OUR FATHER HAS GIVEN TALENTS TO INDIVIDUALS Holy Spirit gave me a prophetic thought about how Our Father has placed certain talents in a man & woman for the benefit of us human beings. If the husband & wife know this, they would be greatly blessed & they would not hinder one another to receive blessing from one another, for the benefit of their family. Many times because of lack of knowledge of God’s Word some spouses have hindered one another to receive blessing to flow in the family. When the wife wants to give her opinions or judgments in certain matters in family life, suddenly the husbands tells her, “You keep quiet, what do you know about this problem.” So, the wife is always shut up in many situations & the family looses the blessings. Our Father has given talents to individuals, which when realized & accepted will be a great blessing for the family, but because her man has an ego problem (or vice versa) the wife is never allowed to share her views, thinking that she is a weaker vessel & she cannot contribute anything. This done regularly closes her mouth forever & she thinks that she has nothing to contribute. If the husband only knew that she is a help meet to meet him half the way in many areas of married life, the entire family could be blessed. Remember, there are times when one cannot hear Holy Spirit’s communication in certain areas because of anger, bitterness or other heart issues so the other can hear & become a blessing for the family. For e.g.: Our Father has procreated my wife in such a way that there are some areas in which she has more common sense than me. Because of this I have learned that there are some situations in which my wife is better able to understand Holy Spirit’s direction to me as husband and wife than I can. When both married partners are Born Again Christians, the husband is the priestly leader in the home. As the priestly leader he has to learn to ask his wife for her opinion and judgments in certain types of situations, because in certain types of situations his wife is better able to understand what Holy Spirit is saying to the two of them. When both the husband and wife in a marriage are Born Again Christians, this is something very important for the husband to learn. This is part of the help mate or help companion concept. (See Genesis 2:20.) The words that you speak in asking your wife for her opinions and judgments are words that strengthen your angels and weaken any demons in the area. This will keep both humble & know that both are important partners in a marriage relationship. God has made her to be help meet, which means she is there to help the husband meet in some areas where he cannot do it without her. Lastly, remember, as the husband is our Father’s beloved child so is his wife our Father’s beloved child. Our Father wants to tell the husband, Look my son; I have given my beloved daughter to you, take good care of her. Then he turns to the wife & says, Look my daughter, I have given my beloved son to you, take good care of him.” - Pastor Paul Silway
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 18:29:42 +0000

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