[OUR ENEMIES KNOWS OUR POLITICAL PARTIES ARE HIGHLY CORRUPTAND INDIA IS A DIVIDED NATION EVEN TO ACT IN NATIONAL INTERESTS] * After more than two hundred years of British rule, India finally won back its freedom on 15th August, 1947. All the patriotic hearts rejoiced at seeing India becoming a sovereign nation and the triumph of hundreds and thousands of martyred souls *But what happened later after independance and in the last 20 years or so more,the politicians started filling their pockets with black money,by mortgaging hard tax payer money in scavenge contracts and accepting black money for the favours done by them.India is the biggest importer of arms and ammunition in the worldas compared to this nation producing most of these latest designed and using brains of indians who are acknowledged as the best in th world or why 100 % FDI not allowed in defence. *Since still it will be cheaper and save lot of money in investments,given opportunity for private sector to participate but not allowed by the government,since the big and most powerful getting favours in contracts,both in services and the defnce ministry. *Both our neighbours ie China attackin from ladakh front and pakistan from the jammu and kashmir,are fully collided to dare India to challenge them,since they know fully well our political parties are divided even on national issues,high corruption in most powerful lobbey which can play to there tunes of aggressor,they give to us and we run to there countries to explain our stand,which they do,nt care,they just laugh upon our nation as the biggest democracy in the world as joke. *The worst thing is though the supreme court has given examplary decisions for reforms of candidates fir election purposes,still supreme court not able to dictate reforms in RTI on political parties since they become one and try to pass resolutions ,as not on the ground ,they are private parties funded and not of the Government,why the supreme court not ruling out,all political parties are part of the govenment,since they are funded either by the private funding,co funding or donations received from abroad,on the ground,once any member of them becomes an MP or MLA,Minister or special high office. *He becomes a government servant.Why the supreme court not showing its teeth to the political parties to debate national issues without interruptions of the house,the parliament hardly run for 35 days in a year,is it not corruption of the highest order. *Another problem is political parties MP,s?MLA,s are not even doing the Routine job of the office they are paid for,why can,t the Supreme court of India ask them to speak there mind on issues which confront the nation ,like opinions to be debated on lok sabha seats to be filled in J&K and rajya sabha of 1/3 rd Kashmir occupied by Pakistanetc and keep every body engaged since they are simply wasting time and enjoying free payments,enjoying subsadized food ,travel and many other parks. *Who has given them the right to increase there own salaries and perks.Not a single penny of black money or corruption cases has been unfolded,is it our image of india,sorry it is simply pity and highly shameful. PREM SAGAR GUPTA
Posted on: Thu, 08 Aug 2013 15:34:57 +0000

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