OUR HOME Garden of Eden, that’s our home. It is a special place - TopicsExpress


OUR HOME Garden of Eden, that’s our home. It is a special place in the Kingdom of God, in the whole universe He created, for mankind, made into His image, to dwell. It is a special place where two total different realms, the physical and the spiritual, the seen and unseen, make contact with each other and merge together as if they were one, overlapping. It is the place where God who is Spirit, can walk among man and be perceived in a way impossible outside that special place. Garden of Eden is the Kingdom of Heaven, lying in the Kingdom of God. Our birthplace, our destination. This Kingdom of Heaven lies not in a distant Heaven, far far away from Earth, for it is not a pure spiritual realm. It is not called ‘Kingdom IN Heaven’ but ‘Kingdom OF Heaven’. It lies on Earth where at the moment a veil exist between seen and unseen, caused by sin. The gospel, the good message Lord Christ came to announce was that the veil will be removed, when we walk in the will of God, the Father. What is bound on earth is bound in heaven, what is unbound on earth will be the same in heaven. We are in that special place in God’s infinitive universe where spiritual and natural merge together in union, for the Garden of Eden is under our very nose as is the throne of the King of Kings. But sin hold this veil in check until the moment everyone will acknowledge God and will bow in reference to Lord Christ, who is given the throne of the Kingdom of Heaven. We, who have come to the Faith are send as workers in the field, in the vineyard of the Lord, to build in the divine Kingdom that is allready under construction, until it is completly finished. Jesus Christ came to put the first stone, the corner stone, to set God, the Father’s plan into motion. Slowly but steady, with each further stone being put on top of the former, we bring heaven closer to earth and earth closer to heaven. Slowly but steady, with each work, the existing veil weakens. Every revelation, every person coming to the Faith, every good deed done in the will of God, every prayer, every miracle, they all count, bringing that day of full establishment of the Kingdom of Heaven a bit closer. And as Christ putted the first stone of this Kingdom, so will He put the last stone to finish and fulfill at His coming for just like the Father, so is the Son first and last. The two images on top of each other will melt into one image : both seen and unseen become one. For our home lies not in the spiritual realm, nor in the physical realm, for we are the most special creature made in the Kingdom of God : we were made into His image. We have foothold in both realms. Our new bodies will be neither of spiritual material, nor of physical material but consisting of both, setting us above any other creature God have ever created. God, the Father is spirit and God, the Son came into the flesh but when we will see Lord Christ again, we will experience neither spirit nor flesh but God standing both spiritual and physical combined before us for seen and unseen will become one.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Jun 2013 22:04:23 +0000

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