OUR LOVELY DAVE WOULD LIKE TO SAY A FEW WORDS Hi there, Dave here. I am trying to be upbeat about the sad situation I find myself in, but inside I feel like I a... See More OUR LOVELY DAVE WOULD LIKE TO SAY A FEW WORDS Hi there, Dave here. I am trying to be upbeat about the sad situation I find myself in, but inside I feel like I am the loneliest dog in the world. I crave affection and human company, and dont want to be behind bars as I have so much love to give. My carers at Holly Hedge tell me Im such a lovely, cuddly boy, and someday soon I will find the caring home I deserve. As you can see by my photo, I am a Staffie, but please dont let that put you off. Sometimes I would give anything to be born a Collie, or x-breed of any kind, or even the scruffiest, bedraggled stray. Then some-one would look at me and their heart would melt – and the reserve would go on MY kennel. We Staffies have feelings too, and I should be proud to be who I am – but because we so often fall into the wrong hands, and are the most over bred, abused and unwanted breed, we are always overlooked and passed by because people dont really understand we are the victims, and suffer for being who we are. Yet despite all the stigma, we are the most loving, loyal, people-friendly dog you could wish for. I lie awake at night wondering if I will ever be chosen. I hear visitors looking to adopt say, “No we dont want a Staffie, they have a bad reputation” and it breaks my heart. If only they knew how loyal we are, and that we would give our lives for those we love. Like so many rescues I have a story to tell. I didnt have a life, I had an existence – always hungry, always fearful, and trying so hard to be what was expected of me, because I knew the consequences if I put a paw wrong! I was found by a really nice couple who saw me being kicked and terrified out of my wits by my cruel owners. This was nothing new to me, and I did what I always did, and just cringed in fear and took my beating. I still dont understand what I did wrong. My rescuers somehow managed to take me away, and I was so pleased to be going with them as they made me feel safe. Their voices were kind and gentle, and they took me to a nice warm home where they fed me and gave me a lovely comfortable bed to sleep on. I really thought I had died and gone to heaven, I couldnt believe my luck. I was introduced to their existing dog who didnt exactly welcome me with open paws, but I guess he just felt a bit put out that his mum and dad made me feel so at home and wanted as they felt so sorry for me. I know they would have kept me if things had been different, but it wasnt to be. I didnt know then, but the lovely lady that rescued me only had a short time to live, and I hear she has now passed away. I want her to know how much it meant to me that I have been given the chance of a new lease of life – never to live in fear again. So when I feel sad and rejected, and that I am a hopeless case, I think of my lovely rescuer, and she gives me the strength to live in hope and dream of better days to come. I will be the happiest chappie ever when the reserve goes on my door. Please, please make it soon so my life can begin again. Thank you Jo for all you did to help me, I will never forget you. Yours sincerely Dave xxx To see Daves page: hollyhedge.org.uk/detail/default.aspx?itemID=439
Posted on: Sat, 05 Apr 2014 18:01:13 +0000

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