OUR LIVES BEGIN TO END THE DAY WE BECOME SILENT ABOUT THINGS THAT MATTER Dr Martin Luther King ,Jr. Luke 19:39-40, And some of the pharisees from among the multitude said unto him,Master rebuke thy disciples. And he answered and said unto them,I tell you that,if these should hold their peace ,the stones would immediately cry out There comes a time in every nations historicity,that this scripture in Exekiel 22:30 comes into playI searched for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand in the gap before me for the land ,so that I would not destroy it:but I found no one Are you willing to step into this gap?There is so much that needs to be addressed in this Country,but the country through the church needs some one who will first address God about the nation .It sounds easy ,but it must be hard to locate such a person or persons or the Lord wouldnt need to search for such a person or persons.We are grateful and thankful for all the prayers knocking on heavens door on behalf of Cameroon and Cameroonians.More grace ,more grace, to all the prayer warriors. We must first and foremostly thank God for the relative peace we have so far enjoyed in Cameroon , but for this Boko Haram who is trying to mess in our internal political system. This may be a harbinger of bad news but at the same time a wake up call for Cameroonians to know that anything can spring forth,but God forbid. We must garner our spiritual strength in prayers,as some are already doing but at the same time be alert and ready for the unseen. We applaud our president,Paul Biya for his resiliency, in not taking this lying down ,but standing tall and butting Boko Haram out of our national tertitory.He may still be lingering around but his days are numbered in this country. This is the time when we ,as a nation must and should show our solidarity by standing behind our government ,unshakeable ,by being patriotic allies to the endeavors of the incumbent government. We may have our differences and issues, but there are moments when a people should bury their varying hatchets and mobilised ,like now, and support the national team on the field until we bring home the victory,now is such a time.lets be united in our thoughts and mind and action,indivisible in our intent and root out this encroaching enemy.A united front is what we need at this juncture.As the church pulls in the prayer power ,let each of us be quilty to be so potriotically committed in our various corners until we see this leech of a Boko Haram ran out and trampled underfoot.We raise our hats to the Tchadian army already on our soil to lend their expertise and their solidarity. We will not see shame.I release a divine verdict for the total and complete annihilation of Boko Haram and his hench men.I declare a decree that their days are numbered. I salute our president for his stance in this dire circumstances.May God grant president Paul Biya the wisdom to forge ahead victoriously. We are Cameroonians first before being Francophones or Anglophones and as Cameroonians first ,we win in the unchallengeable name of Jesus Christ.
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 22:39:44 +0000

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