OUR FATHERS ARE FIGHTING OUR CALLINGS. Hello happy friends. Pursuant to the thoughts we shared in the past few days, we have received numerous messages from fellow ministers; especially those of a younger generation. We are grateful for all the testimonies and correspondence but one statement among some of them raised concern in us. Some of these said Our Fathers are fighting our callings because they dont want us to respond to the call of God unless we have been through bible college, trained or ordained...........their concerns go on. Well our thoughts and suggestions are as follows: 1. It is important to understand that the fathers who insist on your training and your following of order are not suggesting that training brings the call of God but it certainly does greatly impact your preparedness and ability to sustain the calling. Brothers and sisters, understand that the bible actually forbids appointing nor anointing a young christian(novice) to high ministerial duties. Doing so is endangering their lives. If it is bad with appointing them, how worse is it for them to appoint and anoint themselves?. The bible says: 1 Timothy 3:6 Do not appoint or anoint a new Christian as an elder, or he might become arrogant like the devil and be condemned. The scripture above shows you the danger of pride that always crips in when person is prematurely exposed. So the fathers are not fighting you but fighting for you and for your good. 2. When a person who is not mature is given the role to oversee the work of God he or she is both a danger to himself and to the people he is a leading. Ecclesiastes 10:16 says Woe to thee, O land, when thy king is a child, and thy princes banquet in the morning! The scriptures here warns that a land ruled by a child is not safe. The same applies for a ministry. However, take note that being a child in spiritual matters does not necessarily depend on age but spiritual maturity. 3. The word of God has shown a pattern for us to learn from . In Romans 15:4 says whatever was written in the bible was written for our learning. When you read scripture, you find the order of God. We see the disciples not taking off to minister except when Jesus releases them to do so, Paul (loaded as he was with revelation) does not set out until the day he and Barnabas are released by the Apostles, we see that the hands of the elders were laid on Timothy...for what??.....he was ordained into ministry..........examples are numerous. While we see others without anyone directly raising them in the bible, you who has an opportunity must not assume God will treat you the same. The place of kingdom governmental structures that God has put in place should not be treated lightly and they should not be bended at our convenience. 4. Sometimes it is not the calling that is an issue but a very unhealthy desire for independence. This can be a danger. A child left to himself will end up ruined (Proverbs 29:15) And the true spirit of Jesus brings the hearts of the fathers to children and vice-versa. Anything that pulls your heart away from fathers is not of Christ . Why do you feel unsafe or insecure among them?- Malachi 4:6 5. Every serious career has standards. Imagine that Accountants on average need four years to study, medical doctors go through 7 years plus to meet human standards of preparation to take care of people, name any career ....they have standards of minimum training. I say to you brother/sister even ministry has standards and ethics. If all these prepare so much before being certified, how much more you who will affect how people will spend their lives here on earth and for eternity? It is quite obvious that you actually need more preparation and mentoring. Why does Paul says study to show yourself approved unto God? - 2 Timothy 2:15 It is the same even in medical school, you are expected to study and know before being approved. For the bible to say study to be approved by God, it may mean there are some that God does not approve on account of insufficient study of his word. Where there is need for approval then you also have disapproval. 6. There is more to ministry than the gift to preach, heal the sick, prophesy etc. The fallacy of many is that they set out assuming that the gift alone with handle all aspects of ministry. Your fathers may not tell you in plain words but sometimes they are protecting you from this misconception because some of them have learnt this lesson and are merely helping you. Many discover over time that what you do in the pulpit may actually account for 10% or less of what really runs ministry. It is the 90% that is critical that in most cases you cant teach yourself. We will not dwell on what some of these are today for want of space. Well the list of my responses is endless but my words of encouragement to my brothers and sisters setting out in ministry is ........While you have the right to respond to the call of God be encouraged by 1 Corinthians 14:40 which says: LET ALL THINGS BE DONE DECENTLY AND IN ORDER The thoughts above are not exhaustive but remember fathers are NOT fighting your calling. They are helping you to do things decently and in order. It is for your good. Even if they acted in a way that they should not, count it all joy because it is part of your training. I see someone laying a strong foundation for ministry in Jesus name. Somebody shout God bless our spiritual fathers. If you can, feel free to even personalise and name your father as you respond. You must proudly honour them.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 04:38:09 +0000

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