prayers. Danielle and everyone in her family... Blessings, guidance, direction, peace, strength, mercy and grace. Danielle is at some crossroads in her life and she needs Gods guidance and direction. Please remember Danielle and everyone in her precious family in your thoughts and prayers! Lisa D, her daughter Katy and everyone in their precious families... Blessings, protection, healing, strength, guidance, peace, mercy and grace. Katy had a beautiful healthy baby boy! Praise the Lord :-). Please keep this precious unborn child, the mother, the father and everyone in this precious family in your thoughts and prayers! Jeannie and everyone in her family... Blessings, healing, strength, guidance, peace, mercy and grace. Jeannie recently found out that she has a lump on her thyroid. She is afraid that it may be cancer! She will have a biopsy to have this tested and have follow up treatment thereafter. Please continue praying for her and her family! Lynn and everyone in her family... Blessings, healing, strength, peace, guidance, mercy and grace. Lynn has the flu and she has some unspoken prayer request and she need your loving prayers! Barbara, her husband, her son and everyone in their family... Blessings, guidance, peace, healing, strength, mercy and grace. Barbaras husband has been sick and he need your loving prayers. Her son is going through some tough times in his life and he need some some mercy and guidance. Please continue to keep everyone in this precious family in your thoughts and prayers! Nancys friend, Charlie, his wife, Karen and everyone in their family... Blessings, healing, peace, comfort, strength, mercy and grace. Charlie recently found out that he does have pancreatic cancer and that is his spread throughout his body. Please keep him and everyone this precious family in your thoughts and prayers! Only been given 6 months to live! Please pray very hard for Charlie and his wife Karen and everyone in this family! Sandys mom and everyone in their family... Blessings, healing, peace, strength, comfort, mercy and grace. Sandys mother has dementia and she needs your loving prayers! Courtney and everyone and their family... Blessings, strength, peace, comfort, mercy and grace. Their pecky lil furbaby, Kitty Baby went home to be with our Father in Heaven! Please keep Courtney and everyone in her precious family in your thoughts and prayers! Bonas and everyone in their family... Blessings, healing, strength, peace, guidance, comfort, mercy and grace. Please remember my dear brother in Christ and everyone in this precious family in your thoughts and prayers his aunt recently went home to be with our Father in Heaven! Marilee, her son, Michael, his wife Jessica and their children Trey and Tyler... Blessings, peace, comfort, guidance, strength, mercy and grace. Please keep everyone in this precious family in your daily thoughts and prayers as they are going through some tough situations and their lives.
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 11:24:06 +0000

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